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Everything posted by oboogie

  1. Me, too. Dial Gold liquid soap. Every tattoo artist I've used has told me to use it. So I do.
  2. oboogie

    Weird tattoo

    It's a new tattoo. Let it heal.
  3. I use Dial Gold. I wouldn't use Dove Body Wash.
  4. I have a John R. Cash tattoo, too. I had the pleasure to meet him. Just let it heal.
  5. Just get tattoos you want. Seriously. You are overthinking this.
  6. I can't even really see what you are talking about. I'm sure it is fine. Just let it heal!
  7. If he gets a snotty nose, uses a tissue, and then he doesn't change gloves, that is a sanitation issue. Poking open a lid with a needle is not a sanitation issue.
  8. Alllllll of it. Just stop worrying about it.You really are overthinking all of this.
  9. I think you're being a little bit neurotic. If it bothers you that much, just don't get any more tattoos from him.
  10. A tattoo artist can help you. Go to talk to a good one.
  11. This.^^^ You have to find what represents those things to you.
  12. I wouldn't wrap it when sleeping, either, especially since it isn't weeping anymore. It is looking better for sure.
  13. Just leave it. It might end up looking fuzzy soon, though. You may end up covering it up with something much bigger later when it is unreadable.
  14. Yeah, I think so. It may look fine after it heals. If not, you might be able to find someone else to touch it up if you tell them what happened.
  15. I have some. I'll try to take photos.
  16. oboogie

    Initiation Post

    Because you are obsessing about it. That's not healthy.
  17. You are basing this on what? No, I can't say I have. I am covered in tattoos, and I had one get infected, but other than that, I've head pretty easy healing.
  18. oboogie

    Initiation Post

    This. Also, don't get any more tattoos. Just forget about it and get on with your life. You'll be fine.
  19. You're just going to have to wait it out and finish your antibiotics. Sorry that happened to you.
  20. It's not going to look any better if you futz with it. Just cover it up with something better.
  21. I'd just leave it and let it heal.
  22. She's probably just busy. Email her again. Or stop by the shop and chat with her about it.
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