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Everything posted by JAllen

  1. @Anisya, if youre a designer, you should watch this. it's interesting, i found the perspectives of some people to be very relatable to tattoo designs. if you really want to do tattoos as stated in your intro, it would be worth seeing a bigger perspective and power in what already exists and how you can use it rather than the constant attempt to reinvent the wheel. http://youtu.be/KRaGDp2WMig
  2. check with crash at 3rd eye in newnan, ga. he's also the editor of tam and i remember seeing something awhile back about some pinky yun stuff that would be up for sale.
  3. it is believed to be the last hymn that was heard before the ss london left port and was sunk during a storm. it has since become a popular sailor hymn.
  4. just part of the culture of entitlement and narcissism. when doing something for charity, it's not about "you" so suck it up and leave if that's what you are asked to do. i didn't realize "giving up one's saturday" was cause enough to make such a big deal over something. she's quoted as being made to feel like a shoplifter but that's a real stretch because she wasn't arrested for having tattoos, just asked to leave. as far as general acceptance of tattoos, it will come and go. it's a cycle that repeats over time and trust me, there are still really conservative people out there that get freaked out by them. i don't have any problem with that, kinda like it actually. if i volunteer and they ask me to leave i would and then i would just go find another charity or charity event in which to volunteer my time if that's why i was really there. most people do good deeds so that they can feel good about themselves instead of giving as a sacrifice. in general im offended daily by peoples ignorance and narcissism, but i don't feel the need to address or attempt to change all those people. it's a lost cause. instead i enjoy the few moments when someone realizes their error and makes it right on their own, that's far more satisfying.
  5. if you want to stay in the cincy area, check out http://www.flying-tiger-tattoo.com/ mason has already been mentioned that works there but my buddy andy blair works there too. he does nice tradtional style stuff. also as mentioned dana brunson is in the queen city as well. if you are looking for black and grey or portrait work or something else specifically and want to travel outside the city let me know and i can direct you towards other folks as well. i'm north of dayton and know folks up around here as well as in the columbus area. so it's just a matter of what you are looking for style wise. also thanks @Scott R for the mention. greatly appreciated!
  6. @slayer9019, thanks for posting those. good stuff, kinda surprised that he didn't mention any of the swedish black metal bands that had started around the same time as the bands in norway. marduk, abruptum, and dissection. at least those 3 i think are important parts for the history. absu was probably the first american band of that second wave which i think is important because they were doing the same type of thing but without any real "scene" to speak of in the states. i am glad that he mentioned possessed though.
  7. man, those guys didn't live in the 80's/early 90's when it was cool to just have a tattoo. i like looking through old photos at the shop of dudes with unicorns and stuff that people would never think of getting now unless it was some ironic version of it. shit i've got a pretty terrible cresent moon with a face in it on my shoulder. terrible stuff. ahahahaha i do like though when a guy wants a panther or something tough and then they look at the colors i have out and say "what's the pink for?" hahahaha
  8. usually it means put some swirlies (filigree) around something and i'll like it. some but not all of them may include stars as well.
  9. probably one of my current favorite bands (metal), them and black breath. new black breath out next week http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhJ9pAnSTug off their first full length but most of last year i listened to lots of sludge and doom and black metal. it goes really well with having to do yard work. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-gOaOI6axM
  10. yep, sorry about that @Shannon Shirley i was going to point out the specific letters but since it had kinda been mentioned i got lazy. it's noticeable on the font used on sampson spring and beverages.
  11. notice the same letters in this "tattoo font"
  12. black breath-i've got the full length also but this little 5 song ep on repeat is relentlessly good agalloch-they've got elements of folk and black metal with some doom in there. horseback-the invisible mountain a storm of light lair of the minotaur-seriously brutal (you'll have to sign in to google/youtube to see the uncut version but it's worth it) gots a few more that got played frequently over the past year but must finish laundry @dcostello that ghoul track was excellent!
  13. you could get a $200 tattoo on your shoulder and have something that looks good but it may not fit your requirements or expectations regarding size and the need to include a cover up in the tattoo. if $200 is what you've got to spend then maybe focus on getting a different tattoo and save the coverup. that old tattoo ain't goin nowhere so it can be covered later on.
  14. i like seeing prison tattoos. lots of times even when it's not anything great, there's still some cool stuff to be gleaned from them. whenever someone i'm coming in tells me that they got something in prison and show it to me, i'll ask if they have more and to show me. sometimes you get to see some tough looking tattoos and get ideas from them.
  15. i think one of the main things that adds to the mystique of higgs is that he doesn't tattoo any more. not because he can't but because he chooses not to. he worked with some really talented folks and for most of us that do this, it's something that we'd probably find hard to give up if we had the same opportunities. also, it wasn't until after i started tattooing that i really even knew that he tattooed. i always knew him to be the singer in lungfish, it was only through diligent efforts that i was even able to obtain the lungfish albums back then and that was from working in a record store. back before the intervebs, if you didn't have an excellent book store or some type of real active art scene, you didn't get to find out about much that went on in the world. so i dig getting to hear stories about and from people who were there and got to work with him and it's obvious he had an impact on them. plus, in reality he is an important component in tattooing history due to those interactions. so rock on!
  16. if it was anything like going to a doctor, i'd gladly accept $60 to tell you to see my specialist buddy and then also gladly accept another $60 to have you come back and see me to tell me how the visit with my specialist buddy went. or really what would be great is if we could get someone else involved like a large corporate insurance group and you can make regular payments to them of say $250. then come see me, i'll take $15 from you and then i'll send a bill to the insurance group for $100. then you can see my buddy and come back and give me another $15 and then i'll send another bill for $100 out and we'll all feel better about the situation since you only had to pay me $30 to not really do anything other than have a little chat. i'll actually come out ahead on the money side. so it's kinda nothing like going to the doctor. not to be inflammatory, just an observation as far as being treated like cattle, i agree but the whole premise of this show is designed for sheep and the help mold new sheep for the herd.
  17. Instagram “[email protected] if you'd like this pair.” i don't see any reason why these couldn't have been already on their way to YOU? @Perez
  18. i've been making a playlist and just add songs to it whever i get one stuck in my head then play it on mondays when i'm working, here's some recent ones. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTjni_t3MgY&feature=related
  19. this video is pretty awesome, i know that probably doesn't really help but i just watched it 3x in a row.
  20. yeah, that's not totally accurate since it says beer then lists old english and then the next paragraph which says the use of malt liquor which is what old english is...
  21. @irezumi, so thomas works will ya'll down there then right? how long have you been working there?
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