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Posts posted by Benjamin97

  1. Hey guys so I jumped the gun and really wanted to start my half sleeve.  i wanted to add things to make it look more full and Well a year later I want to change some things about it but I can't think of anything that could cover the certain area up. Im happy with the main piece but under the Skelton where the sword, buckle, and bag just doesn't do it for me and want it to be changed asap. If you have any suggestions please let me know i really appreciate it!



  2. On Tuesday, May 03, 2016 at 10:23 AM, Kurgana said:

    I guess this could have gohimto one of the tattoo forums as well, but since it's not really strictly tattoo related, I'm posting it here...

    I'm booked for my next tattoo with a new artist in June. He's been really nice with me during the whole booking/planning phase, and he actually booked my tattoo for his birthday which he had intended to keep free, since he seems to be almost as excited to do the tattoo as I am to get it and the next available appointment was a month or so later. I'd like to get him something small to show my appreciation - nothing too big since I don't want him to feel uncomfortable or obliged to drop the price further since he already lowered the quote from our first contact after hearing what the tattoo was going to be and I'm more than happy to pay what he's asking. Large tips are not really done here either.

    I have no idea of what he likes apart from tattoos, so I was thinking something like a large set of Sharpies (two artists I know at another local studio love them and they are impossible to find locally) or a framed poster/print for the studio (like an old tattoo gun patent or something like that). They do also have a small collection of tattoo-related books at the studio that could be added to but frankly I wouldn't know what to pick....



    I think a generous tip would be good because he will feel like you appreciate gHim and ITs just a cool feeling too

  3. On Sunday, November 22, 2015 at 3:38 PM, AuntTudie said:

    I hate to beat a dead horse, but I have googled my ass off and can not find much information about Blowout. Maybe it is a taboo subject. I mean,what artists are going to admit they have done blowouts? But they are out there and always a possibility and they are mostly permanent. I have learned that certain areas are prone to blowout. The "ditch", foot , wrist to name a few.

    Questions that I can not seem to find the answers to-

    I read a lot that some blowouts can be fixed by adding a little shadow. In that case, it it possible that you will make an even bigger mess if the shadowing" blows out also?

    How long should you give your tattoo to heal and let some of your blood carry the ink away before you try the fix of shadowing? (I really don't want a shadow)

    I thought I was very knowledgeable about tattooing. I am a collector and read a lot about tattoos and technique. I knew about blowout. But I thought you only risked that with crappy artists. Now I read that even the best artists have it happen now and then because of the area. As an artist, do you warn your clients about possible blowout in certain areas?

    Yes, yes, I am whining and want answers because I do have a blowout and it seems to be spreading. It has not been quite a week yet. I had more bruising than normal this time. It is on an arm that I had surgery on 5 years ago. I have permanent damage to the muscles and have some limited movement and my arm is very flabby. Could this be the cause? I am pretty sick to my stomach about it. My artist is wonderful, and I believe very talented. I sent him a pic. He said to send him another photo close to our next appointment. He also reassured me that it is fixable. But it seems to have gotten a little lighter but more spread out now.

    Please move this post if it is in the wrong category. Someone slap me please.

    He or she probably Went to deep but over time It will go away

  4. 12 hours ago, Synesthesia said:

    That  thing is crying out for some background. Maybe some light gray mountains, clouds, trees, or something else to suggest distance and add depth. Other woodsy animals like wolves, bears, deer, etc could work. Maybe down lower on your arm, you could add a lake like the eagle is swooping down to catch a fish.

    Alternately, you could do the patriotic route.

    That would be awesome with a mountian background


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