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    Tiresius reacted to Kurgana in Hi from Italy/help with planning my arms   
    Hi all,
    I have been lurking here for a while, and finally decided to join!
    I have always loved tattoos, but have really lacked the financial means and/or access to skilled artists until recently. I have a couple of ok-ish small pieces (upper arm and chest) that are around 15 years old - small being they key word plus the style is not really "me", however they are special memories and as such I'd never even consider covering them.
    Around three years ago, while abroad, I got my first relatively big tattoo (palm sized on the upper back). This was sadly done by someone whose technique was ok but artistic talent a little less so. I learned a lot from the experience, plus I'm not really staring at it all day (it also actually looks ok unless you are quite close), so I'm still happy I had it done as it has really pushed me to continue getting tattooed AND to find a great artist.
    This brings me to my latest tattoo which is a black/dotwork piece on my inner forearm, done about a month ago by a local artist I found just before Christmas and immediately knew to be "the one" to execute an idea I had been thinking of since my previous tattoo.
    I am booked with the same guy for the 15th to tattoo my other inner forearm with a different, but complementary, design.
    Funds allowing, I'll probably add several more tattoos to these. At the moment, my specific plans include a large piece on each (outer) upper arm (one will have to fit around the old small one). These will probably not be done by the same artist though since I'm looking at a different kind of style from the forearm ones. I'm sure there will be more as I come up with other designs that are meaningful to me. However, I'm not planning to go for a seamless sleeve look since the styles I like are rather graphic and, IMO, need the negative space to frame the single tattoos for maximum impact. Also, at least at this stage I'm not really comfortable with having work done on my torso and on the fence even about the upper tighs, so space is a bit of an issue.
    So, taking into account these factors, I have been toying with the idea of adding a short script to the outer edge of my forearms. Bold, graphic, straight lined font as opposed to handwritten/calligraphy. I have at times had the impression that script is frowned upon by the more serious tattoo artists, but I have always been deeply affected by lyrics/literature and certainly see the beauty in words as much as in any other kind of visual art.
    What I am concerned with is whether I'll regret using up the space later on (although you can probably see from my post that I don't really "do" regret :)). At the same time, I can't really visualize any other tattoos on my forearms without loosing the framed-by-skin look I prefer, so maybe it is a good thing?
    I'll post a link to my newest tattoo in a bit, plus a reference pic to show where I'd like to get the script. I'd really love to hear what you think 'cause I really don't have any visually inclined friends/family who are willing to nitpick tattoo placement with me lol...
    - - - Updated - - -
    Wow, sorry for that huge block of text...
    Anyway, here's my forearm tattoo (link to artist's insta):
    If it's unclear from the pic, it basically takes up all the inner forearm (pic cuts off at wrist/elbow crease). The wings wrap up some onto the sides of the arm.
    This is a Googled image of the script placement (slightly shorter phrase and not this style of font):
  2. Like
    Tiresius reacted to irishowl in Hello! Getting my first tattoo JUNE 30TH! i need some advice!   
    Thank you!  I'll make sure to talk to my artist so we can find a better font for me! 
  3. Like
    Tiresius reacted to irishowl in Hello! Getting my first tattoo JUNE 30TH! i need some advice!   
    Funny thing about that!  I love the Sherlock Holmes series,  but Sherlock isn't the character I love the most.  It's the antagonist,  Professor Moriarty, he is known as the king of crime,  and in the show relates to the crown as well(I've always had my heart for him and his right hand Man!).  I agree it is a bit too small,  but I don't think I'd go any bigger since I don't want it to completely cover my forearm.  I tried different font styles and sizes and this one seemed to be the best.  But,  you're right with the comma,  I have to add that. 
  4. Like
    Tiresius reacted to irishowl in Hello! Getting my first tattoo JUNE 30TH! i need some advice!   
    Hey all!
    My name is Kate, and I am 19 years old. I'm getting my first tattoo in a few weeks. I need some advice/help. I like this design, but does anyone else? my family and friends say they like it, but I just want to be extra, EXTRA sure so I can change it if need be! 
    The quote is from the show Sherlock, on the BBC. It's a mantra of mine that I use to help me calm down when I am going through times of trouble. I used to have very bad depression and suicidal tendencies, but this quote is really what saved me. I want it to be a part of me so that I remember that every time I go through something hard in my life, I just have to remember that it's a part of life, bad stuff is going to happen, you have to face it, not fear it. The full quote is "Pain. Loss. Heartbreak. You always feel it, but you don't have to fear it." But I shortened it for..obvious reasons! It gives me strength and It's been with me for a long time. Also, I'm a huge Sherlock Holmes fan from a young age, so it's a plus!
    What do you think? 

