Hey all!
My name is Kate, and I am 19 years old. I'm getting my first tattoo in a few weeks. I need some advice/help. I like this design, but does anyone else? my family and friends say they like it, but I just want to be extra, EXTRA sure so I can change it if need be!
The quote is from the show Sherlock, on the BBC. It's a mantra of mine that I use to help me calm down when I am going through times of trouble. I used to have very bad depression and suicidal tendencies, but this quote is really what saved me. I want it to be a part of me so that I remember that every time I go through something hard in my life, I just have to remember that it's a part of life, bad stuff is going to happen, you have to face it, not fear it. The full quote is "Pain. Loss. Heartbreak. You always feel it, but you don't have to fear it." But I shortened it for..obvious reasons! It gives me strength and It's been with me for a long time. Also, I'm a huge Sherlock Holmes fan from a young age, so it's a plus!
What do you think?