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    oboogie reacted to jen7 in best artist in the country for my idea   
    Sorry, the black and grey realism guy I use is apparently a prima donna so....
  2. Like
    oboogie reacted to exume in Latest tattoo lowdown.....   
    https://www.instagram.com/p/BFWh_a2FGP6/. Went down to Denver yesterday to say hey to Chad... Of course I'm going to get tattooed.
    Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
  3. Like
    oboogie reacted to Cork in Product Review: Ink Armor by Tat2x - Workplace/Sports Coverups!   
    Good review, but all I really got out of it is I want a schnauzer now.
    But seriously, good job in keeping your arm covered and protecting that investment!
  4. Like
    oboogie reacted to bongsau in Product Review: Ink Armor by Tat2x - Workplace/Sports Coverups!   
    I think the photos in @otisc's review also illustrates another important thing...importance of protecting your tattoos from sun exposure, especially while it's still peelin' and healin'. that sun hits hard and fast !
  5. Like
    oboogie reacted to Hogrider in Plainskins say the darndest things...   
    Only until you get to 50, then 70 is old.
    Old is the new young!
  6. Like
    oboogie reacted to Devious6 in Plainskins say the darndest things...   
    Sorry you are going through all this with your Dad. Unfortunately, many people let their own prejudices, likes and dislikes get in the way of meaningful discussions and relationships.
    What I love about what you write is that you are obviously happy and confident with who you are. Lots of people never get to that point. Never lose that. People who are true friends and who love you won't impose their own beliefs on you - they may not agree with you but they accept that you have the same right to your beliefs as they.
    As a (as of today) 61 year old, and president of a small college, I get lots of my staff, faculty and students wanting to know if my tattoo is real or not. They want to see it to be convinced. The reaction has been overwhelmingly positive. I was at an event last evening out in the community and I had several people asking, again, if I really did it or if it was fake. Too funny. My wife just rolls her eyes and smiles.
  7. Like
    oboogie reacted to Loriloveslife in Cover up Help   
    I live in Northern Michigan! 
    I am 40 and ready for the next chapter!! Lol
  8. Like
    oboogie got a reaction from Loriloveslife in Cover up Help   
    I don't blame you for wanting to cover it up. ;-)
    I covered up a very small flower (ugly and badly tattooed) on my foot in roughly the same place. Had to go dark to cover it up, but I love it. You can still see the old tattoo, but I don't mind. I'm happy with it.

  9. Like
    oboogie reacted to Devious6 in DIY Stick and Poke? Sterilization?   
    About two days before I was scheduled to go in to get my first tattoo, I was listening to National Public Radio. They have a segment called Health In A Heartbeat. That day's subject was the high incidence of medical issues associated with DIY stick and poke tattoos - infection, Hep C, HIV, allergic reactions..... The final recommendation was to always go to a professional tattooist that operates a clean shop with sterile equipment. When the most liberal broadcasting venue in the country recommends against something that is the epitome of personal choice, I listen.
  10. Like
    oboogie reacted to Graeme in DIY Stick and Poke? Sterilization?   
    You're not punk rock unless you have Hep C.
  11. Like
    oboogie got a reaction from TattooedMumma in Tattoo Pet Peeves   
    I noticed this weekend at the convention that people with tiny tattoos on their wrist or a small black tattoo outline on their ankle consider themselves tattoo experts. I know they are excited, and they feel part of a club, but dude. You are not an expert because you have an infinity symbol on your wrist or your kid's name written on your ankle. They know EVERYTHING because they have a five-minute $50 tattoo of their sorority name on their wrist or inside of their fingers.  It was hilarious and also very weird. I like that they refer to people without tiny tattoos on their wrists as plainskins. Um, no. Just no.
    Also, as an aside, I hate the term "plainskins." I don't judge anyone for not having tattoos. They aren't plainskins. They are just people who don't have tattoos.
  12. Like
    oboogie got a reaction from TrixieFaux in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    I lost my black lab to a stroke a couple of months ago. I finally felt up to adopting a new rescue. Meet Brontë. She's a St. Bernard/possible Blue Tuck Coon Hound mix. She's going to be a big girl!

  13. Like
    oboogie reacted to Gingerninja in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    She's adorable!!! Puppeh's!!! @oboogie
  14. Like
    oboogie got a reaction from Synesthesia in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    I lost my black lab to a stroke a couple of months ago. I finally felt up to adopting a new rescue. Meet Brontë. She's a St. Bernard/possible Blue Tuck Coon Hound mix. She's going to be a big girl!

  15. Like
    oboogie got a reaction from Faust in Heavy Reddish Looking Scab (Adivce)   
    Yeah. Doctor time, @Faust. GOOOOOOO.
    Pretty sure you've never seen gangrene if you think that's what it looks like. ;-)
  16. Like
    oboogie reacted to Devious6 in Ear Area Tattoos   
    When I commanded an Army Artillery Battery back in 1983/84 it was a missile unit and we had some female soldiers, NCOs and officers. One day during an inspection I began to chew out a young female soldier because she was wearing blue star earrings - not allowed in uniform. After I got done, she reached up and tugged on her ear lobes. Yup. Tattoos.
    Although my experience in tattoos is limited, I've had a lot of experience working with people who are facing tragedies and the emotions that go with it. Making a decision to get a tattoo like this - given the timing and emotion - is not something I'd recommend, either. Wait. Heal. Consider. Maybe you'll come to the same decision later...and maybe not.
  17. Like
    oboogie got a reaction from Devious6 in Ear Area Tattoos   
    It isn't her first. She has one other one. But yes, I agree she should wait.
    I can't figure out why mine didn't hurt. But yeah. It didn't. I just felt my skull vibrating.
  18. Like
    oboogie reacted to marley mission in Ear Area Tattoos   
    i think my mentality on ear tattoos is you should 'earn' your way onto your face - like - you should be pretty covered if youre at your face / head
    anyway - that just an opinion - if a person wants to start on the head / hands / whatever then go for it - dont listen to me
  19. Like
    oboogie reacted to byzantine in Ear Area Tattoos   
    My first tattoo was behind my ear...of...(drum roll) a sailor jerry anchor! it looks like absolute crap now but I still have affection for it. For a first tattoo though, it killed. Thought my head was going to explode. 
    Honestly @JBluewind I wouldn't advise getting your first on your head. It ages badly, hurts like hell and can't be hidden too easily. I would urge you to reconsider placement and even getting the tattoo as it's not a decision you want to make when you're in an emotional place - wait until you level out, lurk here more, then reconsider. Take care. 
  20. Like
    oboogie reacted to bongsau in Upcoming Tattoos   
    I don't believe you ! haha
  21. Like
    oboogie got a reaction from bongsau in Upcoming Tattoos   
    Richard Stell, this Friday at the Oklahoma Tattoo Convention.
  22. Like
    oboogie reacted to Devious6 in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    What a beauty!!! Congratulations on your new fur baby!!
  23. Like
    oboogie got a reaction from Dan in Post awesome things you have been doing recently   
    I lost my black lab to a stroke a couple of months ago. I finally felt up to adopting a new rescue. Meet Brontë. She's a St. Bernard/possible Blue Tuck Coon Hound mix. She's going to be a big girl!

  24. Like
    oboogie got a reaction from bongsau in Ear Area Tattoos   
    You are not required to believe me. Hahaha!
  25. Like
    oboogie reacted to bongsau in Ear Area Tattoos   
    I still don't believe you ! haha
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