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Everything posted by Kristy
I am so sorry dude. While I have never gotten an infection I did get one messed up tattoo from a professional studio that came highly referred by friends. Pissed me off to no end. Some was due to my inexperience and some was outright deceit on the shop owners end. It happens to a lot of people. Did the Dr do a culture right away? MRSA would be my main concern.
I learn more with each assessment of each artist. Thank you!
I haven't stopped in but just discovered these guys in my backyard. Worth a look? Not into the Traditional Japanese look but the B&W artist appears solid. http://www.katanatattoo.com/ (My previous meeting from the 15th went well. Nothing booked. She said she could rework it but was rather cautious about the outcome.)
Just following up with a couple of threads. I have an initial meeting today with this artist from a friend of a friend referral. Any thoughts? https://m.facebook.com/TattooNouveau.WI/photos/?tab=album&album_id=512470778775277&mt_nav=1&ref=page_internal&__xt__=33.{"logging_data"%3A{"event_type"%3A"tapped_open_page_album"%2C"impression_info"%3A"eyJmIjp7InBhZ2VfaWQiOiI1MTE4NDA1NjIxNzE2MzIiLCJpdGVtX2NvdW50IjoiMCJ9fQ"%2C"surface"%3A"mobile_page_photos_tab"%2C"interacted_story_type"%3A"148947852156832"%2C"session_id"%3A"4338dc1e5d6b7e8b801b3095f5a00611"}}
Yeah...that is what I was seeing hence not having a decision on his offer.
Haven't even gotten to them yet honestly because of distance and time limitations. We have a few more trips up that way before the season ends and I am one who likes to see a place physically first if possible. If this project doesn't work out they will be getting business on something else as I am really really impressed with their work. I have been working in a radius of about 1.5 hours around me right now only because of time limitations for vacation days, shop hours and availability. So much shoddy work to weed through. The more knowledge about good work I gain the more I get the feeling that I won't find anyone unless they are Sacred Tattoo or someone in the Milwaukee, Chicago or Madison area. What is hard is digging through an online portfolio and seeing old work and new mixed together. Sometimes that can show how much the artist has progressed. That is part of what fooled me with the last guy. He was showing his best work from years past unlabeled and didn't have much of what was happening more recently with the quality of his work going down hill. It is the intense shame I am feeling of how much the piece has declined since I posted a month ago that makes me feel more urgency than I should have. Ugh. I am going to see Danzig in a couple of days and am wearing something other than my typical tank top and jeans to cover that thing up I feel so insecure. My own hang up. I know. One guy I have met with I can't decide on is at what is considered to be the best shop with the best artists right in town here. He was super confident, without false bravado or excessive hubris, that he could rework this piece proficiently. He is booked out quite a ways as I would expect. I had set a time to meet him and posted some stuff in the last thread, but we were going over a lot. There are a few pieces that are not great in this, but digging around I have found they were from over 5-7 years ago at this point. I have also figured he is not good at sketch-like design or a natural more realistic animal type design but has been greatly improving on that end. That isn't what this piece is, but is that a bad thing? I have no clue. https://www.facebook.com/pg/SkinnyBuddhaTattoo/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1110580315651511 Opinions or just keep looking? There was one "newer" downright great shop I met with that had an artist willing to take on the project but was less than enthusiastic/confident about how much they could help the piece if at all. I liked their stuff. I didn't schedule with them because of that though. I felt bad seeking them out, them giving me an honest opinion, and me penalizing them for it. I really value those straight forward types of people. Of course, there were the few that were all bravado, hot air and badmouth gossip types with little to back up their confidence. Some, that when I was presented with their shop or work quality, I pretty much bolted from. Several artists have balked at or spooked at this before looking because it is not their work. I figured there would be those. That pretty much covers it. I have met with like 10-12 artists and 4 I was interested in that showed up for the next consult. Then 2 that said they would take it on in that category. One said she could even it out and fix the fade. The other was the one I posted the pics above from that seemed pretty sure he could do it justice.
I do plan to keep looking and have been holding people to the one strike rule now for the most part since I am also taking into account the demeanor I encounter when I set the appointment to begin with and the reason they can't make an appointment. I just needed somewhere to vent since I don't have anyone who has serious ink or intentions for any in my circle. I have been using vacation time since many studios seem a bit dumbfounded if you have a normal 9-5 type job and need to work with that type of schedule. As I said, just whining out of frustration. I was also making sure my expectations weren't out of line.
