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Posts posted by whotookmyblanket

  1. 7 hours ago, el twe said:

    Hi, Elle!  Got any pictures of your tattoos?  Plans/ideas for the future?

    Hi! Here are my favorites...I also have some smaller pieces spread about. Right now I'm wanting to add to my arm (with the bouquet) and start filling it up. I have a lot of ideas but keep stressing myself over flow... I'm hoping to start adding to it soon though! I'm just not sure how to plan it out. 


  2. For what it's worth, I sympathize with your feelings. My second tattoo, I was 18 or 19, I went to a highly recommended artist and explained what I wanted: a very simple Enterprise (from Star Trek...total nerd here). It was on my foot and I knew that foot tattoos can be problematic so I *wanted* it to be simple, almost cartoonish. Anyway, the guy was also a Trekkie and got so excited about doing it for me that he drew up a super complicated, very realistic version. And young, dumb, naive me didn't want to hurt his feelings (*eye roll*) so I let him do it. It looks great. Seven years later it still looks absolutely perfect...but it wasn't what I wanted. 

    But. I have grown to love it. It wasn't my vision, but it was a learning experience and taught me to speak up. It has made all my other experiences with an artist better and therefore made all future tattoos better! So I don't regret it. And honestly, it does look pretty cool.

    A lot of people have stories of a similar vein - tattoos that they initially regretted but grew to love. If I were you, I'd focus on your next piece and if in a few years you still feel the same way, then go back and see about a cover up!

    And! I actually really love your OG tattoo design! 

  3. Hi! My name is Elle. I'm from Texas but am living in Germany (military wife). I've gotten a lot of good advice from this site just looking through the forums, and figured I should join instead of just lurking in the dark!

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