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Everything posted by JAllen

  1. even if i could all the time i'd probably wait at least 10-14 days between them just because i got 3 tattoos in a week a couple years ago and its hard to sleep with so many different spots healing at the same time.
  2. you should be fine to keep taking it. i've tattooed people on presciption blood thinners and had them check with their doctors before i tattooed them to make sure it was ok. i didnt notice much difference in them bleeding while tattooing them.
  3. JAllen

    Art thread.

    Between The Folds - a film by Vanessa Gould if you haven't seen this movie, it's well worth checking out.
  4. JAllen

    Art thread.

    it is! anamorphic perspective chalk art
  5. my pre-marriage years would have a solid platform for this debate
  6. JAllen

    Art thread.

    Julian Beever Edgar Müller - Metanamorph and this is from kurt wenner
  7. yeah, sounds like she wanted to show you her hibiscus
  8. @dcostello, i fear this may be your first warning sign! :) the last one i did on someone, i explained all the drawbacks to getting it done and she stated "i don't give a shit".
  9. JAllen

    Art thread.

    that shit is brilliant, is that a goddamn frankenstein reagan he's hanging out with?
  10. JAllen

    ICP thread

    criminal activity and violence? they aren't taking over city blocks to run drug operations and murdering people in the street. more like taking meth and maybe smacking his ol lady around the trailer park type of violence. so who do you think is sitting at the fbi office with the short straw and gets to go undercover and live in a double wide?
  11. JAllen

    Art thread.

    really like those clocks! Jason D'Aquino
  12. i think if i were to get a ship i'd have ron ( @The Hyena) do it. how many other tattooers are hanging out in ship yards taking pictures of ships? haha, seriously though, he does nice looking tattoos and does some conventions and guest spots on the west coast. my only interactions with him have been via the interwebs, but he has always been a gentleman and an all around cool dude.
  13. you for sure needed the mustache and a look of complete insanity, that movie is nuts! haha
  14. JAllen

    Art thread.

    Jennifer Maestre and pencil tip sculpture done by dalton ghetti Pencil Tip Micro Sculptures By Dalton Ghetti:: Kidrobot's Blog, The KRonikle
  15. JAllen

    Art thread.

    i found this site the other day by accident, cool stuff CoffinQuilts.com - Home of Mary Kenyon's Tattoo quilts! The original Tattoo quilt! oh and dave sparks is from dayton and does some great folk art...i've got a james traficant bed pan that is great . http://sherocksproductions.webs.com/davesparks.htm
  16. @Ursula that was always my favorite track by them. i did like the first jazzamatazz album too and keeping with the jazzinessss http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2sL4CACPQo
  17. JAllen

    Art thread.

    at least there is cool shit in savannah too. that's not a bad drive but for sure you'd want to plan to hit some other places like helen, anna ruby falls in the Chattahoochee National Forest, and dahlonega (sp). then swing back through atlanta and check out the high museum of art for the grainger mckoy exhibit High Museum
  18. JAllen

    Art thread.

    @irezumi where are you at in georgia?
  19. JAllen

    Art thread.

    i saw the chihuly exhibit when it came through dayton back in 99/00, that shit is crazy. in the hills of north georgia, there's a great little place called paradise gardens that was the home of howard finster. its a real treat to check out. The Official Homepage Of* Howard Finster he did real american folk art
  20. JAllen

    Art thread.

    Page O' Freed gotta love a dude that has possums for pets
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