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Everything posted by littlefox1970

  1. :( I would be very disappointed also ... oh my ... and to add insult to injury, that tattoo that was covered up will show clearly through once healed. To dwell on a solution rather than an irreversable deed ... you might consider seeking out a white on black professional rather than lasering out. Just a thought. Here are a couple examples for you.
  2. Nice cover up Dan, and thanks for sharing your experience. :) Yes ... I certainly do feel 'em more now, lol. The problem with that theory though, is that I did one in my palm friday night, and another one on my forearm just below the cover up on saturday night, and they are both healing beautifully ... neither one burned like this one does. I don't think it's infected perse ... because the burning comes and goes, there's no major swelling or lumps or bumps etc. Have you ever heard of incompatibility of inks? Is it possible this present ink is reacting with the old ink somehow? Has anyone ever heard of such a thing? ... Maybe it was just too much trauma for this old girl, lol.
  3. I'd love some feedback from experienced collectors who have had a cover-up done... I had my first cover up experience tuesday night and it has been burning since. The cover up itself (simply an outline right now) was no more painful than any other tattoo I've had, but the healing experience has been different. The areas where I've gone over the old (10 years) tattoo is super sensitive and burning. Is this a normal thing where cover-ups are concerned? If this is normal, then I can stop worrying that I've done something wrong. If it's not typical then I will have to investigate everything I've done to figure out why I'm having a different reaction. Thanks for your input~
  4. I don't see that realistic image in the heart being "compatible" with watercolor. Do some google research of watercolor tattoos with outlines to see how such tattoos have come out. Generally in such instances the watercolor would be outside the detailed line work you have, as your artist said ... but in this case I cannot envision even that... mayyyyybe around the flower ... big maybe. A watercolor tattoo elsewhere on your body might be the way to go. Your artist will design your idea with watercolor in mind ...rather than trying to add watercolor as an afterthought.
  5. littlefox1970


    Just to be clear about my post ... I was not suggesting litigation against anyone, I was simply suggesting that the terms of the "contract" might not be legally binding. Worrying about becoming "blacklisted" when one has already been "blacklisted" and banned from the art is somewhat redundant. And respect, I feel, is something that should be earned. Threatening someone with fines and blacklisting, and banning them from practicing the art just because they went through a rough spell is not very respectful... just my POV.
  6. Excellent! I love how the artist put such living expression in the eyes ... seems to be saying something like "I dare you dude ... go ahead ... make my day!" :) I personally am finding the underbelly of the forearm more sensitive than the top of the forearm, but we are all different ... and some tattooists are more heavy handed than others ...
  7. Haha! I was looking up "Tim Burton cats" on google ... and discovered that my own Cheshire cat IS a Tim Burton piece ... I hadn't realized that Tim Burton was the producer of that movie, though Johnny Depp's presence should have tipped me off to it, lol. Love his eccentric style ... and love this Cheshire kitty!
  8. Mmmhmm, that sounds awesome, Sesa! I'm not familiar with Gaiman, but Burton has a wonderfully eccentric artistic style - love it! I agree, much to be said about taking our time before committing ... Our bodies are prime real estate deserving nothing less than the best ... and there is, at the end of the day, only so much of it. :) Thanks! Well, everyone has their different reasons for getting tattooed ... I am really excited by the idea of having my own drawings in my own style by my own hand impressed on my own body. Gee, I sound like an egomaniac! lol. Generally I like the character styles from Johnny Depp's Alice in Wonderland, and though I am indeed using those characters they are being rendered by my own hand (no tracing) in my own style. Thick, crisp outlines, bold color contrasting bold black, illustrative with realistic depth, no canvas showing ... I'm just hoping that with no tattoo experience I will be able to pull it off in a way that will make me happy - and be true to my style. I look forward to seeing the ideas you come up with for your next piece. :) Here's a kitty tattoo I found recently that I have fallen in love with...might just be a springboard for my leg ... love super chill bling bling kitty and the steampunk style combination ... and love steampunk airships too. My real estate is going quickly! :)
  9. Hi there Mimolette, Sorry to hear your first tattoo experience was disappointing ... unfortunately I have been there myself, and can empathize. From up close I like the tattoo ... but from far it does certainly lose all interior definition. The shading should have had more gradient, I feel. Here are two ideas that might help to define it from a distance .... playing with colors or thickening the black outlines. But I think colors, if you're not against the idea, would be more effective. If you decide to thicken the outlines of the flower the same artist would be fine, but if you decide to go for colors I would seek out another artist who is talented with them ... since I would assume that the one who shaded this would not be the best one to color this. Hope it goes well for you~
  10. littlefox1970


