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    JAC1961 got a reaction from AverageJer in Post shitty things you have been doing recently   
    I thought it fit rather well lol.
    No kidding. We were preparing ourselves for much worse and were very happy to pay $300.
  2. Like
    JAC1961 reacted to Colored Guy in Full Back Piece Experience Thread   
    I posted this in the new tattoo section, but this one is finally done. I may expand on it, but not right now. Started last year in late September, next was late October, late November and this past Wednesday. Total of around 12 hours. Last session was pure murder even there was 2 months from the previous session. I like it.

  3. Like
    JAC1961 reacted to AverageJer in Post shitty things you have been doing recently   
    $300? This story is the happiest ending on the internet. Amazing and congrats!
  4. Like
    JAC1961 reacted to Gingerninja in Post shitty things you have been doing recently   
    Hahaha...best post for the shitty topic thread! @JAC1961
  5. Like
    JAC1961 got a reaction from Gingerninja in Post shitty things you have been doing recently   
    We've slowly, but surely been having plumbing, namely drainage problems.  Today it finally became a problem that couldn't be ignored.  Fortunately we called an honest plumber that instead of coming out and charging a few hundred bucks to tell us he couldn't do anything, he listened to the details and told us we probably needed our septic tank emptied.
    We called the local company that handles that type of thing and they had a truck here in about 30 minutes.  Within a little over an hour he had found the tank, dug thru the frozen ground and pumped 30 years of... well you know.  What we were afraid was going to be a costly expense was only $295... good shit!

  6. Like
    JAC1961 got a reaction from SStu in Post shitty things you have been doing recently   
    We've slowly, but surely been having plumbing, namely drainage problems.  Today it finally became a problem that couldn't be ignored.  Fortunately we called an honest plumber that instead of coming out and charging a few hundred bucks to tell us he couldn't do anything, he listened to the details and told us we probably needed our septic tank emptied.
    We called the local company that handles that type of thing and they had a truck here in about 30 minutes.  Within a little over an hour he had found the tank, dug thru the frozen ground and pumped 30 years of... well you know.  What we were afraid was going to be a costly expense was only $295... good shit!

  7. Like
    JAC1961 reacted to Dan in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    I just won today in a raffle with my work ,tickets were free, we all went to a Hispanic Food show, I won there.
    2 prizes.
    $100 amazon gift card,
    BeatsX BT headphones.

  8. Thanks
    JAC1961 got a reaction from Makmak in Tattoo aftercare question   
    I think all you can do at this point is let it heal and see what it looks like.
    If it happens again, just wet the shirt and let the dried plasma soften and it will come loose without damage.
  9. Like
    JAC1961 got a reaction from Gingerninja in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    @AtomicMagpyeSeems to be going well. First night there was some swelling and definitely sore, but the swelling is gone and only one spot near my arm pit that's still slightly tender to the touch.  I'm really happy with it, I think it will turn out great.
  10. Like
    JAC1961 got a reaction from Kingdomhearts25 in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    I'm super stoked. Yesterday I started my second tattoo, a tiger half sleeve on my left arm.  Done by Jeff Stress at Enso Tattoo in Columbus, Ohio.  I'll try to get better pics, this one is right after the fact.  Two things that amazed me, that it only took Kevin 2 hours and how much the pain level can change in just a matter of a couple inches.

  11. Like
    JAC1961 got a reaction from Boiled Dove in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    I'm super stoked. Yesterday I started my second tattoo, a tiger half sleeve on my left arm.  Done by Jeff Stress at Enso Tattoo in Columbus, Ohio.  I'll try to get better pics, this one is right after the fact.  Two things that amazed me, that it only took Kevin 2 hours and how much the pain level can change in just a matter of a couple inches.

  12. Like
    JAC1961 got a reaction from pidjones in #MeToo in the tattooing community   
    It's sad to see happen anywhere, but not surprising.  It happens in every walk of life, every profession, so there's no reason to think that tattoo artists are immune to it.
    Some may find it barbaric, but I believe in the old fashion ways.  If that type of thing happened years ago, the woman's father, brothers, uncles, etc. would impress upon the over-sexed prick the error of his ways and explain why it wouldn't happen again.  Of course today you can't do such things.
    When my wife and I got married MY dad told my wife that I if I ever laid a hand to her just to let him know and he'd take care of it... and he would have.
  13. Like
    JAC1961 got a reaction from LittleKitty in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    I'm super stoked. Yesterday I started my second tattoo, a tiger half sleeve on my left arm.  Done by Jeff Stress at Enso Tattoo in Columbus, Ohio.  I'll try to get better pics, this one is right after the fact.  Two things that amazed me, that it only took Kevin 2 hours and how much the pain level can change in just a matter of a couple inches.

