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Posts posted by dustybitch

  1. On 1/18/2019 at 9:31 AM, bluebullets said:

    Further, seeing as my entire activity in the last few weeks has been me asking simple questions

    Stalker here,

    This is you trying to one up Dan in the other thread, know it all style; which again has been covered several times on the forum:

    "What Dan means to say is..

    You have to let it heal before you can accurately judge a tattoo. You can't tell if there's an issue in a week. 

    Give it a 3-4 weeks. Go back to get it fixed if you don't like it."

    On 1/18/2019 at 9:31 AM, bluebullets said:

    one could infer that I am not, in fact, a resident expert.

    No shit.

    I'm actually the farthest from a douche, just also tired of the same dumb questions being asked over and over by new posters (or 6 year posters). I understand most just want to show their tattoos (which is fine) but try doing an internet search first.

    On 1/18/2019 at 9:31 AM, bluebullets said:

    Well seeing as I haven't had a tattoo in years and I follow my artists aftercare instructions, I haven't felt the need to look up overapplication of lotion.

    Why would the aftercare change? How do you not know what too much lotion is?

    Answer: rub it in until fully absorbed.

    Also, post your half sleeve or one large tattoo.

  2. Bluebullets, there are multiple threads on this board about this and you didn't know it was a thing? How about doing some research before "permanently scarring" yourself? I'd expect more knowledge from a 6 year poster with a half sleeve tattoo 7 years deep or whatnot. 🙂

    Yes, I'm stalking your posts since you're coming off as the resident know it all.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Dan said:

    what do you have against flash ? IMO flash is great to see on the walls of a shop,

    flash makes it feel like a tattoo shop instead of some foo foo salon IMO,

    plus you I get a feel for what the artists there like to do.

    I especially love to see old flash.

    Not against flash on the walls, just feel like shops that don't have them are kind of going against the grain making people come in with a ref or straight forward idea to discuss.  Probably not good for business but who knows?

    The artists do have a couple of their framed paintings up, maybe they're too lazy to decorate.

  4. 8 hours ago, ChoWai said:

    @dustybitch Those are some really sweet tatts and bold outlines! 

    I like how you keep going back to this artist. Are they a favorite artist of yours? 



    Thanks again, he's a good friend who I get along great with; also helps that he's fast and has a light hand.  Shop he works at has zero flash on the walls which I also like.  I'd love to see the tattoos you currently rock. 🙂

    Here's the last of the pics I have.












  5. 22 hours ago, JAC1961 said:

    Very nice!


    14 hours ago, ChoWai said:

    Hi! You have a really nice collection of japanese one shots! You're no newbie at all! 

    I especially love your monmom cat and your Baku.


    Thank you too! Started as a newbie back in the 1990's with 3 but pretty much became addicted when I reached my 40's (55 deep so far); I dig sleeves but like to have the option of getting small filler pieces.  Here are a few more done by the same artist. 

















  6. On 10/5/2017 at 2:55 AM, Devious6 said:

    Welcome and congratulations on some nice pieces!!


    That dragon you're getting looks sweet; looking forward to seeing it finished.

    I also have plans to do one in the same place

  7. I also come from a Catholic S.A. mother and had to hide my tattoos or would have been beheaded.

    I'd say go bicep area in lieu of forearm for first tattoo to test the waters.  It seems you're not quite ready to pull the trigger so think it out first. Look into getting that image in American Traditional, it would look sweet.

  8. 14 hours ago, Gingerninja said:

    Nice! Who is doing your work? That looks like a piece from Horitomo. Love the Baku, too. 

    Monmon is a faithful homage by Rasta @ Ink Assassins in Long Beach who did all the above. Great chill artist. I know some people frown upon "rip off/knock offs" but I don't.:1_grinning:

    10 hours ago, SStu said:

    great collection!


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