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Everything posted by RTHoe

  1. RTHoe


  2. RTHoe


    Update, got it a week ago today. Very pleased with it and am stoked with Austin's minor changes. Couldn't be happier. Before he wrapped it Took this this morning
  3. RTHoe


    double post
  4. RTHoe


    Oh for sure. The reason for the "rush" is because my sister is flying out to surprise my mom for Mother's Day and she has quite a few tattoos and we always said I would get my first tattoo with her. I've been planning to get this for many years now and am finally doing it, so I'm glad it worked out to get the artist I wanted, when I wanted. Even if I couldn't get Austin, I wasn't worried about going to anyone else at that shop based on their work and it is a pretty simple tattoo. But it all worked out in the end so pretty stoked.
  5. RTHoe


    I was recommended Holly or Austin. Both were booked two+ months out so I was going to choose someone else when Austin had an opening in a few weeks! Booked my appointment with him, pretty stoked. Thanks and I can definitely see myself getting a very traditional eagle/flag mix in the future, always loved those.
  6. RTHoe


    This will be my first tattoo and I'm looking at getting a very traditional WW2 tattoo. My grandpa was an infantryman in the Army through WW2 and Korea, my uncle was an Army infantryman in Vietnam and I was an Army infantryman in Afghanistan. Found this US Army infantry tattoo that dudes would get before heading for Europe/The Pacific from a flash tattoo history book and planning on incorporating our three units into it. I'll have them match the font of the unit numbers to the rest, that's the closest I could get just messing around with it. I want it to be pretty original to the design, but I'm totally open to any tweaks or adjustments they'll make to it. For colors, I was originally thinking of having the rifles brown, and the shield and stars a red/"white"/blue combo like the flag. After talking with my buddy that is heavily tattooed, he suggested I do the rifles and shield black, stripes red, and the stars yellow. He has a tattoo with those colors that is similar to what I want and I dig it a lot. So I'm planning to go with that color scheme. What do you guys think? Buddy's tattoo
  7. Do you think it helped? Looking at getting one there soon and was curious about lifting after.
  8. I was an RTO (Radio Telephone Operator) for about a year while I was in the Army. We are basically the lieutenant's bitch and so everyone began calling me by my name. (yes I know it's the wrong spelling but when I originally used this name on another forum for some reason rtho was taken so since I've just stuck with this spelling on any forum I join)
  9. RTHoe


    What's up everyone, looking at heading to Idle Hand in San Francisco soon, anyone have experience with them?
  10. My best friend has this awesome chest piece, could help inspire yours.
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