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Everything posted by JAllen

  1. i think an underground network would have lots of advantages. the ability for everyone in the network to be mobile to some degree and could make little circuits to the other private studios when things are typically slow in one area. i think with the power shop or even the network concept the biggest thing is everyones ego and their "right" to have an opinion. it used to be people gathered together because they had a like minded world view and now so many people feel the need to be self righteous that it causes a lack of unity. this isn't the case every time but i've seen peoples egos destroy something good. plus there is such an overwhelming fear and lack of trust amongst people that it is a huge obstacle towards making a cohesive movement towards something sustainable.
  2. is this the gal that wanted the white tattoo? scchhhweeet!
  3. this is what i said in the other thread about this: i thought the question was if it was good publicity for drake, haha. @Kevin Campbell man, honestly i know it's probably eating at your head because of the attention it's getting but sometimes the way shit works out isn't what we may anticipate. i don't think you did any sort of malicious act, she was an adult and in the end she has to be accountable for her decisions. you made a judgement call based on the situation you were in as well as prior experiences in dealing with this type of request (base on what you said in your interview) so don't let it eat at your head to bad. just remember that at least it's spelled right. haha for real though, don't sweat it.
  4. that dude totally lives in his parents basement... and the "woman" that was arrested was 18, not that it excuses her poor decision making but it does give it a bit of perspective. the motto to this news story is what happens in the trailer park stays in the trailer park.
  5. and just to be clear, this is who you were looking for? :)
  6. i thought the question was if it was good publicity for drake, haha. @Kevin Campbell man, honestly i know it's probably eating at your head because of the attention it's getting but sometimes the way shit works out isn't what we may anticipate. i don't think you did any sort of malicious act, she was an adult and in the end she has to be accountable for her decisions. you made a judgement call based on the situation you were in as well as prior experiences in dealing with this type of request (base on what you said in your interview) so don't let it eat at your head to bad. just remember that at least it's spelled right. haha :D
  7. haha awesome, kevin's on the board here. i don't really have an opinion about the tattoo as i do not tend to form opinions about what 2 consenting adults do. i'm a firm believer in the rights of people's person freedoms to express themselves and do as they please. i don't want society or the government or anyone else to be my parent/guardian and make my choices for me, good or bad. i got tattoos because i've rejected society and the rules of conformity so i would feel odd trying to enforce some sort of rule system about getting tattooed. i do like that there are still tattoos that evoke a real gut reaction, it's a shame that it takes a face tattoo to do that.
  8. 1.) Personal high of 2011? i didn't kill anyone 2.) Personal low of 2011? 2011 3.) Best LST Thread? latest tattoo lowdown has been pretty cool 4.) Worst LST Thread? if it was that bad i've already erased it from my memory 5.) Favorite tattoo (on you): i did a small jenson skull and anchor on the inside of my knee for my friend hans that was killed by a drunk driver at the beginning of the year. 6.) Favorite tattoo (on someone else): that horrible slayer tattoo, you know the one...giant, scary, poorly executed, and glorious all at the same time. 7.) Favorite artist? i don't know the guys name but he's an inmate at one of the local state prisons and he makes these incredible and detailed sculptures out of toothpicks, sometimes with moveable parts. thinks like a harley with moving wheels, etc. it's insane! 8.) Best/Worst movie: best: "such hawks, such hounds" or "until the light takes us" worst: anything that was described as "a box office hit" or "wildly entertaining" 9.) Best/Worst album: best: these got played the most: the naked & the famous-passive me,aggressive you --black breath-razor to oblivion ep --mastadon-hunter -- worst: uhhhh....i didn't buy it whatever it was! 10.) Biggest guilty pleasure: smoking way too many american spirits 11.) Best show/concert you did and did not attend: best and only one i did: nashville pussy/supersuckers didn't: eyehategod 12.) Sum up the year in one word: ugh 13.) Best television series since i don't have cable, i hadn't seen "dexter" until this year and watched the first 4 seasons 3 times. i've also watched all the "it's always sunny in philadelphia" series repeatedly all year.
  9. awesome, kevin's on this forum.
  10. well, well, well http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPlX2K1vl-A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yKVjpCDg1U&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXJgyz1rQ_k&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kz_DmvoI2-Q&feature=related mississippi hill country blues i got to see r.l. burnside in 95, amazing show. just him in a rocking chair with a guitar and his grandson drumming.
  11. they should be able to locate a vein by feeling it, unless you're dehydrated or having some other medical issue there shouldn't be a problem finding a vein. the couple of visible veins in the tiny open spot on my left ditch are never where they end up taking blood from.
  12. JAllen

    Tattoo revenge

    as much as i agree with the irony of metaphor in the case, upon second glance and the knowledge of local scratchers work in the dayton area..from a first hand observation. i'm not 100% sure that this isn't an attempt at "a scene from narnia"
  13. JAllen

    Tattoo revenge

    nice tattoo, i hope i dont get to see this in person for a cover up. i think this guy "tattoos" out of his trailer....he has a consent form but said he got her intoxicated before she signed it. the health regs here prohibit tattooing someone while intoxicated, so not sure how his angle will hold up. either way, this is the epitome of what i am currently surrounded by at the moment :D
  14. JAllen


  15. i don't even remember how i came across your site but i remember seeing the brian kelly army and thought it was brilliant. haha
  16. ah, indeed. after checking the dictionary, both are proper uses of the past tense. this is why i double and triple check stuff before i tattoo it (but apparently not before posting on the interwebs) haha.
  17. no worries, dallas won by 1 point with an end of game field goal. i dont have cable so no clue as to whats going on with the thursday night game
  18. greenbay packers beat the lions and the cowboys are currently leading the dolphins by 4 points. edit: dallas lead now by 1
  19. well, since the wife and kid are in GA and i'm here without family my stepsister invited me to come to their house. i arrive and find out that my dad (the only person other than my stepmom that i know) has decided to stay home. it was awkward, but some good food. didn't eat a whole lot and the best thing i had was this cranberry salad. diced cranberries, apples, and orange peel. it was ridiculous good... now finishing the day with: cheers and happy turkey day to ya'll
  20. *spelled, haha sorry i just found it amusing that the post was about something with incorrect spelling so i couldn't resist mentioning it. :D
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