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Everything posted by scottyg

  1. Looks like you're using too much ointment. You don't want to overdo it: less is more, it should be moist but it also needs to breathe. Scabs'll happen. Let it heal on its own time then you'll see if you need a touch up.
  2. It's just 1970s performance art using tattooing. Eh, whatevs.
  3. 1. are you asking us for legal advice? I find that strange. 2. are services declarable? I thought you could only declare a good...? 3. google.com 4. failing that, http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/menu-eng.html
  4. Man, I can't sit for more than three hours every month. And you know, I rather like the rhythm to that. But, godspeed everyone!
  5. Worked on the left thigh. Hope to finish the background (mikiri) next month!
  6. I mean, if your finger gets infected and has to be amputated we are NOT liable...
  7. I'm no artist but generally I think more smaller tattoos would look better than background. Outside of traditional Japanese tattooing I don't really like filling in with backgrounds, and I can't see it working with what you have here. Anyway, nice work!
  8. I don't think it looks anything like a dick, and I think it looks very pretty for that style. I don't know why you're unhappy with it. I think there's a like honeymoon phase sometimes with new tattoos, and maybe that's what you're experiencing?
  9. *If* you decide to go to NYC I'll of course recommend Takashi Matsuba at Behind the Circle.
  10. Check out: http://www.gominekobooks.com/ Here's my collection, and while there are so many better ones by the artists themselves, my priority is the backpiece itself! Thompson, *Tattoos in Japanese Prints* Ashcroft and Hori Benny, *Japanese Tattoos: History, Culture, Design* Cooper, *Tokyo Tattoo 1970* *Perseverance: Japanese Tattoo Tradition in a Modern World* Mandelbaum, *Studying Horiyoshi III: A Westerner's Journey into Japanese Tattoo* Fellman, *The Japanese Tattoo* Kitamura and Kitamura, *Bushido: Legacies of the Japanese Tattoo* Kitamura, *Tattoos of the Floating World: Ukiyo-e motifs in the Japanese Tattoo*
  11. @Dominiccjs It's nerve wrecking at first but you got this. take the other lesson from this thread: as painful as it can be if all these people can do it you can too. I'm going at a much slower rate, but you got this. Good luck!
  12. yeah, I gotta take two trains, sometimes a bus or cab. go all the way out to Brooklyn--and on the weekend it's a pain. Like, 1:30/2 hrs to get there.... (read: sarcasm)
  13. well, nothing to do now other than get the tattoo you wanted on the other leg by a different artist. that would be a dope pairing.
  14. Another session down; had to tap out after 2 hours as I've been sick and just exhausted lately. But, eyes on the prize!
  15. When I got my calf tattoos my lower legs--especially my ankles and feet--got swollen. It's just how the body works and isn't uncommon. That's what it looks like is happening with your arm. But we're not doctors. If you're worried always go to the doctor.
  16. holy christ that's a wonderfully bizarre piece you've got there. who's doing it? 130+ hours??? whoa.
  17. For traditional Japanese tattoos (I'm working on a backpiece) it's considered disgraceful not to finish, so as @bongsau said, I say finish what you've started first.
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