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Everything posted by yamy

  1. looks so painful
  2. cool!
  3. do not like this
  4. no , i just have a small piece on my ankle.indeed,i do not have enough courage to get a big one
  5. some people said tommy supplies' tattoo machines are quite good but the price are also quite high the dragonhawk machines and Tmart machines supply many lower price machines but the quality can not up to the professional level Just as reference
  6. it looks very cool
  7. sure,everyone should bear the consequences for the choices they make. and I understand that some people enjoy pain, or the journey, or whatever, but for me when you start putting ink in your eyes, horns in your head, nose chopped off, holes in your face or just crazy black lines everywhere then you have gone to something else entirely
  8. I agree alot with what you are saying.
  9. just watched this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9X6nSXwcas To be honest, for me the Brutal Black Project does not look good. I fail to see the art in that and I don't find it aesthetically pleasing. What's you view on this stuff?
  10. maybe on your waist i think
  11. Does any one have scar on his neck and covered by the tattoo?
  12. maybe you can ask your artist and will get the details
  13. yamy

    hello !

    i did see a plastic surgeon and he said it's hard to cover it.so i think a tattoo may works. sorry Gingerninja,may the photo will cause you uncomfortable
  14. yamy

    hello !

    thanks ,Gingerninja. i had the surgery on 25th October last year. the scar is about 2 cm long which is protruding and obvious.
  15. yamy

    hello !

    hello guys, i am a newbie here. I have a scar due to a little surgery on my neck and want to cover it by a tattoo. since the scar is still healing now. i wonder when may i do a tattoo?
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