This will be my first tattoo and I'm looking at getting a very traditional WW2 tattoo.
My grandpa was an infantryman in the Army through WW2 and Korea, my uncle was an Army infantryman in Vietnam and I was an Army infantryman in Afghanistan.
Found this US Army infantry tattoo that dudes would get before heading for Europe/The Pacific from a flash tattoo history book and planning on incorporating our three units into it.
I'll have them match the font of the unit numbers to the rest, that's the closest I could get just messing around with it.
I want it to be pretty original to the design, but I'm totally open to any tweaks or adjustments they'll make to it.
For colors, I was originally thinking of having the rifles brown, and the shield and stars a red/"white"/blue combo like the flag. After talking with my buddy that is heavily tattooed, he suggested I do the rifles and shield black, stripes red, and the stars yellow. He has a tattoo with those colors that is similar to what I want and I dig it a lot. So I'm planning to go with that color scheme. What do you guys think?
Buddy's tattoo