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    Tiresius reacted to ChrisvK in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Hmm weird, lets try again! I can't seem to find the edit post option so i appologize in advance for posting this one again to anyone who has allready seen it ;)
    The first picture is how it looked 10 minutes after it was done last monday. Now it looks like it does on the second picture and itches like hell.

  2. Like
    Tiresius got a reaction from PinkUnicorn in Advice on what to add   
    The shape lends itself to a large heart. Why am I thinking that that is not going to be an option here?! 
  3. Like
    Tiresius got a reaction from Kurgana in Advice on what to add   
    The shape lends itself to a large heart. Why am I thinking that that is not going to be an option here?! 
  4. Like
    Tiresius got a reaction from Kurgana in Curious   
    @Kurgana I don't believe conversations are hijack-able as I always enjoy the various detours they take :D

    Your story makes me realise how fortunate I am as I did no research regarding the artists of my first two tattoos. I knew what I wanted for a while and then it was just about finally being in the time and space to have it done. I have a serious problem with making decisions in general and I really find the need to book months in advance and all the rest to be a serious impediment. 

    3 tattoos shows SERIOUS commitment to a band! Makes me consider a Rammstein tattoo in the future :)  

  5. Like
    Tiresius got a reaction from Dan in Curious   
    @Kurgana I don't believe conversations are hijack-able as I always enjoy the various detours they take :D

    Your story makes me realise how fortunate I am as I did no research regarding the artists of my first two tattoos. I knew what I wanted for a while and then it was just about finally being in the time and space to have it done. I have a serious problem with making decisions in general and I really find the need to book months in advance and all the rest to be a serious impediment. 

    3 tattoos shows SERIOUS commitment to a band! Makes me consider a Rammstein tattoo in the future :)  

  6. Like
    Tiresius reacted to Kurgana in Curious   
    Thanks @Tiresius! 
    That middle tattoo was pretty much a direct consequence of me never making my mind up - had been wanting more tattoos for years after the first two (got those while living in the UK). I never found anyone local I liked enough, then gave up on the search and ended up having it done on a whim while on holiday (never a good plan when you haven't done your homework on the artist). I guess it's not really one of the worst tattoos ever, but he managed to screw it up plenty considering he had a good, ready image to work from (it's too small even though I specifically asked him to make it big enough to age well, so it'll probably end up a nice black blob in a few years, and then there's the arm he forgot to add, etc). BUT that tattoo is what  pushed me "over the edge" to actively look for a good tattooer again, so I have no regrets. Just got to add more so no one will notice lol.
    I've loved Queen since I was about 7, and actually three of my tattoos are somehow related to them (firefly, oopsie & Freddie obviously), not promising there won't be more ;). It's an obsession :D.
    Now to get back on track and stop hijacking your thread, it certainly sounds counterintuitive to do the consultation that far ahead of your actual appointment. Although I guess they need to do it before taking your deposit to ensure your plan is feasible & you're aware of what can be achieved within your requirements (space, style, budget). I can't imagine the tattoo artist retaining much info from the consultation a year before the actual appointment though.
    (@polliwog I've been planning to watch some of the interviews for ages  so maybe I finally should. There are quite a few interesting studios/artists elsewhere in Italy, and I'm definitely keeping the option of a nice long weekend in the north in the back of my mind should I get the opportunity, just that there always seems to be other priorities to sort out first)
  7. Like
    Tiresius reacted to bongsau in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    My kung fu school's Dragon Team did another run at our annual city parade. This is my 11th year in the row!
    Here's a cool shot of our group and Dragon ...in front of some waves and wind - old mural from a tattoo shop I got my 2nd tatt at 13 years ago!

  8. Like
    Tiresius reacted to Kurgana in Building up an area with an existing tattoo   
    I'm starting to plan what to get on my upper arm where I already have an older, small and not-really-the-sort-of-style-I'd-go-for-today type tattoo that I don't want to cover up or remove, and I was hoping to bounce some ideas off you guys and maybe see if some of you have done something similar (please share a pic or two if you can!).
    The existing tattoo is a delicate-looking small (8x3 cms or so) scrollwork piece with a tiny blue rose and my husband's name (cringe away if you like, I don't mind :D)  picked from the cheapest category of wall flash due to our equally small and delicate student budget at the time. So regardless of the artistic quality etc, it's obviously very important to me. Unfortunately, it's bang on in the middle of the top half of my upper arm that is badly in need of some tattoos in the near future...
    My plans include three separate pieces for each member of my family, possibly tied together with some sort of filler, shoulder-to-elbow coverage wise. I'll be getting a hawk (at the moment I'm leaning towards the head only), a blossom (have to decide which flower, definitely won't be a rose, possibly a peony?) and a crescent moon (possibly filled with some sort of pattern/design). These will be in full colour, looking at a neo traditional/traditional style. The composition is going to be awkward at best with the old tattoo in the middle, and while I haven't discussed this with the artist I have in mind yet, I think the only way to make it work would be to tattoo the moon "around" the old tattoo, with the blossom in front of the shoulder and the hawk underneath the moon or on the inner bicep (or vice versa). 
  9. Like
    Tiresius reacted to ian in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Just got a portrait of my pup from Ben Grillo...

  10. Like
    Tiresius reacted to MadeIndelible in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    I like to think that I've had some help getting started correctly (thanks, 12oz guys).
    Nice to see you around these parts.

  11. Like
    Tiresius reacted to SStu in Chest pieces on ladies.   

  12. Like
    Tiresius got a reaction from Kurgana in Curious   
    Ha ha! I love your characterisation of the middle one :D

    The  firefly ROCKS! I really like its clean, precise geometry! The curls of the armadillo are amazing too.

