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Everything posted by JazzyMac

  1. This is a beautiful tattoo. Please post more photos when it heals fully.
  2. In my searches I've seen so many Medusa designs. I came across some really really nice ines I wished I'd saved. Maybe this will help. https://www.google.com/search?q=medusa+floral+tattoo&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjhvtKI5tnUAhWI5SYKHSulA-QQ_AUICSgB&biw=414&bih=628
  3. I agree with Devious.
  4. That's a lovely tattoo. Is it me, or does it look better now that it's healing? Or is it just the shiny part. It just seems more "clear" now versus the first picture. I'm not that knowledgeable in these things as yet.
  5. Don't feel bad; I've actually been searching for answers of things myself. It's like combing through the jungle!
  6. Hey there LST! Former (researcher) lurker, and now new member just saying hi. I'll be looking for an extensive realistic floral tattoo. My research actually took me to what turned out to be this really great artist in florals. However, his assistant pimped me out to someone else who doesn't specialize in florals, doesn't have more than three floral tattoo photos on any of his pages, and they're not in the same realm. I said, "thanks for the handoff, but no thanks", and just signed up for an account here instead to continue my research. I guess maybe they thought I was so hard up for some ink that I'd just go to anyone? It was weird. Okay, venting over. Hello everyone!
  7. Hello! How are you feeling now about your tattoo?
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