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Everything posted by oboogie

  1. It is too soon to be worrying about coverups. Just leave your life. You say you know how tattoos work, but you are talking about adding on this and that and trying to make it look better. It is going to look worse, not better. Just please stop asking the same thing over and over. We will tell you the same thing. Let it heal, save up a shit-ton of money, and find someone who is actually talented at coverups.
  2. Just leave it for now. Give it time to heal.
  3. I like your ampersand. It is upside down, but most people won’t notice. Don’t worry about it and get more tattoos. 🙂
  4. I use Hustle Butter during healing. But I don't use it every day. I didn't pay that much for it, though. 🙂
  5. It is absolutely not expected. I have only had that happen once, and that was due to an allergy to a particular color or something. I had to get an antibiotic shot, and most of the color fell out. What is happening to yours isn't normal, and I'm not convinced it isn't infected.
  6. For the love of all that is holy, always look CLOSELY at stencils. Also, please listen to @Hogrider. You have got to CALM DOWN. Let the damn thing HEAL. PLEASE. It's going to look like hot ass if you start messing with it already. Jesus H. Please, please, please just chill out.
  7. Yes. My legs are covered in a lot of American traditional, and I just keep adding in the little spaces. You still have a lot of room to add.
  8. oboogie


    Please don’t get any more tattoos. They will never be perfect, and you will drive yourself nuts. You are anticipating a scar that doesn’t exist. That’s not good.
  9. Your arm is going to move, and thus, your tattoos will distort. Just enjoy it. They look good.
  10. oboogie


    Let it heal and set for a while. And quit staring at it. Please. For your own sanity.
  11. Got this yesterday from my guy Josh Henderson—a start on my left sleeve. I’m covered shoulder to elbow, and now we’re conquering the forearm. Really thrilled with how it turned out. Very swollen and sore today, as expected.
  12. We aren’t doctors. You’ll need to ask a doctor.
  13. Mine almost always leaks after two days. I guess I'm just lucky like that. Anyway, It may have been where the adhesive was? I got blisters on my leg after I pulled off the Saniderm. It healed after a few days. Might be that? I don't know.
  14. oboogie


    Pretty sure he's got nothing better to do. Still waiting to see photos of all these tattoos he says he has ... Meanwhile, Dan, just mute him. It works beautifully. 🙂
  15. Dan, I think you stated your case beautifully. 🙂
  16. Wash it occasionally (a couple of times a day) with a gentle soap. And seriously, don't put so much stuff on it. I'd suggest putting nothing on it, but certainly use a lot less.
  17. No one is crapping on you. You really are a sensitive soul. Bless.
  18. Well, well, well. Someone got his panties in a wad. My (mostly color) tattoos are between new and 7 years old. I am constantly asked if some of oldest ones are brand new because they look so bright and fresh. I keep out of the sun, and I moisturize. In summary: Don't go to a shitty tattoo artist and get shitty tattoos. Get quality tattoos and take care of them, and they will look great for as long as you look after them.
  19. If you're worried about it, don't get a sleeve. Because who gives a shit?
  20. Just get tattoos. Don't worry about it.
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