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Everything posted by oboogie

  1. i was thinking more about the tattoos. But if they get to 16 and want a nose or cartilage piercing, that would probably be OK as long as they had good grades and shit.
  2. My friend Kym in Glasgow is brilliant at watercolors, and they last. But not everyone can do it well. Clearly.
  3. Most watercolor-type art doesn't generally last. There is no black outline, and the way the color is applied isn't built for the long term. A touchup would probably end up the same.
  4. I don't have kids, but if I did, I absolutely would not.
  5. Hey. Glad you're back. Look forward to seeing your Koeplinger work!
  6. I think I’d wait a little while. When mine was infected, we had to wait quite a while before going back in. The skin was really tender for a few weeks. Let us know what your doctor thinks!
  7. Good. I’m glad you are going. It may be overly cautious, but you sound really worried. Just see what the doctor says.
  8. They wouldn’t be worth putting up for sale. You aren’t a tattoo artist. No one knows who you are. They aren’t going to pay for your flash. That’s all, really.
  9. Has someone made you feel bad about your tattoo? They don’t have to like it. It’s a perfectly nice tattoo. My parents hate my tattoos, but they know they can’t tell me what to do. They just live with them, and we get along fine.
  10. I feel bad for you, but this kind of obsessing isn’t normal. And you have a perfectly nice tattoo. There really is no need to be upset. That’s why I’m concerned.
  11. I have tons of tattoos. I’ve only had one that scabbed like this, and that was due to contaminated ink. If it is oozing that badly, please go see a doctor. I really don’t think putting ointment of any kind on it is helping.
  12. Looks like it’s near the bend in your arm. Mine took a long time to heal in that area. Just keep it clean, and it will get better. Promise.
  13. Well, I have dry skin, too, and I don’t put stuff all over my healing tattoos. I just keep them clean and let them heal. They will get dry, but I really wouldn’t put anything on it for a few days. It shouldn’t burn when you leave it alone, especially after all this time.
  14. You might need to talk to a counselor or something. This is not normal behavior. See your doctor. We just like tattoos. We can’t help you with mental health issues if you are still obsessing over it.
  15. Just keep it clean and let it heal. You’re probably futzing with it too much. Don’t put anything on it other than washing it a couple of times a day. If color falls out, you can always get it touched up.
  16. Got a little Robert Ryan 2012 flash today when Josh had a cancellation. I need to take a photo when I unwrap. Forgot to take one before he wrapped it up. Elbow on my left arm is next (later in August unless he has another cancellation before then), and we're adding some filler. Then my arms will be complete!
  17. Search the group. She posted it here. 🙂 Quit worrying. It's a nice rose. Maybe don't get any more tattoos for a while. 😉
  18. There's nothing wrong with it. Don't worry. Just enjoy it.
  19. It's healing. It won't fully heal for 4 to 6 weeks. Just let it heal and don't smother it with anything.
  20. I use nothing. But if you're new, use the Aquaphor per your artist.
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