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Everything posted by Hel7

  1. Here in Northern Italy almost everyone uses Bepanthenol, which is a cream made up by 5% Panthenol ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panthenol ) I don't know, I've been lurking on forums and such for years but I think I very rarely read about Panthenol.. to me, it's the perfect one! Of course we are all different, I use it for exactly 14 days regardless on the spot, colors or size.. has always worked perfectly! I read the article above on inkluded.co.uk, which actually refers to the UK market (the Bepanthenol product sold in Italy is made in Italy and probably is different, it contains only 5% Panthenol).. I really don't know what to say, my tattoo artists use that cream, I have always been using it and my tattoos are all perfect, even those 10 or 12 years old but I'm not a doctor so I can say anything more.. For soap, I have always been using Neutro Robert's antibacterial soap, sold in every supermarket. It's a brand from Florence and I learned right now this thing, I thought it was English ahah but ok, we have Dove soaps everywhere too..
  2. Hel7

    Hi guys!

    Hi guys! I'm a 29yo tattoo enthusiast from San Marino. Here in Southern Europe we have plenty of awesome tattoo artists, but unfortunately there aren't dedicated forums and communities so I've been lurking here and there during these months. I had piercings in my teens but after my ph.d I focused only on tattoo art so now I'm at 30+ but planning to do much more and get more and more ideas here, and maybe give some advice since even if I'm still young, I've got some experience (some bad ones too, I'm a little bit of a stray so for two or three years I liked to try many different places.. almost 10 tattoo artists, maybe more I think, now I found my three studios :) ) Hope to see everyone around!
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