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  1. Like
    scottyg reacted to oboogie in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    I like it. I have an Amy Winehouse tattoo, too. 🙂
  2. Like
    scottyg reacted to pam in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Got this little bowl of ramen tattooed while I was in Tokyo a couple of weeks ago. Picture taken immediately after session so it’s a little reddish but it has healed really nicely. 

  3. Like
    scottyg reacted to SStu in Upcoming Tattoos   
    I know you've seen this here before - but a lifetime of thinking "I wish this side was as nice as that side" versus saving a few hundred dollars isn't going to balance out in the end . . . 
  4. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from tattooregret in new here   
    I mean, if you share a picture it might help to have the crowd here tell you what they think. Instant regrets can set in, but maybe it's not so bad. And from what I hear lasering can be a very costly, painful, and arduous experience.
  5. Like
    scottyg reacted to SStu in What do you think of this artist?   
    This. And a combination of styles (hard outline with watercolor shading/background/highlights) might satisfy both courts in the right design. This particular artist looks like she might be able to capture this. 
  6. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from SStu in What do you think of this artist?   
    appears very good for the style, the problem being that watercolor tattoos aren't typically recommended, as they'll be a was in a few years' time.
    good luck.
  7. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from Kitsune in What do you think of this artist?   
    appears very good for the style, the problem being that watercolor tattoos aren't typically recommended, as they'll be a was in a few years' time.
    good luck.
  8. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from oboogie in What do you think of this artist?   
    appears very good for the style, the problem being that watercolor tattoos aren't typically recommended, as they'll be a was in a few years' time.
    good luck.
  9. Like
    scottyg reacted to Obsidi4n in HELLO! New guy here. Asking for advice on filling a gap   
    Got an update for y’all , not as old school as I originally planned but I’m happy with it

  10. Like
    scottyg reacted to gtrjunior in Upcoming Tattoos   
    Looking into getting an oriental style dragon.
    A local shop does a “Tap-Out” Special. A flat rate for up to 8 hrs of work or until you Tap Out.

    Maybe something like this.
  11. Like
    scottyg reacted to Cody Deegan in How is this tattoo going to age?   
    This is a tattoo I have on my leg which was done 22 years ago. It looked completely legible at the time. Now the black mass of hair and the face have become quite obscured. The one redeeming factor with time is that the ink tends to fade a bit in intensity, which means the option for a touch up after a good chunk of time can help remedy an old tattoo.  I may one day get this one reworked with more whites to help create better separations. But ultimately it was a bad design choice. I thought maybe sharing an aged tattoo with lots of black could help this thread.

  12. Like
    scottyg reacted to Hogrider in How is this tattoo going to age?   
    Great minds think alike. I was looking at it thinking, "When that goes south, time for a panther."
  13. Sad
    scottyg reacted to Dan in Rest in Peace Lyle ! Legend is an understatement   

  14. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from Hands On in Hi!   
    you don't have to explain shit to anyone man
  15. Haha
    scottyg got a reaction from joethelion in Hi!   
    you don't have to explain shit to anyone man
  16. Like
    scottyg reacted to Dan in Hi!   
    it could be fun to makeup different explanations for different situations as to what the symbols mean when asked about them ! LOL
  17. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from Dan in Hi!   
    you don't have to explain shit to anyone man
  18. Like
    scottyg reacted to ughanxiousppl in Hi!   
    Whether you give an explanation or not is up to you. Whether the person asking thinks you’re rude or not is up to them. If you are comfortable not explaining it when people ask then I’d say it’s fine. I just want to warn you that everyone who sees it for the first time is probably going to ask you about it. I personally like the idea of getting some type of image instead of the Chinese characters and the script. I know you know what you think the characters mean but have you verified with someone who speaks and writes in that language? There are more than a few people walking around with Chinese symbols on their body thinking they mean one thing but it’s really another or is completely wrong. Chinese characters are complex and slight variances can alter the meaning. The person tattooing you probably won’t speak or read the language either. It’s going to be 100% on you to make sure it’s done precisely.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Like
    scottyg reacted to joethelion in Hi!   
    Thank you all for so many really very useful ideas!
    I will definitely double check the Chinese characters (though I am quite sure they are the elements, like fire, water etc) and ask them to be made smaller. Even like that, though, I understand the Russian script wouldn`t fit on my lower arm. Something else that I haven`t thought before is the questions I would get. Is it considered rude to not give explanations, or say something like "that`s a long story"? This is too personal for me to be sharing with everybody. Which also makes me think -as John suggested- to put it out of plain view. But where would that be? I would love it directly near my heart but don`t know if that would be smart -again for maintenance reasons, as in shaving chest hair🙄
  20. Like
    scottyg reacted to Dan in Hi!   
    on your arm between your wrist and elbow is perfect IMO,the characters could be a good size there to look great,
    be sure and find the right artist that does that kind of work,
    and you don't want to read it yourself,it would be upside down,you want it so if you drop your arm and show it the person looking at it can read it.
    and lastly but most important,be sure of the character's meanings 1000% 
  21. Like
    scottyg reacted to AtomicMagpye in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Here's how it's all hanging together at this point - at least from one angle...   leg has been started and booked in for a bit more in two weeks - it will all join up eventually 🙂

  22. Like
    scottyg reacted to oboogie in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Today’s piece. On the back of the arm with the Ganesh from a month ago.

  23. Haha
    scottyg reacted to Hands On in Full Back Piece Experience Thread   
    Maybe you have a mutant power!! Wolverine butt.
    Either that or you're working for Jondix and Chad Koeplinger, trying to get me to extend my back piece.
  24. Like
    scottyg reacted to Hands On in Full Back Piece Experience Thread   
    *Fitting Room Attendant knocking on door  - "Ma'am?! Do you need any assistance in there? We're closing in 15 minutes."
  25. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from Hands On in Full Back Piece Experience Thread   
    man, my ass and thighs don't hurt nearly at all, even though everyone else says they're the worst.
    my back is what kills!
    yeah, that's the sense of loss at not being fully able to witness our back(sides)!
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