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Colored Guy

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Posts posted by Colored Guy

  1. Things on the lower leg tend to heal slower for some people, I think it may take a bit longer and you'll be fine.

    I have vascular damage on my right lower leg from an old gunshot wound. Everything is slow to heal from ink to bug bites. I was told I may need a vein transplant or something else done down the road.


  2. I've come full-circle with it. I had tattoos that I wasn't crazy about showing my parents, but I did and never hid them. My mom was one of my biggest fans and loved them.. dad.. not so much. But he had a very strict upbringing.

    So now I am the parent. My oldest son doesn't have any since he's almost always broke. My youngest is inked, he works and makes a decent wage. But he has some of those $25 gems on him that he doesn't show us. I only found out by chance. He knows that I'd have something to say about him getting cut-rate tattoos by apprentices. I only hope they weren't done in someone's kitchen or bedroom...


  3. MY sister in law was over the other night, she's a big shot in commercial banking and we were talking tattoos, as she has a few small ones. She mentioned that her boss noticed that she still had the one showing on her ankle, like he didn't approve. She does deal directly with clients every day, I'll have to ask if anyone of them ever said anything to her directly.


  4. @Breakme - whatever is working for you, just keep doing it - no itchies would be heaven! I think the healthy route you are doing would be best - I am trying to treat the healing process like I am getting over a cold and have to take care of myself. And the fact that I seem to be fighting a cold isn't helping much! Good luck and don't jinx the healing.

    I was once getting close to my appointment and came down with a bad sinus infection. It was pretty much over by the time I took to the chair but I was worried I'd have to postpone it. I was on antibiotics for 10 days and over it but still a little weaker than usual.

    I'm on a roll for the past couple of years with things that may or has derailed my appointment. Food poisoning, death in the family, wife in surgery, etc.


  5. I honestly believe that if Chris Nunez was a contestant on this show, he wouldn't get that far...his actual tattooing is not on par with how good he thinks his tattooing is. I haven't seen every piece of work he's done, but some of what I have seen is not great, at all.

    He can probably still hold his own tattooing but really comes off as total elitist-scum on the show. Not that many of the contestants are great artists by any means. They're probably chosen by their douche factor (and going along with the format of the show) over any tattooing talent they may possess.

  6. Freddy Corbin looked like he had his comments well edited . He looked like he was bored out his head and wanted to kill them all. Why is he called Sausage get a proper name ffs. They are all shit.

    Honestly, based on appearance and how some of these artists conduct themselves on the show, I'd probably not consider getting anything done by 90% of them. Sausage has done some real nice work on the shows I saw of this season, but I agree...get a real name.


  7. I was ready to give her a list of artists I go to along with cards, which I keep for all of my artists, until she started to solicit me tattoos out of a van. I felt kind of disrespected by it, as if I would get a tattoo out of a van. I didn't feel like telling a 40 year old off or telling her how stupid it was to keep doing so, because I don't like to start trouble with customers at my bar.

    There are people who I purposely don't tell what shops I go to.

  8. I read that the Nazis only tattooed numbers on the people they weren't intending for the gas chambers. They (nazis) would not waste time nor ink on those who they intended to kill.

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    My sister inlaw's father had the numbers on him too. Supposedly he was experimented on... I don't know what's worse, that or being dead.


  9. Family gatherings can be weird. On my wife's side, NOBODY is inked. Most of them are real stick-up-the-ass people except for my wife and her nephew. Her brothers & sister... they don't know anyone with a tattoo practically. On my side, almost everyone has a tattoo or more. My one son has about 7, nephews and neices have a bunch, some of the adults as well. My sister's husband is fairly covered with shit work from years back. He's too cheap to get any of them freshened up. So I look good next to him.


  10. I've been dealing with two of my work buddies committing suicide within a month of each other. Its been pretty rough.

    I have 2 guys I've known for years at work.... one in January comes down with a major brain tumor, surgery & the works, hear he's doing well but no idea when he's back, if he comes back. The other age 64 or so... suffers a massive stroke in his sleep this past weekend, not expected to come out of it. And these guys sat ACROSS the aisle from each other.


    - - - Updated - - -

    And here I was all stoked to read about how shitty people are acting. @Colored Guy sorry to hear that man, sounds like you're battling through though. @OutOfIdeas @radiofreejenn good luck!

    Thanks all. Been a real tough road this past month, we thought she was making progress and was back to work almost like normal. Now they have her on a way more aggressive chemo that is taking its toll. We were at Sloan Kettering yesterday from 10-3:30 getting her hydrated, etc. They gave her better pain medication (better than mine...) to take, changed up the anti-nausea medications, gave her some steroids so she can actually eat. It turns out that she does have LTD at work, so she's getting a normal check for staying home, we just found this out. I really don't want her even thinking about working until she gets a lot better.


  11. Lots of crazy shit used to go down in shops years back. Drug deals, dog fighting, you name it. I've been at shops that were closed to the public for the night while they inked up a chapter of the 81 or Pagans. And nobody leaves until everyone gets their tattoo, especially the artist who was expected to pull an all-nighter.

    Some shops, you'd pull up for your appointment and no artist.. the shop was closed up tight, go back the next day, same thing. I've seen shops closed, reopen the next week, new name, all new people, new flash and they sure as hell wouldn't honor anything that I had in progress even if it was paid up.


  12. Off color jokes and discussions are one thing, harassment is another. Personally, I've finished a girl's half sleeve that was started by another guy in town, because he kept making very obvious references to trading his services for intimacy, while trying to pass it off as a joke. And I've heard a lot of people say they quit going various places for similar reasons.

    Over the past 30 odd years I've seen the trade become a lot more professional from how the shops are run to how the artist carries him or herself and deals with the customers. There is really no room for anyone to be harassed or made uncomfortable. Word does get around these days a lot faster though.


  13. Karma is a bitch - bad things happening to bad people.

    I don't even think you can say something out loud regarding someone's tattoos at work. At least not something derogatory. We had someone in supervision say something to a tattooed contract worker we had working with us about his ink. The guy says nothing, but filed a complaint through his agency and the supervisor wound up with a reaming.

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