  5. Like
    Tiresius reacted to polliwog in New Here   
  6. Like
    Tiresius reacted to polliwog in New Here   
    Guys. How about we be kinder and humbler on the newbie threads? This is really tedious and frankly not fun to read at all.
  7. Like
    Tiresius reacted to polliwog in New Here   
    I don't think that getting a small script tattoo that isn't to the taste of people on this board is such a terrible thing. Just go to someone who will tattoo it well and solicit his or her ideas on placement so that it's the appropriate size for the body part it's on.
  8. Like
    Tiresius got a reaction from Devious6 in LST Animal Lovers   
    I have a caramel-coloured boerbull and I'v kind of given up on my black canvas sneakers...
  9. Like
    Tiresius reacted to Devious6 in LST Animal Lovers   
    Yellow Lab.....black shirt. Need I say more?

  10. Like
    Tiresius got a reaction from PinkUnicorn in " It's a good thing tattoos hurt " word from Jack Rudy .   
    "It's a good thing tattoos hurt, because otherwise, every pussy in the world would have one."

    There's some hyper-masculine posturing! 

    Also funny: he used his mother's sewing needle and Indian ink for his first tattoo - a spider he drew on himself. And yet he is pretty judgmental of today's youth who just go to a friend who happens to have a tattoo kit 'cos it's free'.
  11. Like
    Tiresius reacted to jen7 in " It's a good thing tattoos hurt " word from Jack Rudy .   
    I am somewhat of a weirdo in that I look forward to ordeals of all types. I prefer full day sessions because of the ordeal aspect more than the results. I used to run marathons for the same reason. Stay up for weeks at a time, hunger strikes, you name it. I have a masochistic streak or something. Not for intensity, but for endurance.
    I don't know if this came from my past (child abuse survivor) or whether it is just an innate aspect of my character.
    Anyway, does this resonate with anyone?
  12. Like
    Tiresius reacted to RoryQ in " It's a good thing tattoos hurt " word from Jack Rudy .   
    Of course I'm glad tattoos hurt: I agree it's an integral part of keeping them for the dedicated only... Willing to sit and take it for the lifetime reward of the tattoo.
    I got to admit that I stopped philosophising too earnestly about the educational or self improving nature of the pain the time I got my front lined out. It wasn't a relevatory experience for me ... I just felt like I got carved up! I guess I found my personal tipping point that day.
    Small tattoos, or decent pieces most places on the body... I can grin and bear it and, yes, I probably learned a thing or two about managing pain mentally. Even my back piece was pretty Ok.
    But a really long sessions on a sensitive place like the torso or ribs... mostly just makes me miserable end of story. Can't make a purse from a sow's ear.
  13. Like
    Tiresius reacted to Hogrider in How do you react to stares??????   
    Leviticus 19:28 You shall not make any gashes in your flesh for the dead or tattoo any marks upon you: I am the Lord.
    The pagans would mark themselves so that the newly dead would not recognize them. The Jews were not supposed to do this because it was a pagan practice. I guess if someone is following every other command in the bible, there is no reason not to follow this. Most Christians just follow the commands they want and then justify why they don't have to follow the others.
  14. Like
    Tiresius reacted to revs114 in How do you react to stares??????   
    I don't mind if people stare as long they don't have a dirty look on their face, I see it as curiosity. I also 'stare' at someone who has an interesting tattoo in public.
  15. Like
    Tiresius reacted to kylegrey in How do you react to stares??????   
    For me it was far worse when I was bodybuilding , people used to cross the road and parents clutch their childrens hands ,I even once unwittendly and without consent appeared on a documentary said to highlight "how big some of these people can get " .
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    Tiresius reacted to jade1955 in How do you react to stares??????   
    If that were me I would have just showed her my.

