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Everything posted by JAllen

  1. i think this is somewhat of a "slippery slope", if tattooing is to be considered "fine art" and copying should not occur it creates this paradox that makes me wonder how its ok to copy norman rockwell's version of rosie the riveter or some other piece of fine art as a tattoo. other mediums don't get the same time of respect that is expected within tattooing when it comes to reproduction. obviously it's easier to identify when these reproductions occur within the same medium because it will be viewed by the same audience more often than not. even if you create an image for one individual it is always possible that the image will resonate with other people who might see it, they might not attach the same level of attraction to it as say a movie character or a cartoon character that they would want reproduced as a tattoo but there is obviously a resonance that the image carried for them to want it. i guess i think of it like going to see a bar band play covers, at the end of each song i'm not going to yell and say hey that was a (insert band name here) song. i know i'm not seeing the real deal performing. now with all of that said, i think its funny that the guy who did valerie copy put his name and a big copyright on the pic of his tattoo. but that is also the same amusement i find when i see another piece of art from another medium copied and then the tattoo "artist" puts their copyright on it.
  2. people think that the internet is the same as looking at flash in a shop, most people are clueless to the many things in every aspect of life. don't give it too much thought either way. there are things that happen every day that are far worse and more harmful that most of us live in denial of because of these periphera distractions. do good, focus on positive things, progress, and let the rest of the world devolve. i can't prevent rain from falling but i can provide myself with a pleasant refuge from the rain.
  3. @Kevin Campbell i would think it would fall under slander since he is saying you should loose your job and such...and he's doing it on a public platform that a lot of people are hearing his comments and because he's a cheezy rap star, his "fans" might listen to him and therefore affect your business. obviously i'm not a lawyer or a legal expert but it would be worth asking someone who does know. "What Are Defamation, Libel and Slander? Generally speaking, defamation is the issuance of a false statement about another person, which causes that person to suffer harm. Slander involves the making of defamatory statements by a transitory (non-fixed) representation, usually an oral (spoken) representation. Libel involves the making of defamatory statements in a printed or fixed medium, such as a magazine or newspaper. Typically, the elements of a cause of action for defamation include: A false and defamatory statement concerning another; The unprivileged publication of the statement to a third party (that is, somebody other than the person defamed by the statement); If the defamatory matter is of public concern, fault amounting at least to negligence on the part of the publisher; and Damage to the plaintiff. In the context of defamation law, a statement is "published" when it is made to the third party. That term does not mean that the statement has to be in print. Damages are typically to the reputation of the plaintiff, but depending upon the laws of the jurisdiction it may be enough to establish mental anguish. Most jurisdictions also recognize "per se" defamation, where the allegations are presumed to cause damage to the plaintiff. Typically, the following may consititute defamation per se: Attacks on a person's professional character or standing; Allegations that an unmarried person is unchaste; Allegations that a person is infected with a sexually transmitted disease; Allegations that the person has committed a crime of moral turpitude; While actions for defamation have their roots in common law, most jurisdictions have now enacted statutes which modify the common law. They may change the elements of the cause of action, limit when an action may be filed, or modify the defenses to an action for defamation. Some may even require that the defendant be given an opportunity to apologize before the plaintiff can seek non-economic damages."
  4. Aubrey Drake Graham | Facebook if he ever does show up, make sure to call him aubrey instead of drake. actually it'd be even better if you sued him for making threats
  5. i secretly hope that this thread spirals into a competition to see who'll be the first to get tattooed in 2012.
  6. i can't remember the last time a stoned person got upset and tried to fight/kill me, but drunks on the other hand....i quit going to bars to shoot pool because people are stupid when they drink.
  7. a rich canadian paper gangster talking shit about someone who works for a living, fuck drake.
  8. that's exactly what i was thinking, the ultimate irony. makes you wonder if they are really into what he's doing or because someone else has told them it's cool. the great thing about that shirt too is that it's also easy enough to look at it and just see a bunch of repeating crosses. i'm offended that this shirt is trying to subliminally convert me to christianity. yarg...
  9. cooooool stuff as usual shane, many thanks for sharing.
  10. i always think that studies/surveys/polls/etc are usually skewed since the average person usually will avoid participating or answering questions from strangers about just about anything.
  11. JAllen

    Art thread.

    i've watched this documentary probably a dozen times and it still blows me away every time.
  12. miso soup, shrimp tempura rolls with spicy crab, dolsot bibimbap. it was all pretty good, the kimchi radishes weren't bad but the kimchi cabbage made me wonder how it got to be the staple of korean cuisine.
  13. portions of the bible were never meant to be interpreted as literal events/actions. the way those texts were chosen and compiled to become what is now the bible was a political tool more than anything.
  14. say fuck it and quit your suit and tie job? :D
  15. i'm not sure but it may just be that the tattoo is what lead to getting a knife jammed in his face.
  16. the biggest thing is to focus on a goal and create the plan towards the goal and not in reaction to the negative elements that can be observed. as an example, i think really great restaurants are focusing on who they want to appeal to rather than worrying about how many mcdonalds there are on the same block or town. i don't claim to know much about anything but i've removed negative influences from my life. i don't watch the news, i don't search craigslist or ebay for stuff regarding tattooing, i don't watch youtube videos of scratchers (made that mistake somewhat recently from a referring link to one), and i don't engage in conversation with the local folks regarding what shops they hate etc. all i can do is to work towards the things i want to do and be kind and generous when given the opportunity and hope that the work i put in will one day pay off.
  17. that's awesome jason, if at some point our paths cross i'd like to get you to tattoo me. glad the trip has been cool for you.
  18. we've got one at the shop, it's for real way better than trying to talk on a flat rectangle.
  19. he should have at least gotten the bluetooth one way cooler:
  20. people always have strong opinions and lofty ideals when it's something that doesn't directly involve them and more often than not, something that they have no real clue of what they would do until they were actually in that position. i think the only real mistake you made was giving the interview, mainly because you referred to your customer as a crackhead or a shermed out chola. i get how those things might be said and what you were saying but it was kind of a bummer because i think you do have more consideration for your customers than that implied. also it seems to have given people reading the story the impression that she was intoxicated when getting the tattoo. i've read other assumptions about her not having a bunch of tattoos but i've never actually seen that mentioned nor from most of the photos i've seen can you tell if she is or not. either way, i know from my own experience that the soapbox is far higher to climb up to once you are in a situation that puts your opinions to practice.
  21. the japanese weren't at war with the nazi's so that could be part of it. i do notice that the iron cross doesn't hold the same level of taboo with it so the german's didn't ruin all the sacred symbols
  22. totally dig the new convention banner
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