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Everything posted by CultExciter

  1. This makes me remember when Consumption Junction was in full effect!
  2. I wasn't jumping off stage fast enough, so I got smacked!
  3. BRIDGE9 BOARD! It's been years! It reminds me of the time Wes from American Nightmare punched me in the back of the head...with his nub. Also, in reading this, it make me think of the short-lived FX series Starved. Sigh, these should be my friends.
  4. GAH...I have to wait until July until I can be tattooed again. But, it's with Chris O'Donnell. So I'll wait.
  5. CultExciter


    This thing is so tough.
  6. I've always enjoyed the Philly convention for the things it is, and the things it isn't (ie, THE BEST SHIT SHOW ON EARTH). Richmond Convention is always hit or miss. I like seeing the people I know. I don't like seeing the people I do not know. As they say, things ebb and flow...who knows what things will be like five years from now. Coleridge said it best: “The fair breeze blew, The white foam flew, And the forrow followed free. We were the first to ever burst into the silent sea.”
  7. Welcome. Grez is rad!
  8. I agree with you about the USA making "things" again. Absolutely. I would love to hear some of our dear friends across the pond chime in about this comment: "Look, if socialized health care was so great, how come people come here from all over the world to get their health care needs met?" Well, our last revolution was due to taxation without representation...what you are hinting at is a little closer to internal strife. Because we have people on all sides, which makes this place great, we can agree to disagree and still drink a beer together and shoot the shit about tattoos.
  9. This is a far cry from socialized health care. I mean, jeez, god forbid the insurance companies make less money. I am with you on some things. I believe people have to hold personal responsibility for they finances, but at the end of the day, we are still a nation where the wealth divide is incredibly gapped. We are in a country where we bail out financial institutions with our tax money...and the former CEOs still live in mansions. Does that make sense?
  10. Sigh. I feel you dude. I wish I had some cash to spare as well for the book!
  11. Oh I mean, he's Jinx Proof. That shop is solid, just ask Karl!
  12. Andrew Conner, Ben Around (in Cville, dude is pretty good, has lots of work from Mike Dorsey), Matt Brotka (he is more known for traditional but can totally pull off Japanese in a painterly fashion), Amy Black. I am sure I am missing some.
  13. I would love to see some documentation on this...I'd be more than willing say I was wrong.
  14. @Gregor, when you're on the outside looking in, you see everything. Let me know what you're seeing from time to time. I'll probably agree. People who comprehend a thing to its very depths rarely stay faithful to it forever. For they have brought its depths into the light of day: and in the depths there is always much that is unpleasant to see. - Nietzsche
  15. I'm an American quirk. I'm a socialist, Nietzsche-ian, liberal, piece of pinko scum. I believe people should have certain benefits as a birth-right and that people should be taxed according to what they make. I'm a quirk in a country where the lower-middle-class believe that their hard work yet lack of compensation is ok, because the political machine and GOD-almighty will give them what they deserve, then they die. Oh fuck it. PS...we don't have the Quirke surname here in the States...
  16. Hello! Welcome. My brother got his PhD from UT, so I used to visit Knoxville all the time. Fun place!
  17. They have always put on the best shows. Nicest dudes to boot!
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