Just whining here. Sorry. I have been looking for someone to fix up my tattoo since I inquired here in early August. I am getting super upset with artists who cannot keep an appointment. I have met with a few but the ones who I have been most interested in have cancelled on me. It is getting really upsetting. Since this is a rework of something that was halted mid project they want to look first and won't until I do a consult. I can't put money down or make myself a paying customer if you won't meet with me. I scheduled all of these a good month ahead as that is when they had time to consult and still at least a 75% cancellation rate. I get the occasional, "Would you meet with the apprentice (or this other artist switch up)?" and it is so upsetting. Am I doing something wrong? I can deal with waiting for an appointment a 6 months for an awesome artist, but making no progress at all is frustrating and I am honestly ashamed of the piece now so it makes it feel even worse. I can't keep taking time off to get turned away before I even get there. (Reference thread.)
I have have a Danzig/Samhain/Misfits tattoo, (that got royally messed up) once it gets fixed up I will post some pictures here.
That makes a lot of sense.
Thank you guys again for your advice! I really needed the prodding to feel ok about moving on. I had the consult last night which I felt good about and I will trek around to other places recommended on the forums here until I figure out how to make this piece better. Plus I will likely pick up on how to better vet out an artist along the way. I will also be poking around here for fun and learning.
So I was able to get a consult with this guy tonight between tattoos. I mentioned that he worked in Miami and in NYC for several years before ending back here in Green Bay. I can see his work is solid and adequate not the best but able to work across styles. He said the stuff here is older but he isn't big on updating his portfolio these days. Thoughts? https://www.facebook.com/pg/SkinnyBuddhaTattoo/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1110580315651511 SStu- Marquette is about 3 hours from us- however I graduated from NMU there and love the area. I am always itching for a reason to get back. I can check them out. The online portfolios are simply awesome! I have some property in the Grand Marais, MI area (2 hours from Marquette) and have several days off up there towards the end of August. Perhaps a road trip is in order.
adding- I don't want to change the subject matter if possible.
I am in the NE WI area. I know. Not sure on the style. A rework might work with a bit of a trash polka leaning since that has some of that heavy black. I am not overly picky. Inspiration on the artists end is cool by me. I am open to referrals. I also have a consult set with an artist in the area who has successfully worked for significant stretches in NY city and Miami to see if anything can be salvaged.
Thanks to both of you so far.
He is the owner. Well that makes it easier to decide on my end.
I also have a skin reaction to Saniderm now. It is sad because it heals up so much faster if I can use it. I get a bubbly, red, raised and itchy area anywhere there is healthy normal skin that the adhesive touches. The moisture of the plasma on the tattoo itself keeps the Saniderm from full purchase on the skin in those areas thus, the tattoo itself is usually fine, but. . . Zillah- While I was in the shop the last time a customer came in was talking about her Saniderm experience and had the exact same thing happen to her. It was scary.
Here are some pics. Both moths suffer from bleed especially around the head. The index fingers on the Misfits moth and finger tips have all but disappeared. The wing details on that moth to has become very asymmetrical with the bleed. The Danzig moth has all but lost one of the poorly placed legs and the blood along with some line work entirely. Am I overreacting and nitpicking?
Yeah. I am getting the sinking feeling that I posted the answer with the lack of confidence in his current ability. I would have walked from another artist. I would have totally noticed this with another artist too, I just was giving him the benefit of the doubt because I am not an expert, artist or a perfectionist and I know that small flaws occur with almost every tattoo. (I also feel those variations/flaws to some extent is what gives tattoos their character.) I just don't want to be that person who freaked out and ran to another artist before giving it a fair shake. I feel like a crappy person doing this. The guy I am working with on this is the shop owner. Is there a tactful way to handle this with the owner that would allow me to come back to work with the other artist there or am I just SOL?
