Couldn't find a thread that quite fit this topic so thought I would throw it up here for discussion...
My last couple of experiences have been with walk-in-loving street shops that employ several great artists. At each shop, I've gone in with the hope of being tattooed by a particular artist, but I've ended up being tattooed by someone different than I had originally gone into the shop to see. In both instances, I went to the shop and looked through the flash while trying to get a "feel" for the shop and looking at portfolios and seeing who I think might be most adept at doing the sort of tattoo I want. While there, I witnessed these two artists (both at different shops, mind you) acting like complete jackasses and generally giving me a really uncool vibe. I ended up going with a different artist, in each case a highly competent and great tattooer but one whose portfolio and style I liked ever so slightly less just because I didn't want to get a (maybe) slightly better tattoo but have a bad experience that I will remember that tattoo by.
Thus, do you think personality of a tattooer matters? If someone has a reputation as an impeccable artist but a total asshole (not just "gruff" or whatever, like that story about Scott going to Bob Roberts' shop and being bounced right the fuck out, but just an overall douche) would you want work done by them? If you're straight edge would you get tattooed by a great artist who also happens to be a drunk or drug user (not sure how often these categories overlap, but, hey!)? Does the final product outweigh the experience of getting the tattoo put on? Any other factors you consider outside of the finished product when choosing a tattooer?