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Colored Guy

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Everything posted by Colored Guy

  1. Like being guaranteed that a train wreck is going to happen at a certain crossing at a certain time. How can anyone not go and watch? I think he added in some filler last season. I was discussing his crappy ink with a tattoo artist, she said he's the type that goes out and gets a tat whenever he has $50 in his pocket to spend. Rob
  2. All of mine have been covered up by something much nicer! Rob
  3. Have fun, but remember... they can always make it faster than you can drink it. Rob
  4. And they wouldn't let you watch??? I would have moved too... Rob
  5. Vise Grip pliers are your only salvation... squeeze wisely my friend.... Rob
  6. Tattoos look primo for the 1st month, its all downhill from there. I have white in tattoos that has stayed good for many years. You can always get them touched up over the years. Rob
  7. I'm dsylexic as hell... gotta watch anything I do at work with CAD drawings like a hawk. I put text in places, will color code datum lines just so I don't flip something the wrong way. My last back tat... I did the stencil artwork myself and added in a number at the bottom so I could tell if it was flipped. Of course the number was wiped off before the ink flowed... Rob
  8. I work in an office myself and really nobody knows I'm inked at all. I also have to be careful with light shirts. I have to be aware of reaching so my cuffs don't pull up too far. Rob
  9. I fixed my washing machine this past Monday... no idea what it was at first. Go to the internets... find the manual, parts list and a couple of videos that pin pointed the problem and showed me how to change the part... $19.07 later and maybe an hour of my time.. I'm a hero. Rob
  10. I've had various shots in tattooed areas... I've never noticed any sign after. One time, the girl gave me the shot, got rid of the needle, looked back where to put the little bandaid and couldn't find the site... I told her to leave it off.
  11. I wasn't aware of tipping the artist years ago. Since 2005 I've caught on and always give them something at the end of the session, or at the end of a multi-session tattoo. I stopped by the shop last night, gave each artist a bag of dried cayenne peppers that I grew last summer. All summer I stop by with fresh ones for them. Rob
  12. My shop gives me those packets of ant-bacteria spooge which I use for 3 days. Once it starts to peel, I go with non-scented lotions. You may having a reaction with the ink in the ribbon.. but it can be badly irritated like you say. I did have one tattoo on my foot become infected. It oozed pus and a big chunk of the color came up with the scab. I had it touched up once it healed. I would wash everything off it and rub it with an ice cube, over clear wrap if you want, just to get the irritation under control and cool it down. Let it dry over night and see how it looks in the morning, try some aquaphor on it or another hypo-genic lotion. Rob
  13. I tell 'em to go blow a goat... that usually holds them. Showing off tattoos: Gots to know your audience. Rob
  14. I see a blog like someone puking on the sidewalk.. and inviting people over to see the bits of corn and badly-chewed food in it. Rob
  15. I was okay with cooking... just give me a couple of percocets to get my head together. But when someone offers to pick up the tab... lemee get my shoes on.. we're outta here. Rob
  16. I had previewed my dragon chest piece a week before and I basically deep-sixed the design. I really liked the artist (she's out of the trade now), but she had a habit of not listening and missed some of the elements I was looking for. So I sat with her for a while and we changed some of it around and we were both happy... at least I was. I had no qualms about to walking out and cancel my appointments if I wasn't able to get what I wanted. I have no problem with minor stuff on tattoo-day. Sometimes as the tattoo progresses, new ideas present themselves. Rob
  17. No idea, it was on him. Just that people THINK they know you after many years and when they get their minds blown.. oh well. Rob
  18. I had to cook up a big pot of sauce for baked ziti, so I started drinking at 11 AM. Started with 24 oz cans of Old English 800 and sequed into Amstel Light. Took a nap from 4-5:30, got up and finished cooking and my guests showed up around 7. I wasn't shitfaced considering.. but stopped drinking after 8 PM. Downed around 15 beers in total. We ate, watched some NYE crap on the tube, played poker and shot off fireworks at 12. Slept late on the 1st and hit the diner for breakfast. I had a good time. Rob
  19. My shop uses a straight razor and I have never had an ingrown hair from it. Absolutely the smoothest shave ever. Rob
  20. Your basic eagle was okay.. just needed a little help. I like the look, nice job. Rob
  21. I find that artists like you to bring in reference material, even rough sketches. Then they have a better idea and the artistic talent (I'd hope...) to give you a nice clean sketch that will look good in ink. I've had tattoos made from parts of stencil art I've bought on tattoo sites, one did my koi right off a piece of artwork (non-tattoo related) I found. If you can't have that back-n-forth thing with the artist, you are probably better off going somewhere else. Rob
  22. I'd say go now and see how far it has gone. I generally like to okay it a week prior to my appointment, so we can change things around if needed. The last 2 I had done, I supplied the artwork 100% and all she had to do was the stencils. Rob
  23. People who run into me at the beach treat me differently at work... they can't believe what a difference between me at work and out of work. One guy flat out told me years ago he was pissed that he knew me for years and had no idea. Rob
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