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Everything posted by JAllen

  1. its like a road trip, you'll never get to see anything different or interesting if you don't get in the car and drive farther than around the block. the only way to grow or find what direction your interests might take is by going out and experiencing it. i got tattooed quite a bit in the 90's and have stuff that i wouldn't get now and if i had those spots empty i'd for sure make a different decision now but i don't regret a single tattoo or the experience that came with each one of them.
  2. speaking of banjo gods, check out danny barnes. absolutely one of my favorites. all his solo stuff and of course bad livers entire catalog.
  3. yep, ran a couple updates and everything is working smooth
  4. exactly! i don't want anyone to censor how they speak, just to be themselves. don't worry what others think, only be aware that if you are trying to hard to sound cool it will be obvious and isn't required because the best you can do is be sincere and others will always appreciate that no matter what "terms" you use.
  5. this past week has been 3 different ones drive by truckers, all the early stuff and a few songs from albums after jason isbell left. three cow garage-first 2 albums the farrell bros-ballad of jackpine slash neko case-furnance room lullaby bruce springsteen-nebraska, lucky town, the river dave alvin-romeo's escape murder by death-red of tooth and claw steve earle-guitar town ryan bingham-mescalito mark lanegan-i'll take care of you then social distorition-self titled, somewhere between heaven and hell, nursery ryhmes gaslight anthem-59 sound and american slang black halos-the violent years and alive without control murder city devils-broken bottles, empty hearts the briggs-back to higher ground and come all you madmen face to face-a bunch of different songs from each album the draft-in a million pieces klover-feel lucky punk samiam-clumsy off with their heads-in desolation river city rebels-keepsake of luck then ones thats aibourne-both albums supagroup- all of theirs albums tokyo dragons-give me the fear turbonegro-scandavian leather supersuckers-the sacrilicious sounds of the nashville pussy-all of their albums
  6. ah wow, i had totally forgotten about what it was until now. a hatchet man with some lettering, thankfully i've destroyed enough brain cells that i can't remember exactly what the wording was but i do remember it was something that was purposefully misspelled like sykotik.
  7. we've got a bottle of daves at the shop that is at least 15 years old and barely any of its gone. usually we give people a tiny drop on a tooth pick when they say they like hot stuff. very few take it well
  8. Catalogue of FY 2010 Earmarks – The WashingtonWatch.com Blog you can look up each representative to see what earmarks theyve requested. cant find the current list for 2011 but still interesting to see what gets added on to most bills that pass
  9. Catalogue of FY 2010 Earmarks – The WashingtonWatch.com Blog you can look up each representative to see what earmarks theyve requested. cant find the current list for 2011 but still interesting to see what gets added on to most bills that pass
  10. to me thats the benefit of having those spots tattooed. you dont have to be fit, just being covered in tattoos will keep you looking tough! haha
  11. the thing i like the most about this type of stuff is how much people hate it...it's very dadaist in that sense and is an interesting juxtapostion. it carries the same sense of using tattoos as a rejection of mainstream culture as tattoos in general have become more "poplular". i can for sure appreciate the appeal to those getting them as i also tend to like alot of crude designs in traditional tattooing, the ones that most people think are ugly and not appealing and sometimes people will say that it looks like a little kid drew it. it leaves no grey areas, it reminds me of this friend i had that he was somewhat abrasive and people either loved him or hated him. there really wasnt a casual opinion about him, he evoked a response one way or the other.
  12. JAllen


    flying fortress
  13. don't overthink the symbolism, think of an image as a totem. something that has an energy that speaks to you, could be an animal, a symbol, and element. what imagery speaks a sense of power to you?
  14. classic design and the back story makes getting it really cool
  15. "... like flaming globes, Sigmund!" "like flaming globes!! ahahaha!"
  16. "It's not you, I hate having dinner with people." "Where am I going to find a girl who hates all the same things I do?" it's like he's speaking my life, haha
  17. weird, still does it. im using a macbook pro, double checked my safari preferences and didn't notice anything that i had changed.
  18. i've noticed recently that when i click on an image attachment, it no longer launches the little preview window. instead just a large black box that covers the majority of the first several posts in the thread. never had a problem with it working up until probably a few weeks ago. i'm using safari
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