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  1. Like
    Oiocha reacted to Gingerninja in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    If I win the Christmas lottery, you are on my list @Oiocha!
  2. Like
    Oiocha got a reaction from Boiled Dove in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    someone finance my back piece so i finish before four years is up
  3. Like
    Oiocha got a reaction from Gingerninja in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    someone finance my back piece so i finish before four years is up
  4. Like
    Oiocha got a reaction from scottyg in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    someone finance my back piece so i finish before four years is up
  5. Haha
    Oiocha got a reaction from aant in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    someone finance my back piece so i finish before four years is up
  6. Like
    Oiocha reacted to scottyg in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    For traditional Japanese tattoos (I'm working on a backpiece) it's considered disgraceful not to finish, so as @bongsau said, I say finish what you've started first.
  7. Like
    Oiocha reacted to Gingerninja in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Last one for a while but going out in style. By Grez. <3

  8. Like
    Oiocha got a reaction from Gingerninja in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Saw that on his feed today, super happy it went on an LST member.  SoG is an amazing shop.
  9. Like
    Oiocha got a reaction from piccalilli in Upcoming Tattoos   
    7 days away from Horitomo! I'm so excited, if anyone wants to come see a big wuss getting a big puss on his back come say hey.  I also picked up two October dates days after the Bay Area Convention for a solid 10 hours.  My first 20 hours will be over in no time it looks like.
  10. Like
    Oiocha got a reaction from piccalilli in Upcoming Tattoos   
    Horitomo's newest instagram post is the start of the drawing for my tattoo. I'm so excited, just knowing its approaching faster and faster!
  11. Like
    Oiocha got a reaction from piccalilli in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Saw that on his feed today, super happy it went on an LST member.  SoG is an amazing shop.
  12. Like
    Oiocha reacted to piccalilli in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    We're done! The previous two day session didnt' go as well as the few before it had, I ended up having a pretty bad case of hitting the wall hard enough to lump my noggin. So I was concerned about the final session... but I did much better during those 5 or so hours a few days ago and here we are! Total I think ~35 hours, maybe deduct one or two total for breaks etc. That tengu has the exasperated smarmy expression I would expect it to have having had a teenage Yoshitsune (nee Ushiwakamaru) thwack it with a wooden sword.
    Horifuji's instagram has some clearer pictures from before we applied the film on it (as you can tell it was a bit ticked off and seepy by that point).
    (by Horifuji @ State of Grace, San Jose , CA, USA)
    Feels a bit weird plopping this on teh intertoobz but I am so pleased with my experience* that I wanted give him and the whole shop a shout-out.
    *minus the hurty being- poked-with-needles part.

  13. Like
    Oiocha reacted to Gingerninja in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    And here's what Mike made for me on Saturday. Next level chrysanthemum. I am so thrilled!

  14. Like
    Oiocha reacted to tattooedj in Full Back Piece Experience Thread   
    Rei at Inkrat Tokyo finished up my old school Japanese-American-Japanese backpiece last week.
    It took around eight sessions - roughly one a month - and I couldn't be happier.
    In a weird way, I'm going to miss my montly sessions under the needle. It was prickly at times but it taught me a lot about myself... j

  15. Like
    Oiocha reacted to Gingerninja in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Here's my healed mini-eagle from Grez... His name is Greagle. :) Coverup of a really, really bad tattoo...

  16. Like
    Oiocha reacted to bongsau in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    action shot

  17. Like
    Oiocha reacted to bongsau in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Finished the pit rippers ! The first session lined both, this second session we finished em up. Challenging second sit but a strong finish, where's my bactine sponsorship ?! Made with expertise by Handsome Dick tatts at Champion Tattoo in the Champion City, Alberta, Canada, Earth.

  18. Like
    Oiocha reacted to GlaryMilberg in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Went to Smith Street about two months ago and had the opportunity to grab this NYC rat from Bert. It's above my ankle. Pretty thrilled.

  19. Like
    Oiocha reacted to Boiled Dove in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Tattoo by Cody @ Black Heart Tattoo in SF.
    about 3 hours. That last half hour was misery. 

  20. Like
    Oiocha reacted to Gingerninja in Tipping Question   
    I sit well. I tip well. I don’t bring drama. You know what that gets me? Back in! I’ve had artists come in hours before the shop opens, stay late and fit me into their otherwise insanely booked schedules. I’m basically commissioning a piece of art from them for every tattoo. I am more than happy to tip!
  21. Like
    Oiocha reacted to Hands On in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    finally got the nerve to go onto the chest and decided on Walter McDonald at the Bay Area Convention. flipping thru his books of designs took FOREVER!.. the dude puts out so much work, Adam Shrewsbury called him maniacal.  i fell in love with two different designs that fit the center and chest panel well. The center eye was actually dice in Walt's original design, but i asked him to change it up and he gladly did. he's a great dude with a glowing personality! now i just have to find something to fill that empty space to the right and perhaps the collarbone... although i'm not looking forward to the pain that would bring me. even just the tips of that glow were felt in my teeth. strange sensation, but damn stoked on the result!
  22. Like
    Oiocha reacted to Gingerninja in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Happy Halloween! This is older but it fits the day!
  23. Like
    Oiocha reacted to Gingerninja in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    Super honored to have new peonies from Henning on my right calf. Done at Kings Avenue last Friday. More than a little thrilled!

  24. Like
    Oiocha reacted to Boiled Dove in Upcoming Tattoos   
    I'm in Oakland visiting family and called Black Heart on a whim. Scott was booked but Cody had a cancellation on Saturday.
    Guess who is getting his other ribs done on Saturday......
  25. Like
    Oiocha reacted to Colored Guy in Full Back Piece Experience Thread   
    3 hours in the chair last night. Shading is next. Maybe some coloring if time permits.

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