I wanna make it out to smith st, one thing you don't have to worry about when going to that shop is getting a bad tattoo. Solid dudes doing solid work.
Two quick clarifications hahah, I had went by InkHouse due to hearing they were closing, not exactly sure the reasoning nor is it my business (just incase I'm asked) and everything was taken off the walls and stuff kinda weird just because they had been in the area so long.
The other is to huero, don't take the "quoting" of your post that I'm being ignorant I just thought it was a general thread about the style. I know that these forums can get heated over the smallest things hahah
Got and gave some good ol fashion stick and pokes when some friends and I were younger, the only up side was we had our hands on some talons. Hey some of them look like if hooper went to prison hahah just less accurate.
Pinch the spot real good, if it hurts the tattoo will probably hurt. Hahah as for me the only thing that sucked bad was my ribs, my second tattoo that I got and done by a inexperienced person.. Let's just say the bones probably got some dots on em now hahhah.. My shins didn't bother me, nor did my chest untill each spot was on the last few passes. Second to my ribs had to be that bump under your knee.. Color packed in right there was no fun.
My name is Dusty, Livin in Orange County CA. Joined the forum because I think it's Awesome that scott's trying to give back some history through the interviews, and hopefully help turn the industry back to the tattoo community and away from the media and suppliers who have nothing to do with the industry. Also he's a awesome artist himself.