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  1. Like
    oboogie got a reaction from TattooedMumma in Tattoo Pet Peeves   
    I noticed this weekend at the convention that people with tiny tattoos on their wrist or a small black tattoo outline on their ankle consider themselves tattoo experts. I know they are excited, and they feel part of a club, but dude. You are not an expert because you have an infinity symbol on your wrist or your kid's name written on your ankle. They know EVERYTHING because they have a five-minute $50 tattoo of their sorority name on their wrist or inside of their fingers.  It was hilarious and also very weird. I like that they refer to people without tiny tattoos on their wrists as plainskins. Um, no. Just no.
    Also, as an aside, I hate the term "plainskins." I don't judge anyone for not having tattoos. They aren't plainskins. They are just people who don't have tattoos.
  2. Like
    oboogie reacted to suburbanxcore in The Tattoo News   
    Important news via Instagram: Richard Stell cut off his beard braid.
  3. Like
    oboogie reacted to MadeIndelible in The Tattoo News   
    I feel like this is thread worthy.
  4. Like
    oboogie reacted to Gingerninja in Plainskins say the darndest things...   
    At the gym getting ready after my workout. I'm putting on my makeup in my jeans and bra. This lady rolls in with her 6 year old daughter. This little girl looks at my tattoos and says directly to me "Mommy says tattoos are stupid and so are the people who get them."
    I gently kneel in front of her and say "Your Mommy is closed minded and judgmental. You should always try to be kind to people and not jump to conclusions about people you don't know." Lady is horrified. Grabs child and leaves. Kid loved it..she smiled and waved goodbye to me.
  5. Like
    oboogie reacted to sighthound in "Tattoo Collector" ?????   
    ^ I feel the same way. I don't know where the term came from but it doesn't bother me - it's just another label. The more I go to new shops, meet new artists/people, the more exciting it is to repeat that process.  
    I'm a relatively skinny guy, so my real estate is used up pretty fast even when I get a medium-ish size piece. 
  6. Like
    oboogie got a reaction from Devious6 in "Tattoo Collector" ?????   
    Oops. Introduced myself as a tattoo collector in my initiation thread. Ah, well. The phrase doesn't bother me.
  7. Like
    oboogie reacted to Steve in Congratulations to all involved   
    Thanks for asking. Its just the number of likes your posts have received - I've renamed it as such.
  8. Like
    oboogie reacted to Devious6 in 2nd Annual Oklahoma Tattoo Convention is April 29, 30, and May 1 in Tulsa.   
    I haven't been to Tulsa since the 80s when I was assigned to Fort Sill in Lawton. My birthday is tomorrow - would love to be there to get some birthday ink! Although my first one from a month ago was my birthday present from Lynn. 
  9. Like
    oboogie reacted to Devious6 in My Story & Nervous/Excited about First Big Piece!   
    The hair is definitely a part of the itch - at least it was/is for me, too. I know that the peeling skin but it is aggravated by the hair growth. Two days after my touch up work and shading and the hairs bother me much more than the inked areas. 
    Oboogie is right, though. Slap it!
  10. Like
    oboogie got a reaction from Neil in My Story & Nervous/Excited about First Big Piece!   
    No, I don't have hair all over me, and they always itch. Slap it. It helps. :-)
  11. Like
    oboogie reacted to pidjones in Upcoming Tattoos   
    7th of next month I take the wife to an antique tractor and engine show plus strawberry festival (same place), then I go to Vivid Tattoo and Sarah will do the final touch-up on all that she has done on my left arm. Then I'm finished. Really. No, I mean it, no more ink! Nada. Don't you believe me?

  12. Like
    oboogie reacted to polliwog in Congratulations to all involved   
    I love the new site, particularly the "mobile" version.  What, exactly, is "community reputation" though?  It seems hilariously unrelated to anything yet...but I'm glad we're all "excellent!"
  13. Like
    oboogie reacted to polliwog in Overcharged for time - advice   
    If it's a one shot tattoo, I figure the cost is the cost--might be loosely related to an hourly rate, but it might not.  I think of hourly rates as being applicable more to multi-session tattoos. 
    If you love the tattoo but didn't love the experience, you still came out ahead. 
  14. Like
    oboogie reacted to marley mission in Partial Touch Up Question   
    who knows brutha - dont be such a slacker next time :)
  15. Like
    oboogie reacted to Steve in Congratulations to all involved   
    Ok, thanks. Added to the list of things ti check out. Appreciate the feedback.
    Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
  16. Like
    oboogie reacted to Devious6 in Congratulations to all involved   
    By the way, I have enjoyed my short time here so much and received such good info/advice that I made a donation to support the Forum the other day. Happy to be a part of the community!
  17. Like
    oboogie reacted to Devious6 in Congratulations to all involved   
    I've had the same issue with "likes." Only get 10 a day.
  18. Like
    oboogie got a reaction from Devious6 in Congratulations to all involved   
    Double posts are a thing. I know I only hit Submit Reply once (on another thread), and it posted it twice, once with the attached photo and once without.
    Also, I occasionally get a weird message saying you can only like ten items a day?
  19. Like
    oboogie reacted to Graeme in Overcharged for time - advice   
    There you go, fixed your post for you.
    Got pictures of the new tattoo?  We'd love to see them.
  20. Like
    oboogie got a reaction from Steve in Congratulations to all involved   
    I don't quite know how to find my gallery anymore, but I'm sure I'll figure it out. It looks really fantastic!
  21. Like
    oboogie reacted to AverageJer in Visiting tattoo artist works out of friend's apartment....   
    Personally, I would be very weary of this but I guess I can see why some artists might like this kind of set up. I think cancelling was the right thing. Getting tattoos is a fun experience so setting yourself up in advance to be uncomfortable with the process is cheating yourself out of a potentially great experience. There are plenty of talented tattoo artists around so there is no reason to risk a bad experience in my opinion. 
  22. Like
    oboogie got a reaction from sighthound in Upcoming Tattoos   
    I posted this elsewhere, but I'll post again here ... getting tattooed by Richard Stell at the oklahomatattooshow in a couple of weeks time. Finishing off my right half-sleeve with Joshua Henderson at Brainstorm Tattoo in Fayetteville, Arkansas, in May. Those are my two scheduled tattoos at the moment.
  23. Like
    oboogie got a reaction from Devious6 in Visiting tattoo artist works out of friend's apartment....   
    What @DJDeepFried said. She absolutely made the right decision. If he's so amazing and so internationally recognized, he'd have friends in the area and a studio to tattoo in. He doesn't. It's shady. End of as far as I'm concerned.
  24. Like
    oboogie got a reaction from Devious6 in Congratulations to all involved   
    I don't quite know how to find my gallery anymore, but I'm sure I'll figure it out. It looks really fantastic!
  25. Like
    oboogie reacted to SStu in Congratulations to all involved   
    Looks real nice.
    Can you tell me how to locate and/or our personal picture galleries?
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