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Everything posted by JAllen

  1. i think most people do things out of ignorance of their actions, they've either not considered all the information in regards to their actions or they are completely unaware of anything that exists outside of their own narcissistic desires. the offer of her services in trade without making all considerations is more likely that she doesn't have access to the available funds to receive the quality work that ya'll are doing and this is the first time that she has had the availability to offer anything of any value for trade. given that scenario, she probably hadn't even considered the difference in value of the services she is offering. most trades that i've done, i usually get burned on them in one way or another...and usually in a fashion that if i were to apply the same thinking towards how i did their tattoo, they would be more than upset by it.
  2. i do have to admit i'm quite intrigued about laser hair, if i could have hair that was like beams of electromagnetic radiation shooting from my head...i would in fact be a little tempted to trade for such services.
  3. i'd be seriously bummed out if a poor choice i made as a teenager made it to the news and i am currently bummed out that they state in that article "investigators found tattoo guns..."
  4. him having israel on his neck would make me think its probably a kids name or something more related to that than religion or political since his name is obviously not jewish nor do any of his other tattoos sound jewish. he has mostly pseudo religious tattoos, things that are common amongst folks who aren't really religious. but at least the media is finally starting to realize that tattooed people are dangerous. :)
  5. JAllen

    Walking Dead

    a few things that should help clear things up, 1. i've not seen a full episode of this show but i'd like to see more. 2. cable is not tv, haha..if you have to pay for it, it's not just "tv" 2.a. the best show on tv ever would be twin peaks 3. any and all fears of a zombie apocalypse would lead me to believe that no one has visited a local shopping mall or dmv, because it's already started. *disclaimer, any disputes to the above statements and or offenses that may have occurred as a result of reading said statements are meant for the purposes of humor...except for the items listed 1-3. that shit is totally serious! :D
  6. the guy who owned one of the other shops in our town used to approach my customers on a regular basis telling them that he'd finish tattoos i started for cheaper. even after they had told him no on a previous occasion. that wasn't the shadiest stuff he'd pull either, that is...before he closed his shop. i've only done something to another person's tattoo when they've been unhappy with the results. ie, tattoos done with no black that have almost disappeared after a year.
  7. do some research on how to interview for the personality type and skill set you are looking for, if this is a constant problem then it may not be the job so much as how you are screening the people that you end up choosing. don't hire someone quickly because you need the position filled quickly but sort out a way to get by without someone until you can find someone that will really be a good candidate for the position. then put them on a 2 week probation period and do a review at the end of 2 weeks to see if you are both still satisfied with the situation. you could make it 30 days and offer slightly less for them to start and then if all parties are satisfied at the end of 30 days, then give them a raise and do a review after a year, etc. if they are an employee, you have to manage them and treat them as such.
  8. smile and nod, i tend to joke around about everything so i find something to joke about rather than actually answer the question of how their tattoo looks. usually, i just tell them it sucks because they didn't get it from me, so that i can feed my babies (even if it's a nice looking tattoo). if someone really wants to pin me down on my opinion in regards to their tattoo, i ask if they like it? and if so, who cares what anyone else thinks. and if they are unsure about it, then they already know that they aren't happy with it. i did have a waiter while taking our order, take his shoe and sock off and put his foot on our table and ask what i thought of it...i said "awesome, i'm just glad you were able to get it up on the table so i could see it real good before the food got here" i didn't even look at the tattoo but would've said anything to get his sweaty foot off the table
  9. JAllen

    Art thread.

    i'd say he's looked at just as much mucha stuff as well, which is cool. you can see those influences but not so similar to either one.
  10. congrats @hambone, did you ever get jay to come up for a guest spot or is he still hiding out in columbus?
  11. he was probably my favorite on the true love series. especially watching him go through all the stuff in his apartment
  12. JAllen


    at least you didn't freak out like this guy did Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 3: Irate Customer Threatens to Blow Up Best Buy After Game Sold Out
  13. @Matt Lodder, something that comes to my attention especially from the posts in this thread and i think is worth mentioning is...i like your writing but if you shall intend on putting together something for the masses (the actual herds of sheep with interest) you are quite verbose and academic in presentation. remember to take into consideration that the general public, especially in tattooing, are responsive to the visceral/crass/urgency that most tattooing carries in it's history. so even if i can appreciate and enjoy your writing style, don't forget that feeling when a tattoo is finished and you look at it in the mirror and think "fuck yeah!". all of the excellent conversation and philosophical contemplations during the tattoo session are always great but in turn its that feeling of seeing it and the simple honest emotion that is tangible for the masses.
  14. JAllen


    decided to bump this thread to see if anyone is using this more...i still hate facebook so i wont use it but i've been using the google+ more so it'd be cool to see some of the good folks migrate away from facebook to it. haha i'm at [email protected]
  15. btw, looks like they'll be in oakland in early december
  16. paint your room like this then listen to nothing but einstein on the beach or maybe look at lots of islamic architecture
  17. it's a little comforting to know someone still thinks tattoos could be dangerous to society. i think though, denying a business is a separate issue from free speech. i think that the ordinances like no alcohol sales or tattoo services within so many feet of a church is a violation of the separation of church and state. where is the ordinance that states if i don't like religion, i cant have a church within a 1000 feet of my house? isn't arizona plagued with outrageous forclosures? they should have bought a house super cheap, gutted it and set up a nice shop in it.. i imagine the local tax agency, the irs, and health dept might get upset if they didn't get their cut of the money but at least they would still be exercising their freedom of speech. if people got upset, say it's not a business all money received are strictly donations, "we're just exercising our artistic expression" then make an issue of it when they persue a court case against the "illegal business". the irony in their denying a business in the first place then wanting to get money from the same business would generate some publicity at that point.
  18. @dcostello, haha payback for all the killer shows you get to see. :D that's the first show i've been too in probably 3 years. only got to go because my buddy got me a ticket. it makes 6 times (which isn't bad since the first 5 times were from 94-96) for the supersuckers, first time i saw nashville pussy which they were good too. eddie sat in on bass with them.
  19. went and saw nashville pussy and the supersuckers last night if you've never seen the supersuckers, they put on a show. not from last night's show but, still worth seeing a drum solo from scottzilla
  20. JAllen


    another crappy phone pic of a tattoo i did
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