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Posts posted by jimcarreyfan42

  1. So, I guess I should start off with the fact that I've never gotten a tattoo before. I've wanted one for the longest time and I chose this month to be the month to get my first one, but I've been working ~a lot~ lately and I'm not sure how long I need to wait for it to be okay to cover it up.

    I'm not looking for opinions on it; I already know I'm getting it and I also know what shop I'm going to, I just need to know when's a good time.

    I want my tattoo on my toe -- I want a very small, very special symbol on my toe. It's simple. But the place I work at, close-toed shoes are mandatory, and I've been working five days a week since I started a few months ago. My question is is it okay to get it one day and wear closed-toed shoes the next day? Would I need to put a bandaid on or some other type of cover under my socks?

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