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Posts posted by JAllen

  1. black heart procession

    the brains

    black breath

    mojave 3

    cannibal ox


    the congos

    white lies


    murder by death

    i love you but i've chosen death


    johnny dilks

    quest for fire

    toshinori kondo



    slim cessna's auto club

    16 horsepower


    that's a wide variety of stuff, if you find something in the list you enjoy let me know and i can probably steer you towards more stuff that is similar

  2. too many people are trying to "be cool", it's like being in primary school. i deleted facebook, it has resolved so much exposure to negativity. my google+ has 2 people currently. i wasn't very shocked that she had an overdose, i wish i was more shocked that people think it's funny or try to make jokes about it.

  3. JAllen: That was the first book I read on tattoo history. Really enjoyed it although I didn't agree with his theory that tattooing is esentially a homo erotic experience but it was very interesting.

    i agree, but i do understand his theory especially considering the time it was written as well as having an academic/sociological approach to the book.

    also, if you are in england i've heard that lionel tichner has a very nice museum in liverpool. www.Tattoomuseum.co.uk tattoo museum liverpool - HOME i'm hoping to check it out at some point. oh, an if you ever make it to ohio..rich t has an excellent museum that has loads of stoney st. clair and al schiefley stuff. really nice collection as well as having correspondence and photos of schiefley with les skuse.

  4. usually i like it if ever i get comments that are negative, it's easier to determine where people stand. as a general rule, i don't engage in conversations with mouth breathers, idiots, rude assholes, etc...all it ends up doing is dragging you down to their level at some point. when asked what will i do when i'm old, i just say if i manage to live that long i'll probably be more concerned with not having to wear a diaper and who's going to have to change me if i do have to wear one.

  5. its like a timeline/map of events. the significance or meanings to each of them is sometimes obscure or a reference to something as well as sometimes being an inside joke. the sum total of them being a rejection of mainstream culture. i do from time to time hear people say that they want to wait til they are "in shape" before getting a tattoo somewhere and i tell them that i think i'll just cover myself and if i'm fat and ugly then at least there will be a bunch of scary tattoos to distract from that.

  6. This is probably gonna make my "board cred" go down uber low... but did anyone get the new Alkaline Trio today???

    Im not going to lie... the few songs I heard them stream I loved.

    You can start the throwing of fruits and veggies now.

    there is never any shame in liking alkaline trio...and i don't care what anyone says, i like all of their albums. not just the old ones. but then again i worked in a bunch of record stores so i like loads of stuff that people may not like. with that said, i'm sure i'll end up getting the new album, from what i've heard their reworked acoustic versions and not just "an acoustic version" if that makes sense.

  7. I figured most of us are movie snobs and nerds, so we should have a thread.

    First up is the movie "Take Shelter". Its directed by Jeff Nichols (Brother to Ben Nichols of Lucero.) Here is the trailer for your enjoyment. Looks promising, and its a pretty interesting concept.


    i tattooed the girl that plays cammie, so that's how i heard about this movie. was super happy to see it go to sundance.

    as far as movies go, there's such a long list but there are a few fairly unknown gems that some might enjoy.

    the reflecting skin -

    the dark backward -


    (bill paxton is truly incredible)

    six string samurai -

    northfork -

    (i like the polish brothers almost as much as david lynch...almost)
  8. i started getting tattooed because i always felt like an outsider. i think no matter what your endeavors and choices someone makes in life there will always be someone who will disagree and find fault with one's decisions. i think if you are sincere with your efforts in life and you do the best you can to do right by others and showing respect then all you can do is move forward with what you feel to be right. if mistakes are made then those opportunities to learn and grow. the internet is sort of an altered reality, people can quickly voice their opinions see and learn things at a higher level of access which i think many people allow to form a little too much influence on their actual lives.

  9. wow, what a lineup..x, samiam, dead milkmen and hot water music?

    i saw the suicide machines open up for the specials back in the 90's, incredible show. i also got to see the descendents and all a couple of times each. the last descendents show was a real memorable experience. a friend's brother went with us and drank an entire bottle of everclear on the car ride to the show. so by the time we got there he was beyond violent and wasted. he tried to fight his brother because we took away his other bottle he had brought with him and after he swung on him a few times and fell into the street, he got up and took off into the night. the venue was in little five points in atlanta which a weird little punk rock/outsider area that is surrounded by really nice houses. so halfway through the show a mutual friend comes and gets us and tells us that the cops found his brothers naked passed out in a puddle of his own puke in some rich folks front yard. they didn't arrest him but said if they saw him again he was going to jail. so we had to take turns going to the car to keep him from getting out for the rest of the show. ahh, memories!

  10. we don't have a uniform but a few years back the owner got some really cool looking "barber shop" red and white striped shirts with the shops name embroidered on them for him and i. neither one of use wears them all the time but they are pretty cool shirts.

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