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littlefox1970 last won the day on February 25 2017

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  1. That's an excellent tattoo :)
  2. Welcome :) I actually REALLY like that dragon on your back ... I think it's awesome and personally would not cover it up, but maybe just refresh it.... But, I guess if you really feel the need ... then all you have to do is hunt down an artist who will do it ... the warrior mask is quite dark and might just be right for a cover up ... the sailor theme is intricate enough that an artist might be able to make it work also. Good luck. :)
  3. Sorry to hear you missed your session. :( Dan is right, you answered your own question. Let me just stress the importance of also eating the morning OF the tattoo. I tend to lean towards low blood pressure myself - which can cause one to become light headed and even pass out. One day I went for blood tests and had the whole department baffled. Three nurses had tried to draw blood and not one drop emerged! So they called the head nurse to try and she couldn't either. She asked me if I ate breakfast that morning ... I never do ... she said mmhm ... and ordered that I be laid down with my lower body higher than my upper body for about 15 minutes to raise my pressuew, and when they tried again they at least were able to draw a half a vial and said that would have to do. So apparently breakfast really is the most important meal of the day! lol ... don't miss it! :D
  4. Michael, this thread was created a couple weeks before the dissension in "tattoo lowdown"... I had already done the outlines on the whole top of my forearm when that difference of opinions broke out. But yeah, I have decided to continue and try my hand at adding color to it. Pidjones, I'm sorry to hear of your bad experience. :( That same type of bad experience with paid professional artists is what led me to trying tattoo myself. Sounds like you paid a shop to get a blowout and keloid scarring? The one I'm covering up actually looked like a scratcher's work ... with faint, scratchy lines, yet came from a "reputable" shop artist. Full top of forearm and full palm later I have not caused one scar, or one blowout. I'm going to do the color in layers (several sessions of light applications with healing time in between) to play it safe and give myself a little room for error. Fun project for sure. :)
  5. That's a sweet lil ride there Devious ... I'm a little person so always had something like this in mind for myself. Who knows, maybe I'll win the lotto or something. :) Luckily I've never met any "Bubbas" ... let's hope I never do. Seems we become more protective of life and limb as we age. My plans to skydive, for example, have flown out the window ... lol ... bucket list is getting shorter every day! :D
  6. Thanks :) Oh wow ... that must have been scary! So glad to hear you were geared up and it paid off. ATGATT is definitely wise. For sure ... you should go for it! No cheating there if you ask me ... just smarts. Nice machine indeed. :) You must get some great road trips outta that! Any plans for the summer?
  7. I hear you ... the creature comforts definitely seem to increase in charm with each passing year. :) The age of smartphones and texting has really brought driving to perilous levels ... It's like having 80% of drivers on the road DUI. Trust no one is basically my motto. Well, there's a time for everything ... as long as you're happy then it's all good, right? :)
  8. What a beauty .... look at all that chrome ... Love to be riding that! :) Hehehe ... I think only one other person on this site , besides you, knows I'm a female ... I'm glad that's not me too ... that 5 o'clock shadow could be downright embarrassing! :D Hard to shake the fever once you get it ... Any particular reason you stopped riding?
  9. Here in Quebec we are legally restricted from riding from december 15th to march 15th ... coinciding with the winter tire laws for cars. I drive a PGO T-Rex Scooter. I would love to upgrade to a motorcycle but just can't afford upwards of 2000$ a year in insurance ... Here are a couple photos of the model I drive ... the driver is NOT ME but I have no photos of me on my scoot right now. Do you ride?
  10. Only 12 more days 'till we're allowed to ride again (Canadian winters, eh) ... and I'm counting the minutes! :) Been using a half-helmet the past two years, since I first got my wheels and thought I would spoil myself with a new and safer one this season. My skill and therefore my speed have increased so it's a good move I think. My sweet new helmet ... http://www.sigi-helmets.com/eng/helmets/view/drifter-adultfull-face-helmet
  11. I would honestly love to know what advice I gave, exactly, that you found so offensive and pretentious ... I am definitely open to correcting myself if I have done so.
  12. I have seen videos where someone has a spouse or child scribble a little something on their skin as a keepsake... I think it's precious ... some would call it ridiculous. Each to their own, I say.
  13. I can certainly appreciate that. :)
  14. While it's certainly not finger painting ... it is neither cosmetic surgery nor is it dentistry. Both those professions require four years of reputable schooling and attainment of bachelor degrees, regulated testing and are subject to strict licencing - at minimum. To be fair, I don't feel these are comparable to tattooing ...neither does the government, apparently. As far as my knowledge extends, medical schools do not required their students to perform dental work or face-lifts on themselves, whereas a tattoo apprentice is very likely to be asked to do his/her first piece on himself. I appreciate your "concern" for my well being. I also am concerned for my well being and so even though it is only my own skin I am risking I am an avid student and very conscientious when it comes to proper hygiene practices.
  15. It's a beautiful sleeve, Thirstydog ... I love colorful tattoos ... Interesting to note that I find my interest in tattoos also renewed around the same age ... midlife crisis? ... hate to admit it, but maybe you're right! lol Welcome to the LST forums!
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