state of grace convention is coming up. josh mason should be there. you should most definatly get one from him!
also i've seen a 17 year old b&g chuy quintar portrait that was perfect and looked like it could have been done yesterday.
got a few of these left from a recent convention. 16x16 or 18x18 don't remember. $30 and some shipping. my email and paypal:!!
i'm not going this year. will be in hawaii. our shop is also opting out and a few people i talked to said it wasn't that great last year so they're not coming this year. who knows anyhow i'm sure there will be a few good artists to choose from
Yep those legs have impact. I've seen them a few times in person and still last year at the SF convention when I saw Him with his pants off I had to drop what I was doing and run over to get another look