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    Alicia reacted to Devious6 in hello   
    I think most people here will counsel against having your first tattoo be on your hands, neck or face. You've hit on the fact that they will always be exposed - not that it's bad but that it is a commitment that is best saved for after one is more comfortable and confident in one's new body image and how it is perceived by others. Of course, with just 3 posts it's hard for us to gage your situation but you should think long and hard about the hand option. Some people opt for very small tattoos, but you've already noted the issue of size. Small can get lost - and the mantra of Go Big or Go Home rings loudly here.
    Taking the time to consider your options, to consult with an artist, to reflect on the potential options of design and placement seems the smartest thing to do. Having second thoughts about a design isn't necessarily bad or unusual...especially one's first few. I can tell you that I had great second thoughts on mine. The first because ....it was the first and there were so many unknowns despite taking a lot of time to research. The second one was because that one has a very specific meaning to me as well and I stressed about whether it would truly represent my intent. I finally just stopped worrying and let my artist take over - I was confident he knew my intent and let him express it through his talent.
    Although it is not totally the same as yours, my second tattoo is reflective of my experiences in the Pentagon on 9/11/01. I was in the area hit by the plane and helped with the evacuation. There are several times that, looking back, I know I was close to not getting out and things I saw and heard are seared in my memory. In fact, there is a period of time that is blanked out in my mind - when I think of it I can only conjure up thoughts of green grass, blue skies and hear birds chirping..surely not what I was looking at as I peered out one of the windows onto where the plane had slammed into the building minutes earlier. As I went through the tattoo design I had a good idea of the big picture and worked back and forth with the artist. I'm sure I drove him crazy. The final design has an eagle standing amid rubble. It stands on one large piece that is in the shape of a pentagon - I actually was given a piece of the destroyed Pentagon façade that is shaped in a Pentagon and has my name, rank and the date on it. In the final design, I had the date, 9-11-01, in the center of the shape where the eagle stands. In the weeks leading up to getting the work done, I talked back and forth with my wife about it. She knew my intent and didn't attempt to sway my thoughts because she knew how much it meant - it was to be done the day before the 15th anniversary of the attack. But, I also knew that she was impacted that day. She knew, ultimately, that I was in the area where the plane had hit and didn't hear from me for hours afterwards. Later, she also realized that I beat Death several times that day so she, too, had an emotional tie to the day. I realized that she would be looking at that tattoo every day, like me, and that the prominent visualization of the date, 9-11-01, would be a stark reminder for her of what she calls the worst day of her life. At the last minute - I have a picture of me with the stencil on my arm with the date in the center of the piece of rubble just before my artist started the tattoo - I told the artist not to add the date. Instead, he shaded it. That was the very best decision I made - Lynn's feelings in this case transcended mine and I am glad that I let the art depict the emotions, not the date. I know what it means and the meaning is intensely personal. I don't have to explain it to others...or I can if I choose.
    So, I hope I haven't lost you so far...and I haven't offended you. I offer my story as an example of how your tattoo might affect a future relationship and how, sometimes, a less literal tribute can be even more powerful since, in the end, the meaning is yours.
    If you opt to avoid the signature idea, don't be so literal in your thoughts about symbology. Perhaps there was a place you liked to go together, an activity you enjoyed together, a book, a movie, a song,,,all of those things could be turned into a design that would be reflective of your time and your love.
    Time is the key. Don't rush it. Waiting 15 years to get my 9/11/01 tribute was the best thing I could have done and it took about a year in planning - I even got my first tattoo before that one. Anything this important deserves your best thoughts and the emotions, I am sure, are still very strong at this point. Find the artist you trust first. Talk with him/her and with others you respect about your ideas and your intent. I guarantee you will find the right design. No matter what you do, it is yours and should reflect your desires. Just don't move so quickly that the emotions of the moment cloud the possibility of a design that has a deeper, long-lasting impact.
  2. Like
    Alicia reacted to SStu in First Tattoo I've Planned Properly!   
    Not for me. 
  3. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from Devious6 in In this thread, we commiserate about healing our fresh tattoos.   
    I had a shoulder piece done 4 days ago... the itching is not actually too bad (hope I haven't cursed it by saying that now!) and it's just starting to peel, so is looking a little grim. It's not finished, still got the majority of the colouring to do but I couldn't take the pain any more  It's still very tender and I can't even stand to have a loose, light t-shirt over it. I know it will be worth it in the end though!

  4. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from oboogie in First Tattoo I've Planned Properly!   
    Cheers guys!
    I think I'm already in denial about how painful it was you know lol... I'm already starting to think about the next one! It's a toss up at the moment between the other shoulder or on one of my calves... Won't be until after the summer now probably so plenty of time to decide! 
  5. Like
    Alicia reacted to Gingerninja in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    I have a new little friend! Snake and cherry blossoms by Chris Garver. My homage to spring. She fits the space so perfectly. He drew it on, made the stencil and we were tattooing in less than 40 minutes. Boom. (I'm swollen AF but whatever).

  6. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from Devious6 in First Tattoo I've Planned Properly!   
    Just came across this and thought it very appropriate! This was literally me  I was so desperate to have it all finished in one go but my poor old body couldn't take it! 

  7. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from Devious6 in First Tattoo I've Planned Properly!   
    Some progress pictures if anyone is interested. Day 4 today and starting to peel:

  8. Like
    Alicia reacted to PrivateAle in In this thread, we commiserate about healing our fresh tattoos.   
    Lower leg tattoo blues right now. Inside of my ankle, swelling is bad, and I dread moving from a sitting to standing position. Don't want to get out of bed in the morning 
    Delighted with the result though, I've been sitting on this idea for 7 years. Every time I looked at my Basket Case t-shirt, I was reminded to get it done. Better late than never. 

