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  1. Very true! I never really thought about it that way! Thank you so much.
  2. Thank you
  3. Hello friends! I'm new to this forum and in need of some advice. I got a small quote on the outside my forearm the other day and I was digging it when I got it but I've been so depressed and I've had this awful anxiety since I got it and I haven't left my house and everytime I stare at it I feel like I made a mistake and I don't know what else to do and wanted to hear from people who live and breathe tattoos to see what your opinion is on this? I feel like I'm going crazy I mean I see a lot of people that don't have tattoos on their forearms and idk I feel like super insecure because where I'm from people have very unnoticeable tattoos and mine is pretty noticeable and big
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