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Posts posted by Faust

  1. I also have a very thick scab on my elbow, this is not red just very thick. My hole elbow has scabbed off except for this one thick scab.

    Thanks for all you replies, I will report back when healed.

    Like I said I only fear it creating new scar tissue fading is fine.


  2. Yes I went back and he said everything is fine and I believe him, theres a reason I've chosen to be tattooed by him, he does very clean very good looking custome tattoos. 

    Honestly I'm not worried if certain lines heal faded he would darken them up. My concern is the formation of fresh scar tissue.

    Just wanted too see if others have had these type of scarring.

  3. Hi I have a fresh tattoo thats about 8 days old, most of it has healed nicely, my elbow is also almost done healing. But there is one part of the tattoo, the part where my arm bends, it is scabbing pretty bad. One of the lines completely fell off and took the ink with it, I'll attach a photo. Just interested in what your thoughts on this one are, thanks.



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