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  1. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from Hogrider in Hi! I was looking for advice on my new tat   
    It looks like you're over moisterizing it: those small bumps are usually clogged pores. The very very lightest of coats of lotion should be used out of the shower.
  2. Like
    scottyg reacted to Hogrider in Tattoo advice   
    The best advice I ever got was when my artist said something like, "There's no such thing as the perfect tattoo. If you look for every little thing, you'll drive yourself crazy. Just enjoy the big picture."
    I've always taken his advice and I've always enjoyed my tattoos.
  3. Sad
    scottyg reacted to rdinak in Post shitty things you have been doing recently   
    Selling my house because the ex wanted a few dollars more.......I hate moving worse than having a colonoscopy and wisdom tooth pulled on the same day.
    Going to buy a another house with no ghost in it and get some fresh ink to celebrate. 
  4. Like
    scottyg reacted to Dan in Post shitty things you have been doing recently   
    well,it was a good day today,I went and had the colonoscopy done and the doctor didn't find anything bad at all ! yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   nothing,nada,zero,zilch,,,
    thanks for all the well wishes 
  5. Like
    scottyg reacted to PapaFestive in Hi! I was looking for advice on my new tat   
    Okay awesome! I'll make sure to keep the lotion to a minimum. Thanks!
  6. Like
    scottyg reacted to JAC1961 in Post shitty things you have been doing recently   
    @Danhang tough man. I'm 58 and already had 2 of them and am due for my 3rd.  They're not a big deal, you're right, the fasting is the worst.
    My dad had colon cancer too and lived nearly 30 years after they found it. I've had a couple polyps removed and do exactly as my doc recommends. They say it is the slowest progressing and one of the most treatable forms of a shitty illness. (pun intended)
    Try not to worry, as it doesn't help a bit. I'll be sending good thoughts your way.
  7. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from oboogie in .   
    I mean, not to be a dick, but it's two intersecting lines....
  8. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from Dan in Post shitty things you have been doing recently   
    so sorry man. be strong!
  9. Like
    scottyg reacted to Sjor10” in Tattoo advice   
    Thank you for your reply . I appreciate it and your right. I think I will leave it . Maybe it’s just about getting used to having my whole arm covered in color as well . 
  10. Like
    scottyg reacted to JAC1961 in Tattoo advice   
    I agree, that's a pretty standard Asian theme. I also like it and if were mine, would not want to change a thing. I imagine after it's healed the color could be changed slightly (very) to more purplish. You'd have to consult your artist. I think the blue goes fine with the other colors... blue, red, yellow area primary colors after all.
  11. Like
    scottyg reacted to JAC1961 in .   
    Must not have liked our answers.
  12. Like
    scottyg reacted to Amit Levy in How to go past 6 back to back sessions   
    I guess most people are closer to your way doing it haha. I just prefer having the least time healing and finishing it all in one trip as short as possible. After that one I'll be having a full back piece done tho not sure yet if it will also be done by Roman cus that one is deferent style (wildlife) and less colorful.
    Thanks for your wishes, I appreciate it!
    Ya, as you saw, his type of work is detailed and complex AF. 
    20 hours for a full Japanese sleeve sounds pretty fast (tho idk how complex that specific one is), my type is very detailed realistic. On my other hand I got a tattoo on half the width from elbow to shoulder (colorful) which alone took 13.5 hours.
    Just in order to make it clear how detailed the sleeve+chest gonna be, that's a sketch I have made for it (there will be changes by Roman ofc).

  13. Like
    scottyg reacted to gtrjunior in How to go past 6 back to back sessions   
    I just looked him up on Instagram.
    His work is amazing and definitely complex....but I still feel that 60 hours is too much.
    I’m currently working on a full sleeve (Japanese style dragon) and I’d guess that 20 hours will be about when it’s done (give or take, of course).
    Admittedly, my sleeve will likely be far less complex but still.
  14. Like
    scottyg got a reaction from Amit Levy in How to go past 6 back to back sessions   
    his style looks amazingly complex.
    idk man I'm not into the huge long sessions.... slow and steady over an extended timeframe is my pace, but good luck.
  15. Like
    scottyg reacted to gtrjunior in .   
    You’re waaaaay overthinking this.
    It looks the same in both pics
  16. Like
    scottyg reacted to Michaelshane in .   
    It's upside down.
  17. Like
    scottyg reacted to Hogrider in Allergy?   
    I'd be tempted to report them to whatever board certifies them. I don't think a doctor needs to have had cancer in order to diagnose and treat it. 
  18. Like
    scottyg reacted to Hogrider in Allergy?   
    My regular doctor saw my sleeves asked me if I would be OK with taking my shirt off to show him my backpiece. I said sure. He and the nurse just stared like deer in the headlights.
  19. Like
    scottyg reacted to SStu in Allergy?   
    Dermatologists are rarely fans, in my experience. Usually just throw up their hands. 
  20. Like
    scottyg reacted to Hogrider in Cover it or fix it?   
    You can't fix that. The lines stripes are uneven. As others said, see someone that specializes in coverups and don't ever go back to whoever did that. It's not going to be cheap.
  21. Like
    scottyg reacted to AverageJer in Etiquette   
    Totally, sometimes the Cost Cutters I go to gets mad when they find out I went to the other Cost Cutters I sometimes go to...
  22. Like
    scottyg reacted to Gingerninja in Etiquette   
    Yes. Welcome to being a girl. 
  23. Sad
    scottyg reacted to Mishibizhu in Cover it or fix it?   
    Got this Tattoo in the fall and I’m just not happy with how the lines turned out. They’re pretty shaky throughout, and I just don’t know what to do at this point. Already had it touched up once by the same guy, and it didn’t help much. Advice would be appreciated.

  24. Like
    scottyg reacted to JAC1961 in Cover it or fix it?   
    Ya... that's pretty bad.  I think I'd go to someone that specializes in cover ups and talk to them.  And for the love of God, never go back to that "artist".
    Was that done in a shop?
  25. Like
    scottyg reacted to Dan in Cover it or fix it?   
    first thing you should do is never go back to that same scratcher.
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