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Everything posted by DuffMan79

  1. It looks good. Only thing i could suggest is accenting it. adding things around it or adding some more detail to it.
  2. Imo. It would cover the area as in the skin but the actual cellulite would still be there and with different lighting would still be noticeable. It could possoble less noticeable with working shades and shapes. It has worked with scars etc with great and beautiful results Personally who gives a sh!t. Be comfortable and confident in you. Get tattoos for the art and beauty of the pieces. Cheers!
  3. Thanks. I appreciate it.
  4. Just figured it would be in the wrong section and not get the possible attention or reads.
  5. Juat curious but when is a member able to start a new thread in the forum? Want to start a thread on opinions whether my oni mask is able to get reworked or covered up and the possibilities.
  6. Oops. Forgot the pics lol Big fan of traditinal Japanese. Love the look and idea of traditional Americana but would like to take the concept and have a traditinal Canadian piece done. I always find Religious themed pieces to be outstanding and may be my favorite. Looking at finishing the upper arm of my forearm. At a crossroads with my oni mask, got it done roughly 18 years ago. My Kids find it scary lol theres no way to cover it up but maybe make some adjustments to make more family appealing... Maybe a future thread.. Cheers
  7. Looking to get peoples opinions on the possibility of covering up or reworking the below pictured oni mask. Going to vegas in july for a week and was thinking of spending the extra few days getting some work done. Possibly at revolt tattoo if available. Preferences would be religious art or traditional Canadiana(like Americana art but Canadian instead) Thoughts? -Original post- Just signed up and enjoying all the info available. I have my forearm complete all by one fantastic artist named blue out of petawawa ontario. My upper arm started dome by 2cents tatto in ottawa oOntario. Cheers
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