  9. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from Devious6 in First Tattoo I've Planned Properly!   
    Quite! Blink and you'll miss it! 
  10. Like
    Alicia reacted to Devious6 in First Tattoo I've Planned Properly!   
    Ahh, yes. The Summer Season in the UK = July 7th.  lol
  11. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from Devious6 in First Tattoo I've Planned Properly!   
    Same here. I'm hopeful that I've timed it well that it will be fully healed by the time the nice weather comes... not that we get much of a summer here in the UK; the odd day if we're lucky! 
  12. Like
    Alicia reacted to Devious6 in First Tattoo I've Planned Properly!   
    Proof that you made a great decision.
    It's been a year since I got my first and about 6 months since my second..and I still find myself looking at them every day. I can't wait for warmer weather so I can show them off again.
  13. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from Devious6 in First Tattoo I've Planned Properly!   
    Thank you! I love it... keep catching sight of it and just smiling to myself like a loon! 
  14. Like
    Alicia reacted to Devious6 in First Tattoo I've Planned Properly!   
    It looks wonderful so far!! Can't wait to see the finished result!
  15. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from Devious6 in First Tattoo I've Planned Properly!   
    Cheers guys!
    I think I'm already in denial about how painful it was you know lol... I'm already starting to think about the next one! It's a toss up at the moment between the other shoulder or on one of my calves... Won't be until after the summer now probably so plenty of time to decide! 
  16. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from Devious6 in First Tattoo I've Planned Properly!   
    These are literally about an hour after we'd finished so it's looking quite red, sore and swollen. It's looking a lot calmer this morning so I'll post some more in a little while once I've given it a clean (it's looking a bit mucky this morning!); I need to wait until my husband gets back to help me as I can't reach the back bits 

  17. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from Devious6 in First Tattoo I've Planned Properly!   
    These were taken just now... not looking as angry this morning.

  18. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from Devious6 in First Tattoo I've Planned Properly!   
    Soooooo, yesterday was the big day!
    I was booked in for the whole day so arrived at 10.00am sharp with my packed lunch and bottles of water like a good customer  My lovely artist David had got some of the drawings done and was just waiting on my approval before making stencils of them. I loved the flowers he had done, they were exactly what I wanted so after transferring the stencils to my skin we made a start.
    The first 2 hours of tattooing were fine; I was chatting to everyone in the shop and the pain was more than bearable. The third hour was a bit rougher, I could feel it much stronger and it was getting a bit teeth gritting. By the 4th hour I couldn't take it any longer  Every touch of the needle was just agony, my body had had enough! I had to stop him (with tears in my eyes I am very embarrassed to admit!) but  he was fine, he was lovely, he said it was not a problem at all. He'd only got to colour in one flower so it's very much obviously unfinished lol but there was literally nothing on this earth that could have made me continue yesterday. Put it this way; if he'd said to me "let me finish and it'll be free" I would have still say no 
    Due to conflicting schedules I'm booked in for 3 weeks time to have the rest coloured in. He said he shouldn't be more than 2 hours work left, maybe 2 and a half. I'm cool with that, I think I've realised my body's comfort limit is 2 hours and it's absolute limit is 3. Anything over than is a NO WAY! 
    So... anyone want to see some photos? 
  19. Like
    Alicia reacted to oboogie in First Tattoo I've Planned Properly!   
    Looks great so far!
  20. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from oboogie in First Tattoo I've Planned Properly!   
    Soooooo, yesterday was the big day!
    I was booked in for the whole day so arrived at 10.00am sharp with my packed lunch and bottles of water like a good customer  My lovely artist David had got some of the drawings done and was just waiting on my approval before making stencils of them. I loved the flowers he had done, they were exactly what I wanted so after transferring the stencils to my skin we made a start.
    The first 2 hours of tattooing were fine; I was chatting to everyone in the shop and the pain was more than bearable. The third hour was a bit rougher, I could feel it much stronger and it was getting a bit teeth gritting. By the 4th hour I couldn't take it any longer  Every touch of the needle was just agony, my body had had enough! I had to stop him (with tears in my eyes I am very embarrassed to admit!) but  he was fine, he was lovely, he said it was not a problem at all. He'd only got to colour in one flower so it's very much obviously unfinished lol but there was literally nothing on this earth that could have made me continue yesterday. Put it this way; if he'd said to me "let me finish and it'll be free" I would have still say no 
    Due to conflicting schedules I'm booked in for 3 weeks time to have the rest coloured in. He said he shouldn't be more than 2 hours work left, maybe 2 and a half. I'm cool with that, I think I've realised my body's comfort limit is 2 hours and it's absolute limit is 3. Anything over than is a NO WAY! 
    So... anyone want to see some photos? 
  21. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from oboogie in First Tattoo I've Planned Properly!   
    These are literally about an hour after we'd finished so it's looking quite red, sore and swollen. It's looking a lot calmer this morning so I'll post some more in a little while once I've given it a clean (it's looking a bit mucky this morning!); I need to wait until my husband gets back to help me as I can't reach the back bits 

  22. Like
    Alicia reacted to jaimilyn in First Tattoo I've Planned Properly!   
    Love it so far, can't wait to see it finished!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from jaimilyn in First Tattoo I've Planned Properly!   
    These were taken just now... not looking as angry this morning.

  24. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from SStu in First Tattoo I've Planned Properly!   
    These were taken just now... not looking as angry this morning.

  25. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from Dan in First Tattoo I've Planned Properly!   
    These were taken just now... not looking as angry this morning.

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