    I'm a fan of Queen - but not enough of a fan to get a tribute tattoo... I love the way the artist managed to get those high cheek bones in. He was a beautiful man! (Freddie, not the artist ;) )

    Seems like Sicily has talent!
  13. Like
    Tiresius got a reaction from Kurgana in Curious   
    @Kurgana I would love to see some of your pieces! Are they uploaded somewhere?
  14. Like
    Tiresius reacted to Kurgana in Curious   
    @Tiresius I totally get what you're saying. It's a difficult decision when you are trying to make all your tattoos work together. Lots of people succeed, but I ended where I'm now when I realised I didn't want to be limited by a specific style or theme. Still not sure how it's going to work out for the single body parts though - my current tattoos are set apart from each other, but my probable next one (actually it'll be three separate tattoos in the same area) will have to somehow fit on my arm where I already have a really girly little scrollwork tattoo (one of the earliest) and a large blackwork piece taking up pretty much all of my inner forearm. 
  15. Like
    Tiresius got a reaction from Kurgana in Curious   
    I'm still wanting my tattoos to be relatively discreet, and I'm also a little hung up regarding coherence. My body is an extension of particles, but I am also a unitary being and I feel the need for there to be a unifying principle behind it all. My first was going to be my only one: I had this idea of the tattoo being 'my motto' or my personal symbol. However, I was in a bad place at the time and some years later I had another on the other ankle to provide a kind of answer to the first.

    A few months ago someone that meant a lot to me passed away, and I really want to be physically marked by that - if that makes any sense! I also want something really beautiful and larger than my previous ones. I may have it done on my abdomen, however, so it remains discreet. The difficulty is that I feel like it needs to tie in with the other two and I'm not sure quite what that means. I don't want to repeat the exact motifs, and I'm not even sure whether it is unity of style that I am after...

    I was considering remaining with the theme: so the first was a rose- bud, the second, an anklet of hearts and this third COULD be a swan which would make them all romantic. But...I'm feeling some tooth rot from the saccharine!
  16. Like
    Tiresius reacted to Dan in Curious   
    that's me 100%
  17. Like
    Tiresius reacted to Kurgana in Curious   
    @Tiresius I live in Sicily, Italy. Living on an island is sometimes a little frustrating. I'd love to collect tattoos from artists all over the world, but at least at this stage of my life it seems a little complicated. This is not to say that there are no talented local artists, but I guess I tend to gravitate towards styles that are not that well represented here. 
    I totally see myself as pretty much covered in the future. Hopefully with work by multiple artists. It's probably not going to end up looking very cohesive, especially because I'm all for mixing different styles... But at least it will be interesting :)
  18. Like
    Tiresius got a reaction from Kurgana in Curious   
    @Kurgana NO! You kidding me? Not sure where you are from, but there are artists in the UK, the USA and Europe that have totally bowled me over. As well as those extemely vivid print-types I also LOVE the fine line work of Thieves of Tower and Dr Woo, and check these out, by Asley Malarkey.


    There is a Pope mouse, and also an owl there that are fabulous!

    But I admit to really loving the work at Fallen Heroes - at least the stuff in the online portfolios. Thys ended up being my first choice because of the detail and intensity of his work. However, I find La's stuff really appealing too - and certainly if one wants a fairy-tale quality to it, I think... My other crush is Bryan: for something realist. In fact, I asked when he was next available as I was thinking of two hands holding each other against a night sky/galaxy. However, he is only available in February! (My appointment with Thys is booked for May :o ) So...I'm going to see if La is available earlier and hopefully start with the tree.
  19. Like
    Tiresius got a reaction from Kurgana in Curious   
    I love that piece he did on that guy's back 20 years ago! Much of his own body though seems to have turned into a grey smudge.
  20. Like
    Tiresius got a reaction from Kurgana in The ladies thread   
    Ok, thanks. Guess it's just as well my tattoo appointment is in 10 months. Time for at least 3 or 4 laser sessions before.
  21. Like
    Tiresius got a reaction from Kurgana in The ladies thread   
    I haven't read this whole thread - so apologies if someone gave the answer to this earlier, but can one do lazer hair removal on an area that has been tattooed? I'm just wondering whether it would be better to  lazer an area for a few months before having a tattoo there. I wouldn't mind waiting a few months afterwards to ensure its healed BEFORE doing lazer hair removal, but don't want to find out it is no longer an option when its too late!
  22. Like
    Tiresius reacted to sophistre in The ladies thread   
    I would not. The laser works the same way on your hair follicles that it works on tattoos...it interacts with the pigment.
  23. Like
    Tiresius reacted to Kurgana in Curious   
    @Tiresius I know! I'm trying to be mindful of not wasting any precious space for things that are not "important" to me though. I guess what is holding me back potentially even more than the budget is the relative lack of access to artists I like, it seems like you'll have no such problems.
    I really like the work of most artists from the studio you linked, and yes, I also find La's work beautiful! I am not really qualified to judge technical aspects or how this sort of work will age, but I'd personally love to have a tattoo done by her. There are some great examples of tattoos that flow very nicely with the body in her portfolio (love, love, love the back tattoo with the lady's head where her hair morphs into a wolf).
    Please post us some pics when you end up getting tattooed so that I can die of envy ;).
  24. Like
    Tiresius reacted to Gingerninja in LST Animal Lovers   
    Gunner likes donuts. We have a local donut shop that makes doggie donuts which are a basic cake donut drizzled with peanut butter and topped with a Milk Bone.

  25. Like
    Tiresius reacted to Valpolicella in LST Animal Lovers   
    This is my 5 year old Staffy. He's super energetic and playful, I get people constantly asking me if he's still a puppy. Sigh. He's a handful but a great family dog. A couple 'glamor shots' from back when I was super into photography:

    Aaaaand one of him letting my 6 month old son climb all over him. He's loving it.

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