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Thekev last won the day on March 7 2017

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  1. Got a good start on my arm piece this last weekend.
  2. I got this rose from Sam Castro while she did a guest spot in Killeen, TX
  3. Wish I would have thought about that when I was 18 and got my first couple. Luckily they were relatively small and now that I'm in my late 30's I've been able to get quality pieces and plan for coverups that I can be proud of.
  4. I have recently really been liking Scott Garitson's work. I believe he works out of Til Death Denver. His instagram is @scottgaritsontattoo
  5. Got this rose done this last weekend by Sam Castro at Precisely Veiled Tattoo in Killeen, TX. Super clean and comfortable shop and she does some great work!
  6. Just booked 3 spots with Jay Joree in June and July. Two of them will be for a large leg piece and the other is for a planchette on the inside of my arm. Can't wait!
  7. @TheFnTexan it honestly was one of the nicest shops I have ever been in. Everyone was crazy nice, everything was super clean and just has an all around good vibe. I'm looking forward to him coming back so we can do some more. Trash Polka :)
  8. No worries @Hands On. I'm happy I found this forum and will have to share my new piece once it's done.
  9. Thank you @Hands On and it's Aaron Is or Aaron "Is" Michalowski
  10. First post here but I've got a spot booked with Aaron Is this coming Saturday. Really looking forward to it and thinking about just giving him free reign to have some fun.
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