  14. Like
    JAC1961 got a reaction from SStu in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    I'm super stoked. Yesterday I started my second tattoo, a tiger half sleeve on my left arm.  Done by Jeff Stress at Enso Tattoo in Columbus, Ohio.  I'll try to get better pics, this one is right after the fact.  Two things that amazed me, that it only took Kevin 2 hours and how much the pain level can change in just a matter of a couple inches.

  15. Like
    JAC1961 got a reaction from AtomicMagpye in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    @AtomicMagpyeSeems to be going well. First night there was some swelling and definitely sore, but the swelling is gone and only one spot near my arm pit that's still slightly tender to the touch.  I'm really happy with it, I think it will turn out great.
  16. Like
    JAC1961 got a reaction from guitguy in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    I'm super stoked. Yesterday I started my second tattoo, a tiger half sleeve on my left arm.  Done by Jeff Stress at Enso Tattoo in Columbus, Ohio.  I'll try to get better pics, this one is right after the fact.  Two things that amazed me, that it only took Kevin 2 hours and how much the pain level can change in just a matter of a couple inches.

  17. Like
    JAC1961 reacted to pidjones in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Wife and I decided to try and knock an item off the bucket list, so we are in Titusville, Florida. Toured the Kennedy Space Center (three days worth), and hope to  see a Falcon 9 go up on Tuesday. Won't stick around for Falcon Heavy (it's getting nuts around here already for that). Did get to see Falcon Heavy do its Static Hot Fire Test this week: (that was pretty awesome)

  18. Like
    JAC1961 got a reaction from pidjones in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    I'm super stoked. Yesterday I started my second tattoo, a tiger half sleeve on my left arm.  Done by Jeff Stress at Enso Tattoo in Columbus, Ohio.  I'll try to get better pics, this one is right after the fact.  Two things that amazed me, that it only took Kevin 2 hours and how much the pain level can change in just a matter of a couple inches.

  19. Like
    JAC1961 reacted to AtomicMagpye in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    @JAC1961 - hows the healing going - tattoo looks great so far - will be great to see progress as it goes...  2 hours sounds rapid!
  20. Like
    JAC1961 got a reaction from Hands On in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    I'm super stoked. Yesterday I started my second tattoo, a tiger half sleeve on my left arm.  Done by Jeff Stress at Enso Tattoo in Columbus, Ohio.  I'll try to get better pics, this one is right after the fact.  Two things that amazed me, that it only took Kevin 2 hours and how much the pain level can change in just a matter of a couple inches.

  21. Like
    JAC1961 got a reaction from tay943 in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    I'm super stoked. Yesterday I started my second tattoo, a tiger half sleeve on my left arm.  Done by Jeff Stress at Enso Tattoo in Columbus, Ohio.  I'll try to get better pics, this one is right after the fact.  Two things that amazed me, that it only took Kevin 2 hours and how much the pain level can change in just a matter of a couple inches.

  22. Like
    JAC1961 got a reaction from el twe in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    I'm super stoked. Yesterday I started my second tattoo, a tiger half sleeve on my left arm.  Done by Jeff Stress at Enso Tattoo in Columbus, Ohio.  I'll try to get better pics, this one is right after the fact.  Two things that amazed me, that it only took Kevin 2 hours and how much the pain level can change in just a matter of a couple inches.

  23. Like
    JAC1961 reacted to AtomicMagpye in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    @JAC1961 - thanks... ship was ok over two sessions - was convinced kraken wouldn't be too bad for one sitting... was wrong  ... final bits of white highlights resulted in a certain amount of fortitude failure :-)
  24. Like
    JAC1961 reacted to Gingerninja in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    @AtomicMagpye Ha! That's a tender spot for sure but it's done and you never have to do it again. Unless of course, you do the other side....
    I distinctly remember getting my right ribs done. It was only a four hour session and thankfully we finished. I remember calling my husband immediately after to tell him to slap me if I ever decide to do my left ribs. Within a month, I was planning my left ribs...*face palm.*
    (Note: he didn't slap me but he did remind me of the phone call!)
  25. Like
    JAC1961 got a reaction from AtomicMagpye in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    @AtomicMagpyeYour ship and Kraken are absolutely great!  I bet that was a test of endurance and fortitude.
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