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    Alicia reacted to Kylsa in What's your longest tattoo session?   
    I just sat for an 8hr tattoo. Saturated colour with two cover ups. Never again 🤣
    6 hours was ok but the last two hours was excruciating! The whites in the flowers felt like he was using an ice pick over gravel rash.
    I was traveling so I couldn't do it in blocks. 11hrs at the shop and 8hrs in the chair. I was exhausted. Mind you sitting in the chair for 6 hours didn't help my lower back 😒
    I'll stick to 5hr ones next time, however, I'm happy I stuck it out.
    Did I mention never again? 🤣

  2. Like
    Alicia reacted to purplelace in In this thread, we commiserate about healing our fresh tattoos.   
    @Alicia  I am in Northern Ireland. I just use Bepanthen from moment I take off the cling film until it is healed. It works well for me, so I stick with it.
  3. Like
    Alicia reacted to purplelace in In this thread, we commiserate about healing our fresh tattoos.   
    @Alicia Thanks and so am I, it's not not something I have heard of, until I saw it on this forum.

    Was just curious <shrugs>  :) I haven't even heard of Hustle Butter either before this forum. 
  4. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from Gingerninja in In this thread, we commiserate about healing our fresh tattoos.   
    No offence taken at all. 
    I'm actually in the UK. I don't start using the Aveeno unscented until the tattoo has dried and/or scabbed. That's when I'll stop using the Hustle Butter and switch to the Aveeno as it's thinner and lighter. I just used a very small amount, spread sparingly over the skin. It's helps stop the itching and that tight, sore feeling. I don't see anything too odd in what I do  I've seen it recommended on here more than once. 
  5. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from SStu in Upcoming Tattoos   
    I'm booked in for my next tattoo (just a small one) next month. I wasn't supposed to be having anything until later in the year but my husband is having a portrait done of our dog and I got tattoo envy  so have booked in on the same time and day with another artist. I'm having a pretty heart/jewel design a bit like this but in black and grey on my inner left forearm. Just a little something to keep me going until I can afford the larger leg piece I'm planning! 

  6. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from Gingerninja in Upcoming Tattoos   
    I'm booked in for my next tattoo (just a small one) next month. I wasn't supposed to be having anything until later in the year but my husband is having a portrait done of our dog and I got tattoo envy  so have booked in on the same time and day with another artist. I'm having a pretty heart/jewel design a bit like this but in black and grey on my inner left forearm. Just a little something to keep me going until I can afford the larger leg piece I'm planning! 

  7. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from zetroc in Upcoming Tattoos   
    I'm booked in for my next tattoo (just a small one) next month. I wasn't supposed to be having anything until later in the year but my husband is having a portrait done of our dog and I got tattoo envy  so have booked in on the same time and day with another artist. I'm having a pretty heart/jewel design a bit like this but in black and grey on my inner left forearm. Just a little something to keep me going until I can afford the larger leg piece I'm planning! 

  8. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from JAC1961 in Upcoming Tattoos   
    I'm booked in for my next tattoo (just a small one) next month. I wasn't supposed to be having anything until later in the year but my husband is having a portrait done of our dog and I got tattoo envy  so have booked in on the same time and day with another artist. I'm having a pretty heart/jewel design a bit like this but in black and grey on my inner left forearm. Just a little something to keep me going until I can afford the larger leg piece I'm planning! 

  9. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from scottyg in Upcoming Tattoos   
    I'm booked in for my next tattoo (just a small one) next month. I wasn't supposed to be having anything until later in the year but my husband is having a portrait done of our dog and I got tattoo envy  so have booked in on the same time and day with another artist. I'm having a pretty heart/jewel design a bit like this but in black and grey on my inner left forearm. Just a little something to keep me going until I can afford the larger leg piece I'm planning! 

  10. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from scottyg in Lower leg tattoo   
    I'm glad I've read this... I'm planning a large lower leg piece later on this year and would have been alarmed at swelling if I hadn't read this... my feet and ankles tend to swell in the warm weather so I'm fully expecting some post tattoo swelling now. 
  11. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from gtrjunior in Not loving new tattoo   
    Before on the left (obviously!); after on the right. 

  12. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from Gingerninja in Not loving new tattoo   
    Thanks! I'm so glad I got it re-done... life's too short to live with a tattoo that makes you sad!
    I'm booked in next month for my next one... excitement starting to build again.
  13. Haha
  14. Thanks
    Alicia reacted to Gardengingerlily in Not loving new tattoo   
    I just saw the changes. Looks much better. I’m glad that you are feeling more comfortable
  15. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from morgz100 in Not loving new tattoo   
    Step 2 of my cover up/re-work journey done today:
    Before is the red/pink flowers and after is the (slightly angry and a little bloody still) black/grey.
    I'm really happy with how it's looking  Still got some more shading and finishing off to do, plus the first rose needs going over again as a lot of the original red has popped back out as it's healed. I'm back in another 3 weeks for another 2 hours and hopefully that should be it done then. 

  16. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from oboogie in Just joined and wondering ...   
    Sorry, what?
  17. Like
    Alicia reacted to oboogie in How To Add To Tattoo   
    Either leave it or get it lasered off and start all over. Nothing is going to make it not look like a giant spot of black ink.
  18. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from JazzyMac in Not loving new tattoo   
    Step 2 of my cover up/re-work journey done today:
    Before is the red/pink flowers and after is the (slightly angry and a little bloody still) black/grey.
    I'm really happy with how it's looking  Still got some more shading and finishing off to do, plus the first rose needs going over again as a lot of the original red has popped back out as it's healed. I'm back in another 3 weeks for another 2 hours and hopefully that should be it done then. 

  19. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from Dan in Just joined and wondering ...   
    Sorry, what?
  20. Like
    Alicia reacted to oboogie in Hello, worries about one white ink spot on the tattoo   
    You need to let it go, as @Gingerninja and @Alicia said. This obsessing is unhealthy and unproductive. Just enjoy your tattoo and start planning your next one.
  21. Like
    Alicia reacted to SStu in Hello, worries about one white ink spot on the tattoo   
    Uno, dos, tres, quatro!
  22. Like
    Alicia reacted to aant in Hello, worries about one white ink spot on the tattoo   
    All my work has flaws; ink loss from scabs pulling off, an ever slightly crooked line, etc. It's part of getting tattooed! Embrace the imperfection! The Japanese even have a word for it (wabi sabi). The flaws make your artwork that much more unique.
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Like
    Alicia reacted to Gingerninja in Hello, worries about one white ink spot on the tattoo   
    Echo what @Alicia said. You need to let go of your OCD. :) It will resolve itself eventually. And stop pushing on it! Your tattoo looks well executed but give it time to heal and settle.
  24. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from Mr_Spaghetti in Not loving new tattoo   
    Step 2 of my cover up/re-work journey done today:
    Before is the red/pink flowers and after is the (slightly angry and a little bloody still) black/grey.
    I'm really happy with how it's looking  Still got some more shading and finishing off to do, plus the first rose needs going over again as a lot of the original red has popped back out as it's healed. I'm back in another 3 weeks for another 2 hours and hopefully that should be it done then. 

  25. Like
    Alicia got a reaction from Gingerninja in Not loving new tattoo   
    Step 2 of my cover up/re-work journey done today:
    Before is the red/pink flowers and after is the (slightly angry and a little bloody still) black/grey.
    I'm really happy with how it's looking  Still got some more shading and finishing off to do, plus the first rose needs going over again as a lot of the original red has popped back out as it's healed. I'm back in another 3 weeks for another 2 hours and hopefully that should be it done then. 

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