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Everything posted by Alicia

  1. Luckily my parents haven't got facebook (they don't even have the internet at home bless them; the DVD player is beyond them most days) but I do have my brother on facebook to judge on their behalf! Aww, that sounds hard. I think my parents are on their way to that too soon to be honest. I'm sorry, you're so right. I know I'm lucky to still have them both, even with the judging and comments!
  2. Thank you! I'm very excited (6 days!) and will be sure to bore you all share some pictures next week!
  3. My mum had a look on her face like she had smelt something particularly unpleasant when I was telling her I did consider not telling them and just popping over to visit next week with new ink all done but thought at their time of life the shock might be a bit too much lol!
  4. So I told my parents yesterday about my tattoo plans... bearing in mind I'm 42 years old. My mum: "oh dear, but you won't be able to wear vest tops and stuff in the summer then?" Me: "errrr, no? What?" She genuinely thought I was going to go through all that and NOT show it off? Mad woman!
  5. Wow. Just wow. I don't know if I think you're amazing or a little bit crazy! Probably a bit of both
  6. That rib piece isn't mine, you guys do realise that right? It's just to show the style of flowers I'm having in my new shoulder design. 9 days!
  7. I'm already planning my 2nd, 3rd and 4th (well, technically my 5th, 6th and 7th but I barely count the previous 3 really!), tattooing has come on SO much in the 20 years since I had my first one.
  8. Hi everyone, I'm new here so just wanted to say hello. I've been browsing the forum for the last few days so decided to sign up and introduce myself. I've got 3 slightly crappy tattoos and am having the crappest one covered up with a fabulous new design. I'm booked in for a week on Wednesday and I am quite giddy with joy (not a good look at my age!)... I've been planning this for months and am now finally in a position to afford it. I'm having some bold and vibrant flowers across my right shoulder, top of arm and collar bone, kind of across the area in the 1st photo but flowers more similar to the 2nd photo. I met with the tattoo artist last week and took him in a bundle of pictures of styles I liked and have left it in his (hopefully!) capable hands to come up with something fabulous! I'm a little bit nervous as my previous ones have taken half an hour and an hour and I'm booked in for the whole day for this new one but I really wanted to get it done in one sitting (due to work and other commitments). 10 days and counting! I'm a like a kid waiting for Christmas
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