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Everything posted by JAllen

  1. i remember finding this link a couple years ago, wonder if he still uses that email address: Opening a Tattoo Parlor on Guam (hotel, living, prices) - Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, etc. - City-Data Forum
  2. mike brown this is probably already in another thread somewhere but it's worth it to see pics related to this thread.
  3. yeah, totally not trying to imply that was your motive @Kev. more so just an observation of how things on the internet can move quickly (and frequently) in a negative direction and usually towards something that can't or won't change. i think the ink masters thread is what really got me to thinking about things. i mean i remember when there was a huge "movement" to stop the tattoo school show and then a internet high five session occurred amonst all these groups of people because they believed that they had stopped the show...when in reality it still aired on tv. my impression was that everyone bound together to stop something they felt was going to damage the trade/craft/etc. oddly enough, i know many people who were so against it being on tv and yet they still watched it. then when this tattoo competition comes on, which is just a manipulation like any tv show. i don't see how this doesn't do as much damage as the tattoo school show. it's not a reality and as i've noticed in the ink masters thread there's all sorts of negativity that comes from how this show is intentially produced. these tv folks don't give a shit about any of us, but yet it's been allowed to infiltrate and manipulate us just like the rest of the mindless masses. they want us to watch, even if out of guility pleasure. they want us to talk about it because when we do, more people will pay attention and thus more seasons and more money in their pockets. that theard in here has almost as many posts as any of the ones that are really awesome and people show off what they got done and by who and how great the experience was...so i guess all i'm saying is i hope more people will try to focus on/continuing to promoting all the good. because in the end, if someone is doing something to actually wrong or damaging and doesn't really care about doing it. then there is no real stopping that person. but when we all plant the seeds of good then everything that comes from it will be a benefit and maybe/hopefully one day it will start to obscure the negativity and the dependence on mass media brainwashing us into a bummerland.
  4. i don't care what this chic did/does mostly for all the negativity it generates. it's like that all over the intervebs, if this had been a thread about something positive or cool it might've taken 6months-year to generate 4 pages worth of posts instead of only 4 days. it was one of the biggest reasons i deleted my facebook page. all the anger, rage, distain, and righteousness in the world won't stop lame or crappy stuff from happening. but a deliberate intent to promote all that is good will help to direct more people's focus towards all the things that might benefit or enlighten their lives. i've always wondered why it take so much more effort to create a "mob mentality" towards things that are good. when it's something shitty, there is a storm of attention. ftw
  5. plus it's a tv show, it's not really reality but most people can't separate the two. i think its just the carny sideshow of the modern age but the people in control don't care about the people involved. i will continue to avoid watching any of these shows.
  6. i went and looked at his stuff on the intervebs, there's some nice work in there and even cooler if all of that is hand poked.
  7. there have been lots of people lately wanting all kinds of stuff turned into rings, mostly lettering. that or lots of script on the side of their finger, this seems to be the most requested thing lately. also had a few people request that i draw ambigrams using peoples names, it totally wrecked my brain trying to draw that stuff.
  8. that's awesome deb, it's not a surprise at all that crash would support the idea. can't wait to see it get to print
  9. is there anyone making a pizza that will give you a buzz? that'd be cool
  10. trust me, i know what i'm doing
  11. i thought the same thing and thought if that is a mole and it just looks like his eye popped off, that is just awesome.
  12. hey matt, hope ya'll are doing well and staying busy up there.
  13. but if you wore the hammer pants you could wear them to the gym as well and bring back the whole muscle pants look as well. you could be a trend setter.....
  14. you could be the one to resurrect this style, you know the late 80's are going to be the new fashion rage
  15. i'm convinced that there could be a show where people compete to smash crap with their feet and people would watch it. this week was exciting as bob jumped in the lead during the dog doo challenge, but wait till you see the shocking twist that's in store for the contestants next week as they take on elephant dung! be prepared for an unexpected ending in which amazing revelations will occur and quick camera cuts will happen as intense music builds, the anticipation...who will win? -time for a commercial....."come down zombietown where we're having a blowout your brains sale" "buy more lame crap to fill up your empty life and messy house" "dont forget to like us on facebook"
  16. i'm real curious what happens if you eat pizza with this beer.
  17. watched this week: fear x (an early refn film) black death - movie about the plague and witchcraft hesher-this was weird in a way i didn't expect but pretty good the informers-adaptation of the bret easton ellis book. about l.a. in the early 80's, bleak and a lot closer reality to those times than a hughes movie once fallen-this was an ok movie. ed harris and peter weller are great and the movie is pretty good but is a typical drug/prison/redemption type of film.
  18. i'm not a fan of ruining anything i like...so no flavored coffee, tobacco, beer, etc. but i'm not normal
  19. wish i lived closer to the netherlands King Of Kings Tattoo
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