  17. Like
    Tiresius reacted to Natveggie45 in How do you react to stares??????   
    I will learn to stare back.... It is a non-threatening gesture. My husband is really surprised by my reaction, and so am i! I am an animal activist, and i also work closely with the children aid society . I am vocal plenty in other situations. I dont judge others, but try to help as much as i can. I liked your quotes of the Bible. I will use that . Thanks..,
  18. Like
    Tiresius reacted to Hogrider in How do you react to stares??????   
    The Bible does say you should not mark your skin. Next time tell them it also says "Do not judge, and you will not be judged; do not condemn, and you will not be condemned," "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." and "Why do you see the speck in your neighbor's eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye?"
    These hypocrites only read the part of the bible that allows them to be judgmental blowhards.
    As to the stares, I'm 6'2" 195 with hair halfway down my back. I stare back :-)
  19. Like
    Tiresius reacted to Natveggie45 in How do you react to stares??????   
    Well, first, let me introduce myself. I am a 45 year old teacher who always dreamed about getting tattoos. Finally realized my dream, with a tattoo of a heart surrounded by a vine and leaves, all the way to my hand. I love it; very feminine yet expresses my vegan believes. Well... People are rude! Staring, frowning... And mainly women! Positives from men ( hubby not happy lol)... But how do you react to people ? Would it be because i am older??? One lady told me at the store i should not do this to the temple God gave me... What the hell is that about???
  20. Like
    Tiresius reacted to el twe in Hello!   
    Welcome!  We love pictures here, could you post some of the tattoos you've done?
  21. Like
    Tiresius reacted to DabHand in Hello!   
    Hello, everyone! My name is Aaron and I am a tattooer of 5 years. I enjoy learning and really love art; there is nothing I enjoy more than giving someone a rad new tattoo! Well, maybe just spending time with my family...they're pretty amazing. I am very excited to be a member, I first discovered LST by watching the interview series on YouTube. I was instantly stoked on it, getting to hear the stories from artists who I had already been familiar with from tattoo magazines and other media sources. Then also being introduced to some extremely talented artists I wasn't that familiar with. To be in a forum where I can experience so many wonderful aspects of this culture and witness the continuation of this sacred craft much older than any of us, one that will outlast us all. Sorry if I'm gushing here, tattooing just means very much to me, I don't want to undersell that. Although, I'm sure you reading this feel the same. Why else would you be reading this? I look forward to interacting with many others who share a passion for tattooing! 
  22. Like
    Tiresius reacted to Kurgana in Hello People :)   
    Anyone who'd like to fund my round-the-world trip to get at least 5 tattoos from each continent? Feel free to pm me for bank coordinates ;).
  23. Like
    Tiresius got a reaction from pidjones in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    That's a really beautiful vibrant hue. I'm not keen on the "texture" in the second pic! :p All things pass ;)
  24. Like
    Tiresius got a reaction from ChrisvK in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    That's a really beautiful vibrant hue. I'm not keen on the "texture" in the second pic! :p All things pass ;)
  25. Like
    Tiresius reacted to AverageJer in Advice on what to add   
    Two. I also have a sea monster which probably comes from the same ancient legends as dragons so the case could be made I have three. 

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