    I think you should consult a lawyer. I don't know much about law, but that sounds like an illegal contract, which, if it is, would render it simply null and void. I hope that is the case for your sake.
  11. Thank you for the kind welcome, Haageen ... I appreciate the encouragement! It might take a while before anything is really presentable, but I do look forward to sharing my first real piece when it is! :) I look forward to seeing what you add to your anchor tattoo ... :)
  12. Wow, so interesting hearing the stories behind your first tattoos! I wasn't going to post my train wrecks, but y'all have inspired me to join in. :) Not long after my mom died in 2000 I fell into something of a depression and am convinced that that was what prompted me to do my first tattoo. A ten year student of martial arts I chose to do a black yin yang ... I did it with a bare sewing needle in the palm of my hand -duh. But it turned out alright, considering. Not long after we moved back to the city and I went to a tattoo artist to have it made more professional looking and colored. Wish I hadn't - at least my original had been properly round. The red he added evaporated with the healing, he squared off the separation in wrong proportions and made the white spot almost disappear. Here it is tweaked now with an owl outline that I added myself friday ... the owl is still very scabby and needs a some touching up of the outline still and color...but not terrible for my first try with a machine, I think. I got the fairy holding the violin done by a professional also while in that depression ... will probably get that covered up one day. And I also got a dragon chasing a butterfly on my forearm right after that ...ugh ... I'm working on covering that up myself, right now, with a half sleeve.
  13. I feel ya! Wish I could attend also .... I have to wait until September for the Montreal Tattoo convention to come around ... which seems like a VERY long time right now~ Hope all you lucky people enjoy it! :)
  14. Thank you Hands On, I appreciate the welcome! :) Friday I tried out my machine on myself for the first time. I have an old yin yang in my palm that I'm not truly happy with ... rather than do a simple touch up I decided to make it the belly of an owl. Started itching today bigtime ... but might take a while to heal fully considering the placement. Saturday I started working on an Alice in Wonderland themed half sleeve cover-up ... inked the outlines for the rabbit and the Cheshire ... once healed I will add the shading and color and might just post it here at that point for some feedback. Very possible that the partial sleeve will be healed and posted before the palm one ... we'll see. :) Wish me luck with smooth shading and consistent color ... Makes me nervous just thinking about it!
  15. My father had that exact same tattoo on his bicep ... I always thought it was very cool. :) Speaking of Walmart tattoos and earning tattoos ... lol ... this gentleman certainly seems to have earned his!
  16. I have four tattoos, two of them color. That said I have only had black, red, blue and white used in them. No problems with either the black or blue, besides the typical fading. White fell out quickly, but that is just normal for most (all?) people. I do have a problem with red, however...also pretty common I hear. I would have jumped to the conclusion that it was the placement's fault (center of the palm of my hand) except the blue half of my red/blue yin yang has stood the test of time (ten years) while almost all the red fell out quickly. We all react differently to inks and pigments of different colors. Maybe your problem could be solved with a different brand of ink? Maybe fish around for an artist who has faced and overcome this particular problem?
  17. Handson makes a great point... Impulsiveness has brought you to this crossroads. The important thing now is to not allow it to decide which path you will take a second time. I can feel your angst and I empathize ... everything in you is pushing to make it gone, now ... but for your own sake, please, take your time with deciding what you will do next.
  18. I think most tattoos get the most attention from their owners. Generally speaking, we are the only ones that unmercifully scour the details ... so if what you notice makes you happy, then I think that's what really matters! :) The stunning blue eyes suggestion actually comes from my own project at present. I'm working on my Alice in Wonderland sleeve right now and am particularly focused on the Cheshire cat (he's next). Still not quite sure how I will approach the color for it, to be honest, since I'm facing the same dilemma as you - a gray blue tabby with prominent eyes. Luckily, exercising the imagination in the planning stages is half the fun ... :) You spoke of a new tattoo ... have you gotten the idea ironed out yet?
  19. The contrast between black and gray and color, realism and illustrative works nicely together IMHO. Leaving it as is would be perfectly fine, I think. One idea did grab me though, as I looked at it ... stunning blue eyes in the kitty ... to tie them both together. :)
  20. If you're not averse to tattooing your other upper arm, I think you could create a really nice contrasting piece. Like a phoenix rising up from ash and flame rather than a crow and a sun rather than a moon ... and come up with another inspiring symbol to contrast the tombstone ... Have fun designing. :)
  21. I found the information I needed, elsewhere, thank you~
  22. I noticed postings of images that showed the results rendered from particular artists ... and so thought that inquiring about the results rendered from particular inks would fall into the same category. My apologies, I didn't mean to break the rules.
  23. Your script "Lost at Sea" in the anchor and reference to a desire for a skull, made me think of a sunken ship ... and also an albatross, inspired by the famous poem "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" by Coleridge. Just my two bits for your melting pot of ideas. :)
  24. Hey there Nomadland. :) I have a cross tattooed on my forehead, going down the bridge of my nose. To try and answer your questions ... I really didn't feel it at all ...I was expecting it to be painful, especially on the nose, but nope ... not a thing. I have other tattoos to compare with. A tattoo in the center of my palm was definitely the worst, pain wise, hardly felt the nape of my neck/upper back tattoo ... stung a wee bit for my top forearm tatt. Hope this gives you an idea ... As for feedback from others ... I have had a few dirty looks from passerby and a bunch of questioning, quizzical looks but the majority of the feedback has been positive smiles and hearty compliments. :)
  25. You said it so well, Intomyskin! :) What you described is exactly the reason I find myself here, now. Although I do walk past many people daily who are tattooed, I do not have any personal friends, family or acquaintances who share the passion or interest I have for the art. Actually, no one in my circles even has a tattoo! lol. Reading about tattoos and watching videos on the subject is interesting and invaluable .... but there is something special about exchanging thoughts, experiences, knowledge and ideas with other human beings. At the least, it fuels the fires of motivation ... at it's best it brings the whole experience to life in a unique way~
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