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  1. Like
    JAllen got a reaction from CultExciter in Random me   
    Its time to go in to shops and start to check out them out. You might find more photos and possibly examples of folks work that is exactly what you're looking for...not everything end up on the internet. I've said it before but use it as a tool to narrow stuff down which you have. Now see which person you go talk to can accomplish your goal. There's plenty of capable folks in the areas you've mentioned. If its meaningful, it'll be worth all the effort involved.
  2. Like
    JAllen reacted to Matthew Thomas in opinion on these 2 artists?   
    I'm a little confused as to why, if you're not planning on going back to this person, you feel you need to ask others opinions? If you didn't connect with your artist, that's what matters here, not what other people think about an artist that you don't connect with. I would rather get tattooed by a decent artist that I connect with than a great artist that I can't connect with. My artist has only been doing tattoos for 6 years, but her and I connect. I tell her what ideas I have and she helps me find an image that matches my idea, then she bases her design on that image and idea. So far, I've had nothing but positive experiences with her, and I plan on keeping her as my artist until I'm done getting tattooed. I was briefly considering going to Philly to see a well known artist, but my current artist really exceeded my expectations with my most recent tattoo, and I've decided to stick with her because we connect and she has proven her skill beyond the smallest shadow of a doubt in my eyes. I'm rambling a bit, but my point is that if you don't feel a connection with an artist in terms of them understanding exactly what you want and doing their absolute best to make sure you are satisfied (within reason, of course), then don't go to that artist. No one else's opinion matters beyond that.
  3. Like
    JAllen reacted to Graeme in Are there way too many tattoos, especially on ...   
    I should know better than to reply to a thread started and then fuelled by a couple of clown-ass trolls, but you all rule and have brought a lot of great discussion to this thread. All I have to add to the discussion is that I think LST's slogan of GET GOOD TATTOOS is a great one and part of taking that seriously means using this forum to empower people, regardless of their body or body image, to seek out and get good tattoos that excite them and make them happy. There's no room here for body-shaming and making people feel that they somehow don't deserve a nice tattoo unless their body fits a pre-established mode of beauty. Go fuck yourself if you disagree.
  4. Like
    JAllen reacted to Gregor in slang terms that make you cringe?   
    just squid pants. half squid threequarter squid , or the fulll squid .
  5. Like
    JAllen reacted to irezumi in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    Flew in for the Perseverance show and had a blast even if it was a very compressed trip. I've been to a lot of cities across the US but it was my first visit to LA. I saw some old friends, went to the opening night gig (which is when the video I posted was from) and afterwards me and one of the guys I work with went down to Shamrock to see some of his old friends. He worked there for a while at one point so to him it was like visiting family, and I was introduced to Freddy Negrete and Danny Romo as well as some of the other guys there. Hung out for a while until closing and then Danny gave us a ride back to our hotel. Really super nice crew and solid tattooers. Also had a French dip at Cole's; apparently the OG inventor of such said sandwich.
  6. Like
    JAllen reacted to Graeme in slang terms that make you cringe?   
    The preferred LST terminology for this kind of coverage is SQUIDPANTS.
  7. Like
    JAllen reacted to Matthew Thomas in Funny or interesting tattoo compliments   
    I thought maybe we could share some positive stories about funny or interesting compliments that we have gotten on our tattoos. I have one to share that happened today. My wife and I were in the checkout line at walmart, and a grandmotherly woman in front of us had forgotten a bag. I went to hand it to her, and she saw the grim reaper on my right arm, and she says, "I love your tattoo!". I said, "Thank you!" and she said, "I'll bet it hurt like hell, though!" I said, "Yeah, a little bit. It took about four hours." she said, "Oh, my gosh", or something to that effect, and went about her way. I just thought it was kinda funny, because she was the last person I would expect to compliment a grim reaper tattoo. But I definitely appreciated it. When a grandmother compliments a grim reaper tattoo, then you know it's high quality. That's what I say, anyway, lol. So, what are some other positive funny stories people have to share?
  8. Like
    JAllen reacted to Johannes in 24hour delay between PM and email notification   
    tip: quit your job and sit in front of your computer all day instead. then you won't miss a thing on LST!
  9. Like
    JAllen reacted to 49531 in How about an art show?   
    these 2 are from yesterday

    thanks for looking
  10. Like
    JAllen got a reaction from missmaralaena in Dumb Hipster Tattoos   
    that makes me think this

