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  1. MrToast


    Hi all, just to say it's looking a lot better now, I think the heart looks a bit rubbish but the script looks loads better than it did a week ago, thanks muchly for your support Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. A guy at a local studio in the UK Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Thanks, I have already had a consultation and am booked in for August Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Hi all, Ok yep I'm a super skinny guy, never been able to put weight on and never will, I'm pretty happy with that, after all it's the way I am and I accept that I have been considering getting my forearm done, quarter sleeve, I'm just wondering what people's opinions are of skinny guys with sleeves? Would a good artist be able to make a sleeve look good on such a small canvas? Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. MrToast


    Thanks guys, I guess I'm just a worrying noob but you have put my mind at ease so thank you all Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. MrToast


    Hi guys, I haven't been able to get to the shop yet as I have been really busy I'm just looking for another opinion or maybe you guys still think this is normal The tattoo is now two weeks and one day old, and I'm still not convinced it's 100% In fairness it could be my lack of knowledge and everything is ok, I have tried to take a pic the best I can This next pic is of a tattoo I had a week ago and in my opinion there is a massive difference in appearance I do appreciate your feedback guys as you are obviously more experienced than I am Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. MrToast


    Thanks, I may pop down at the weekend Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. MrToast


    Thanks for the advice guys, I'm still not convinced things are right, The tattoo feels really raised and bumpy, the picture doesn't really show the colour, could it just be scabbing? If so how long could the scabs last for? The reason I feel something is not right is my friend had a tattoo the same day by the same artists using the same ink, there's is healed and still looks black and mine looks blue/green Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. MrToast


  10. MrToast


    Thanks, still use cream twice a day?
  11. MrToast


    Thanks, it's feeling raised and no sign of peeling, although it looks like it's scabed over
  12. MrToast


    Right managed to add pics, the letetring one is about 2 weeks old and the one bee was done yesterday by a different artist It was the lettering that was giving me concerns
  13. MrToast


    hi not sure how to add a pic from my phone, I am washing it two to 3 times a day and creaming it
  14. MrToast


    Hi all, New here, from Manchester Uk New to tattoos i got got a new tatto about two weeks ago, black lettering, it has since started to look green/blue and feel raised, is this normal? thanks peace
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