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henry rodriguez

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Everything posted by henry rodriguez

  1. state of grace convention is coming up. josh mason should be there. you should most definatly get one from him! also i've seen a 17 year old b&g chuy quintar portrait that was perfect and looked like it could have been done yesterday.
  2. thanks karl!
  3. welcome jason!
  4. henry rodriguez

    swazi horses

    got a few prints on my website if anyone is interested. thanks www.tattoosbyhenry.com
  5. got a few of these left from a recent convention. 16x16 or 18x18 don't remember. $30 and some shipping. my email and paypal: henry@tattoosbyhenry.com.....thanks!!
  6. ^^^exactly!! nothing is fukking sacred anymore
  7. yeah that was pretty lame. i was at the state of grace convention but was hoping to do the home one last year
  8. i'm not going this year. will be in hawaii. our shop is also opting out and a few people i talked to said it wasn't that great last year so they're not coming this year. who knows anyhow i'm sure there will be a few good artists to choose from
  9. 20x24 $70 paypal: henry@tattoosbyhenry.com thanks!!
  10. manifesto my ass! fukk anyone that would shoot an innocent child!...hope you all and yer loved ones are safe
  11. you can sit in when you come get a tattoo from me...then put it somewhere he cant see
  12. super rad! someone finally got that shit right.....inspiring as well...nice job fellas
  13. Yep those legs have impact. I've seen them a few times in person and still last year at the SF convention when I saw Him with his pants off I had to drop what I was doing and run over to get another look
  14. awesome! i just went and bought one. thanks
  15. It like going to a dentist with no teeth. Wtf
  16. rad thanks for being a part

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  17. meg skull butterfly
  18. jesus hot dog web
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