Hi guys! I am new here but have been lurking and reading stuff here for a good year or so. I have learned so much here during my lurking. I am glad to find a decent resource for info and have it coming from differing perspectives. I have a 3 tattoos so far and plan on adding more over time. One of the 3 is a work in progress. I need some advice on what to do. I have been working with an artist for a bit who has MS. He has some great pieces in his portfolio, I have seen his work in person as well and it was just awesome. I was referred to him by a friend who has some really nice work from him too. His shop is great and the other artist there does exceptional work. So I feel exceptionally bad about this. I began work on my idea with the artist in very early in the year and had a scheduled date with him mid April to begin. I am a lame fan girl so my idea for this was a kinda of Misfits/Samhain/Danzig tribute. I wanted to incorporate the logos into 2 moths and build from there. I should have probably got the idea while trying to set a formal consult with him. I mean, I am totally all for giving the artist free reign on my end. I prefer it since I am no artist. I showed him my thoughts and he bounced a few things off me to gauge what I was thinking for the piece. I specifically said no to a couple of design set ups I wasn't fond of for the piece. When I came back to see the designs he came up with 3 days before my appointment he had just used the ideas I had vetoed. I spent some time refining things a bit with him and the apprentice and waited to either see the mock up the day of the tattoo or like the night before. I got the next design the night before and I liked it enough, but, again he had used one of the ideas I had outright said no to because of a sizing issue. I figured we could fix that the next day. Having MS, he had a health crisis the day of my appointment and cancelled (it was for good reason.) He was out for 3-4 weeks. It was bad on his end. When he started tattooing again I waited a week or 2 and booked something out 6 weeks. Cut to the week before the appointment, again, like 3 days before the appointment itself. I call up to confirm the appointment and remind him that the design he had sent me for the last one needed some work (I had also given him a heads up about this when I booked 6 weeks ago) and ask if he wants to meet beforehand or just redraw the day of. He gets very testy with me and essentially says he isn't back full time, hasn't got the mock up done yet (not a problem) and that the only people he was taking right now were people "who wouldn't stop bugging him". He then says that he will just use MY mock up idea and we can go from there. I assume the outright jab at me "bugging" him and his crabby attitude was him having a bad day. Fine. The day of the appointment I show up and he has things set to go, but starts off right away on how the MS is kicking his ass today and has a really crabby piss poor attitude. We just get to work. I know with his condition he can't always get as much done as fast as some artists. I have had work from him before. It hasn't affected his work from what I can tell. No worries on my end. The purple carbon line drawings looks right. The placement is good and we start. About a 1/2 hour in I can tell he is having issues, but he isn't talking about it and I don't want to press. I just let him take breaks as needed. He goes full balls to the wall on one of the Moth designs and "finishes" that one. He hasn't even done the line work on the second moth. He calls the apprentice over, gives him a light grey wash and changes the setting on his machine. He tells the apprentice to do the line work as a place holder. I just need to schedule another day. He leaves. The next day it becomes obvious that the moth the artist had finished had problems. There is already significant blow in areas. After 2 weeks color fell out a bit (which is not a concern as one can just go back and fill that) but the line work is revealed. I wanted to cry. It was shaky and uneven. It was double lined in areas and just not good work. I know why he didn't do the line work on the second moth right away. He couldn't physically do the more intricate line work. I already had a time set to finish with him that week so I figured we could address it then He has the apprentice call and cancel due to more issues with his MS. I get in a couple of weeks later in a stroke of luck and he finishes the rest acknowledging there will be significant touch ups needed. He is in better spirits this time and not having obvious issues. The quality is improved on his end from what I can see with very close inspection of the line work. As the second moth begins to heal it is obvious that while the line work was much more steady and the color is holding better it is still not up to par with his previous work. At a week out, bleed encroaches into the design. I am 3 weeks out and many details are lost to that bleed right now. I scheduled the touch up work before I left last time. I am really unsure that the piece will come out well after a touch up from him now. I think the big MS health crisis for my artist messed up his dexterity more than he is willing to admit. I know he will stand behind his work and touch it up and do his best to take care of me, but he is a really prideful individual who is rather prickly about his disease. He will not respond well to any discussions about the work. I know it. I really don't want to burn the bridge at this shop, but it seems like a no win for me. The piece is at a point right now where it can be salvaged. It means a lot of white and grey will be needed when that was not part of the design but it can be done. Do I cut my loses and go elsewhere? Do I let him try and fix it and take the chance of him really messing it up more? I feel horrible because he was such a good artist even with his disability for so long. I just got the crappy timing of him having his condition deteriorate right for this piece. I need some advice from people who have had something happen like this or who are in the industry to help me out. I don't want to be a jerk.