Welcome @jmcdonald18
I'm a fellow Virginian. I'd give your tattoo another week or two of healing. While I'm not an expert, it doesn't look infected to me. Probably just irritation.
Who are you getting tattoos from?
Let's derail this thread and talk about how good the new Red Hare album is, and not just because Shawn Brown is in the band. @irezumi, have you checked it out?
i'm just hoping that impulsive tattoos will one day equate to impulsive one night stands. the scale is tipped heavy on one side, and y'all know which way.
@Pugilist I wish! No no, this is just where all my time goes!
@ShawnPorter congrats man! I ran my first 5k in 7 years two weeks ago. It's kinda liberating.
After finished my leg with Chris, I kinda had planned on taking a break, but fuck that shit. PABST BLUE RIBBON!
In two weeks, Mr. Andrew Conner is starting a flying tiger on my left arm.