  11. Like
    JAllen reacted to Dumpleton in How about an art show?   
    Made another

  12. Like
    JAllen got a reaction from Hands On in Are there way too many tattoos, especially on ...   
    It just sounds like this dudes hot girlfriend went and got tattooed with out him.
  13. Like
    JAllen reacted to irezumi in Spazzing Out   
    That's a question I'd still like to get an answer to as well. Just a case in point of how many, but not all, doctors have no understanding of tattoo healing process only out of ignorance.
  14. Like
    JAllen reacted to irezumi in Spazzing Out   
    it's fine I'm sure, it doesn't look infected just healing slowly; I'd tell you if it were a concern. Some new tattoos on some people just get a milkyish appearance for a few days or weeks. It's brand new skin growing back just like any normal scrape that has 'baby skin' after the scab comes off. I've seen some reds look pink after the peel but come back to vibrant red by the 3rd week or so.
    Best advice is to just apply the aftercare religiously just as usual. It's a couple of weeks old I'm guessing? Motor City con from your description of recent show in Detroit? I'd say wait a full 4 weeks from the day it was done, and then evaluate what it looks like.
    I do NOT recommend asking a doctor for advice. Trust me on this; all too many times I have seen a doctor jump the gun on a slow or poorly healing tattoo (out of pure ignorance is all) and take drastic measures when all it might need is some time to settle down and then evaluate. Some lady got a red reaction (not an infection) on her foot and instead of coming to us to see what we thought she went to a doctor and he gave her a dermal abrasion. It sounds almost as bad as it looks now. Just a horrible spaghetti looking scar now when it could've just waited out a month and then touch it up.
    As far as your tattoos not healing like that; everybody's body is different and heals at a different pace.
    looks like Graeme summed that up shorter and faster than I did while I plunked out that reply on my keyboard. #beatmetoit
  15. Like
    JAllen reacted to irezumi in LST Skateboarding videos thread   
    I support this thread 1000%
    Barrier cult / dark man woods have been some of my favorite videos lately
    - - - Updated - - -

    Mid-late 90s high budget birdhouse video, this was and still is such an awesome idea
  16. Like
    JAllen reacted to Graeme in LST Skateboarding videos thread   
    Even though I was never actually good at it, skateboarding is probably one of my biggest and earliest influences in life. In the late 80s or early 90s during the summers in the shitty little town where I grew up, the curling rink was converted into an indoor skatepark with half pipes and even though those ramps were terrifying and I couldn't actually skate them for the life of me, that skatepark is where I first heard punk rock. Thrasher magazine was like a bible: I read about Youth of Today in there, it was through Thrasher that I was introduced to artists like Pushead and Jim Phillips, there were the Skate Rock tapes and the Sessions ads always selling t-shirts with the Misfits skull on them. I treasured those magazines. Actually skating went in and out of my life and I don't think I've actually been on a skateboard since high school. I think about starting again from time to time, but then I remember that I'm old and my body hurts at the best of times as it is. But even so, I like going on Youtube and wasting away hours watching skate videos. Anybody else? What are your favourites?



  17. Like
    JAllen reacted to smiling.politely in slang terms that make you cringe?   
    I don't think anyone is offended by particular words being used to describe anything, rather the disrespect it shows to the history and seriousness of the craft of tattooing. Certain words are a habit, and make you sound like you're either trying too hard to sound cool or are ignorant to the correct terms? Sounds like an easy habit to break, to me. How many people call spaghetti "pa-sketti" after they're 7? Unless they have an actual impediment, not many, because someone teaches them the correct words.
    Also, any responsible tattooer will tell people what tattoos not to get all the time, and try to guide people out of other ones if they're open to suggestion.
    EDIT: Can we start a new slang term to supplant "ink" or "getting inked"? Like, "pigmented" or something along those lines? I think adding a few syllables will make people realize how silly it sounds. "How long you been slinging pigment?" "Pigment my whole body up." I think it can work.
  18. Like
    JAllen reacted to Matthew Thomas in fix or cover-up?   
    I still have to convince the wife, who has only one tattoo and doesn't want me completely covered (non-conformity, it's my body, blah blah blah but she is my wife and she has to look at it too, plus I respect her feelings), but I did email Myke to find out his hourly rate and tell him what I want. I decided on an original design of his choosing on the back of one of my calves, though not sure which one. Depending on his hourly rate, I may have to wait till next year. But I will post back here if I am able to go through with it.
  19. Like
    JAllen reacted to 49531 in How about an art show?   
    from the past coupla'

    finding it hard to go back to using colours
  20. Like
    JAllen reacted to irezumi in slang terms that make you cringe?   
    Are you saying you are deliberately obtuse, rude and offensive to the tattooers and other workers at the tattoo shop?
  21. Like
    JAllen reacted to Dumpleton in How about an art show?   
    Forcing myself to use more black or learn how to use it better. Feel like I am improving but still have plenty to learn thats for sure.

  22. Like
    JAllen reacted to Matthew Thomas in fix or cover-up?   
    Allright, so I realize that I've upset some people with some of my comments here. I sincerely apologize for being a dick. I hope that you all will accept my apology. And to anyone who has said anything disrespectful or upsetting towards me, whether you feel the need to apologize or not, I forgive you. I now wash my hands of any negativity I may have put out here, caused others to feel, or otherwise brought upon myself. The drama is over.
  23. Like
    JAllen got a reaction from Matthew Thomas in Are there way too many tattoos, especially on ...   
    It just sounds like this dudes hot girlfriend went and got tattooed with out him.
  24. Like
    JAllen reacted to irezumi in Hi!   
    Just use the first line. The rest of it is something you can know for yourself or tell someone if you feel like it. But that phrase alone can convey the idea of all of the rest of the text without suffering aesthetic design of the tattoo. I'd also suggest not using a silhouette outline. I can't think of anyone with a silhouette for more than a few years I've talked to or worked on that was still happy with it 5+ years down the line. The question always is "what can you do with this?"
    In my opinion 4 words in a banner or two & an image is a concept to work with. Any more than 4 words is usually pushing it, again in my opinion. As always everything is case by case.
    Solid advice by Graeme also^
  25. Like
    JAllen reacted to irezumi in fix or cover-up?   
    How has this not turned into someone's signature line yet?
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