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Posts posted by JAllen

  1. i'm convinced that there could be a show where people compete to smash crap with their feet and people would watch it. this week was exciting as bob jumped in the lead during the dog doo challenge, but wait till you see the shocking twist that's in store for the contestants next week as they take on elephant dung! be prepared for an unexpected ending in which amazing revelations will occur and quick camera cuts will happen as intense music builds, the anticipation...who will win? -time for a commercial....."come down zombietown where we're having a blowout your brains sale" "buy more lame crap to fill up your empty life and messy house" "dont forget to like us on facebook"

  2. watched this week:

    fear x (an early refn film)

    black death - movie about the plague and witchcraft

    hesher-this was weird in a way i didn't expect but pretty good

    the informers-adaptation of the bret easton ellis book. about l.a. in the early 80's, bleak and a lot closer reality to those times than a hughes movie

    once fallen-this was an ok movie. ed harris and peter weller are great and the movie is pretty good but is a typical drug/prison/redemption type of film.

  3. Drive took me a few screenings to really love. The movie is dedicated to my favorite director (Jodorowsky) and the scorpion on the Driver's jacket is in homage to another favorite (Anger) director. Wending Refn's direction is very tense; it took me a bit to really appreciate him as a director. (as well as Valhalla Rising, the film he did before Drive).

    i think his use of minimalism in those two films to be really impressive, especially since bronson was so intense and a bit more chaotic. i dig that he makes "films", his use of texture, color, pacing, and really utilizing music to build scenes. rarely do i finish a movie and instantly want to rewatch it but both of those films did that to me.

    oh, i also recently watched "leaves of grass". a tim blake nelson movie in which ed norton plays twins. it was really good and funny...and had some depth to it. totally suprised i had not heard of it before.

  4. Think its supposed to represent a Celtic Cross similar to what the Crusaders wore/carried when they done their bit for peace in the middle east ...

    Symbols of Hate

    as mentioned before it's a pagan sunwheel/odin's cross. most neo-racist groups have appropriated pagan imagery i assume in rejection to judeo-christian culture. originially the sunwheel represented the sun and the 4 separate sections represent the 4 seasons.

  5. "But at the end of the day, are you really a happier person? Has this tattoo, for instance, caused you to learn something new about yourself? Has it challenged you? Has it led you to self-growth? Nothing comes out of getting a tattoo. You get a tattoo, and that's it. You do something productive, though, and you see results. That's a genuine, satisfying change in life. Not ink."

    an easy statement to make if you've never gotten tattooed. and i seriously want to know what grandmother is wearing the type of clothing to show off her upper back whilst handing out life lessons to her grandchildren. so is she saying, don't get tattooed and stay classy so you can be a trampy granny? all that being said, this barely passes for the types of crappy current event journals that people had to do in college. i imagine that this gal went to some college to get a journalism degree and this is the fruits of all that hard work and student loans? nice. i started getting tattooed to let people like this know, i do not think the way you do, i do not want to know your opinion. it does not matter. i reject your thoughts, your institutions, your style, your class, and all the constructs of this mindless brainwashed society in which you wish to participate. ftw.

  6. one had i didn't plan and tattooed non-stop after and it was rough. the first few days it was swollen pretty big and putting gloves on sucked. the other hand i planned and had at least 3 days off before i had to tattoo again which it healed like a normal tattoo time frame wise. it still swelled like crazy.

  7. do loads of research, proper research not just about what to look for in buying a home but interest rates, property taxes, insurance, how the lender would handle escrow...also is the lender a small company that will be selling your mortagage or are they a stable lender with capital. i really think if you can get a good rate from a local credit union that is the way to go. don't give your money to these corporate banks. if you have no debt you are in a good position but really ask yourself if you want to live in that location for the next 20-30 years.

  8. sorry, what's 1488 mean? symbology, It is our business. Sometimes people just want to be offended for the attention. Ive see people in the south claim to be offended by the state flag of Alabama, as far as I know it has nothing to do with the civil war. Although it may be another battle flag.Some in the south are proud of their ancesteral history ,as anyone could be, sometimes it seems thats all we have . Im proud of my portuges mariners, Im proud of all the foolish people in my heritage. as Americans we often feel, because of the melting pot that it is, without cultural background. So we claw at, glom onto,and try to hold onto any symbalance of culture or heritage we can find. Thicken your skin and love the variety I say. Its easy to hurt the feelings of the ignorant.If you run around trying to offend others, you probably need hobbies.

    i had considered mentioning the rebel flag in this thread just to see what an international view might be. where i grew up in the south, it was always a huge issue and many claimed it to be racist and had the same level of distain for it as a swastika..sometimes even more so. but i noticed after moving to ohio that there isn't the same stigma attached to it here. i noticed on my last visit that there are still several places that fly the original georgia state flag that used to include the battle flag as part of it. i'm not sure why but eventhough i grew up with it being such a controversial symbol i don't attach the same meaning to it as those that would use it as a symbol of hatred nor those who would allow it to be used to intimidate them.

  9. facebook pretty much put the nail in the myspace coffin but i deleted my facebook because it had become this depressing voyueristic experience into other people's narcissism. i do still use myspace for the few tattooers that use it as well as bands that promote themselves on there, since that is what it has basically become. i've got a google+, a personal one and one for tattooing. i like the format once i figured it out, no one seems to use it because they are stuck on facebook.

    i like the idea of an anti-social network, hatebook or hatespace. you send friend requests, you automatically get a rude response and a denial. but you will also receive every annoying post made by everyone on the entire social network. also the only bands allowed to set up accounts would be black metal and maybe some doom metal bands. also there would be auto emails and/or "wall" posts from other people randomly that say "you suck" or "you should delete your account". i'm sure it would be just as entertaining as facebook since it's not really much different than that. people just want to believe that it's not a source of negativity in their lives.

  10. go back a talk to the guy who did it, it's impossible to accurately troubleshoot something like that over the internet. let the person who did it see it and give you their recommendation, then if it doesn't improve from their suggestion seek others opinions. but seeing it and being able to ask certain questions will go a long way.

  11. they're just hoping that they can appeal to a new crowd of groupies, they are probably tired of chics that have been overtanning since the 80's with a wall of big bleached crispy hair poking them in the eyes during a "guitar solo" (ie skank groupie handsies).

    oh, and i'm pretty sure this will do the opposite of mainstreaming tattoos. if anything it will make sure that our kids think that tattoos are not cool.

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