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Everything posted by scottyg

  1. There's an instagram account called "tattoo the bloody nipple"..... I think you get the idea.
  2. that fisting line was the best, ever. goddamn I loled.
  3. @JTJTJT I've never seen the koi with a skull strapped to its head--but I'm no expert! To my limited knowledge nothing in Japanese tattooing/symbolism is just a mashup. It might be borrowed from some other folk/religious/iconographic tradition, but it's always significant. You've got me curious.
  4. @piccalilli congrats, really an amazing piece.
  5. so you paid for his lunch break? on what planet? generally it sounds like he milked the time, but quicker breaks (5-8 minutes every hour) is totally fine (and needed for the canvas!). not sure what I'd say, but you're paying for him to eat lunch. that's not how capitalism works.
  6. I thought blowouts were a matter of the tattooer's application, not to do with healing, etc.
  7. another session down, this time the background down my right side. here's a healed photo Takashi took of the left side:
  8. Looks to me like you over moisturized and then it chaffed and then you've got scabs. That happened to me once. It'll heal but might need a touch up.
  9. Yeah, the meaning is clear, but in context you would still need something like: "Don't make it mean more than your life does." That would be clear to the reader. Or, "don't try to make it mean more than your life does."
  10. "Don't look for meaning in this inscription; better to try to find it in your life." --this one works. "Don't make this tattoo more than your life is." --this isn't really grammatically correct. it should be something like: "Don't make this tattoo mean more than your life does." Or, "This tattoo shouldn't mean more than your life does." But it's a hard idea to convey in words. @Gingerninja has a good idea. Is there an image that could represent this? Cool idea though: images don't always mean.
  11. Are you translating it from French? If so, why do you want it in English, when the French makes so much more sense out of the word "sens"?
  12. @Kanada great quote. If you like the sun idea then get the sun idea. your artist should be able to make it work.
  13. @Kanada is there a way to tie it in to the Latin? What does the Latin say? I like the moon idea better than a sun with rays.
  14. @Gingerninja don't know what to say. be strong. puts things in perspective. damn.
  15. @ocdcollector It's really really common to feel some of what you're feeling with a new tattoo--looking for perfection. but if you're really ocd that's not a problem we can help you with.... lol
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